Why bare foot is better!

in #health6 years ago

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There was a long hype in the western world were people massively decided to walk bare foot because it's better. This is only partly true let's see how this claim holds out.

The (pseudo) science behind it

There many claims on many website but the most tend to claim that it's unnatural to wear shoes. This definitely is a good point but unnatural doesn't directly mean unhealthy. The second big claim is that because shoes support the human foot we weaken the foot muscles. This is also not completely true. Shoes add weight and the sole of the shoe requires added force to be flexed. All in all is there little science to prove that bare foot is better/worse. So let's turn it around and search for what we know is true.


  • Shoes increase odour, fungus and other related problems.
  • Shoes dampen the shock of walking on hard surfaces
  • Shoes can increase & worsen injuries
  • Barefoot makes you walk lighter and with better balance
  • Barefoot increases punctures wounds, infections and bruising.
  • Barefoot relaxes people
  • Barefoot is improves circulation in warmer climates
  • Top marathon athletes have won barefoot

What should I do?

The truth after long research is in the middle. It first of all highly depends on the person. IF you got no problems than don't change! The second big truth is that it depends on the situation.
Most walkers need shock absorption on paved terrain, but this absorption can also create problems too. The best options are to wear mountain shoes and Sneakers only in extreme situations like running/mountains/work. Most people tend to be better of on shoes with no support, no shock absorption and a breathable light shoe. This makes them walk lighter and develop their feet.

Before you make the switch be aware that all changes need to be done very slow. People that suddenly wear flip-flops whole summer end up with a injury. This is not because flip-flops are bad but because people have weak feet and walk incorrectly. I had allot of foot problems mainly blisters. This is purely because shoes don't breath and give allot of friction. Flip-flops are a life saver in summer!

Final conclusions

  • First of all walk correct and don't be overweight!
  • Make changes slowly!
  • Were supportive shoes only on heavy use days.
  • Less ''shoe'' is often better like sandals, flip-flops, Vibrams etc.
  • Don't change if there is no problem!
  • Don't wear shoes at home/office if possible.

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Don't keep walking with pain!

Yes buddy, Absolutely right.. If we walk with pain, its took away danger in our life...

I found also a another great post on steemit about barefoot. It's 3 days old and he deserves upvotes imo.


Wow, thank you for that!

I’m glad you stated that it depends on the person. But with that hedge, I have experienced so many benefits of going barefoot. I have run barefoot, but I prefer running in minimal shoes. But I also recently had to switch to shoes with some cushion due to nagging plantar fasciitis. The pf, I have learned, is “caused” by heavy home remodeling work — both bouts occurred after big several week jobs. The irony is that I have beaten the symptoms twice by shifting to minimal, zero drop shoes, but during the recovery needed some cusion too. Well, all that is just to support your post. Moving barefoot, whether running or walking, is good, but there are different variables that effect everyone differently. I think everyone can benefit from some barefoot movement, even if just starting by going barefoot around the house.

Well, I prefer flip flops instead of enclosed shoes, unless running or hiking of course. I ruined my foot due to formal business attire so now that I live in warm weather I go barefoot when I can. You are correct feels much better for the feet! And relaxing!

We usually are barefoot around the house. Sometimes going out to the yard for a short distance we still go barefoot. Going out we use shoes but lately we switched to minimal shoes to where it still allows your toes to spread out and have better balance.

Great final points and agree with them.

I wasn't one to wear high heels as they're painful, they're really just for aesthetics in my opinion.

I am barefoot most of the time, only wearing shoes if I go out in public where they are required, or in winter.

Free the Foot!!!! When I was kid in the summer I never wore shoes living in the countryside of Canada. It was awesome, my feet got so tough I could run across gravel. lol

thanks for this very helpful information. Every morning walking bare foot on a gravel road is excellent for treating rheumatic diseases

You say that flip-flops are actually good shoes but in my experience they are one of the worst shoes to walk in. You might no get smelly feet but you use your whole body wrong walking in them. You have to tense your feet to get them with you when you are taking a step and that transforms to the whole body and you end up walking with a very wrong use of the body. What is your experience/ comments to it?

like said it all depends some prefer sandals. For me they work great because they give zero support and no blisters. MY feet become much stronger.
Also you shouldn't tense your feet when you walk on flip-flops they probably don't fit well. They also shouldn't make sound when you walk.

Interesting, I'll try it in the summer, thanks!

Very well laid out logical explanation. It is crazy how people are either one way or the other. I like how you came about this post. Great work

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