Prepping for a Candida Detox: Clear Out the JunksteemCreated with Sketch.

in #health7 years ago (edited)

We are sharing a series on the extremely important topic of candida. Today, we will share a cleansing diet to follow in preparation for a medicinal candida detox.


Candida overgrowth is an issue that needs to be taken seriously; overgrowth of this fungus affects over 85% of the population and is very slowly killing people. If you haven't read our initial post on the matter, please do so now before reading further: 

Now you know how vital and potentially destructive candida can be to your health. There is also a simple at home test you can take to check yourself for this issue:

Once you are in the know about the problem at hand with candida, the next logical question is "How do I get rid of any overgrowth?". Excellent question - here's what we know!

It is so very important you do your own research before you do anything - especially regarding health.

If you were to do a google search on how to clear excess candida, you will come up with literally hundreds of diets, pills, powders, and tonics that claim they will knock out candida in no time flat. You need to practice discernment and critical thinking skills! Remember that a certain amount of candida is not only beneficial but actually necessary for proper health; it is only when the organism grows out of balance that people experience problems. 

We started our own journey by researching candida. Then we did our own testing, and found that despite our relatively healthy lifestyle, most of the people living here in our ecovillage are experiencing an overgrowth of candida!

When we see a problem, we like to provide and embrace solutions! Unfortunately, candida is another issue that not only does Western medicine fail to address thoroughly, but the few options they have for treatment are actually detrimental to overall health. Our research yields a promising natural treatment which we will follow. This medicinal candida detox was resurrected from the history books by Dr. Jennifer Daniels; it is called The Candida Cleaner. 

We will discuss the actual medicinal candida detox for adults and children in our next post, but for now let's talk preparation. In this post, we lay out the protocol for a diet to follow to get your body as healthy as possible for the next step. 

The ideal situation is to get your body ready to have a functional and beneficial detox of candida (and many other possible pathogens that reside in your body such as worms).

As with any important steps you take to change your life, optimizing the situation to put you in the path of success is important! In order to do this, you need to remove from your body/lifestyle anything that can slow this process down. Here are some suggestions for this preparatory step:

1.) Hydrate yourself! Proper hydration is an essential part of life, but is even more important when removing toxins. 

2.) You want to be having multiple bowel movements per day to help detox. Proper hydration is a critical part of that. The diet we recommend for this cleanse is also conducive towards regular elimination. 

3.) Cut meat out of your diet. It is much harder for the body to digest than most food and slows down the process. You want things moving out as quickly as possible while detoxing!

4.) Cut out dairy. Dairy is an inflammatory to your digestive system - even if you don't feel like you have issues with dairy it is proven to do this to everyone. So again, this slows down your digestive system and in some cases feeds the candida you are trying to get rid of.

5.) No processed foods, sugar, or anything that converts to certain types of sugar like wheat, corn, rice, etc. Whole, raw fruit is OK, but jellies, concentrates, and dried fruits should be avoided.

If that eliminates most of your diet, you should probably rethink what you are putting into your body anyway! You will be surprised how much more nourished you feel when you start feeding only yourself and not the candida in your body.

You have thousands of choices on what TO eat: 

  • As many whole fruits and veggies as you can - raw is preferable, but cooked is OK.  
  • Eat as many leafy greens as possible. Most of them, except iceberg lettuce, are an amazing source of vitamins, minerals, and protein. 
  • You can eat eggs (which are not dairy, in case you didn't know that). Be aware that some viruses that contribute to candida overgrowth feed on eggs as well, but candida itself does not feed on eggs. 
  • Plain potatoes, squash, and root vegetables are ok - as long as they are not covered in bacon and cheese.

It is suggested you start this pre-cleanse protocol a week before the actual medicinal candida detox to maximize results.

The basic idea is to nourish your body to keep it strong while doing the medicinal candida detox. It is unwise to fast during this preparatory stage OR during the detox itself, because it stops your body from eliminating frequently. 

As stated before, our next posting will be on the medicinal candida detox protocol for both children and adults. We will also start sharing some of our experiences and data we have been collecting from the group here @gardenofeden

There are hundreds of personal testimonials online about people experience onThe Candida Cleanse protocol or variations of it. Please keep in mind that everyone is different and you have to work within the limits of your body when doing anything for health. 

We hope this will inspire you to do additional research and work towards the best possible health for yourself! 

For additional resources on this topic, please check out some of these links and the ones above: 

*This information is not intended to be medical advice; it is just shared research & experience.


I recently cured myself and my partner of Staph, not the same, but similar approaches could help. Fasting for a day or two could help to reduce the food available to the Candida and give you immune system a boost. I approached Staph the way I heard people deal with Candida. Gotta be honest... The dietary recommendations leave room for improvement. Anything that can boost your sugar will likely not help, that might include seemingly innocent carbs. I'm not a doctor, but I just found with any infection you want them to starve and you to thrive. Turmeric, Neem, Apple Cider vinegar, Tulsi, Medicinal Mushrooms (Reishi mostly, but Artist conk grows here and is SPECIFICALLY for Staph and E. Coli) Spices like cinnamon, black pepper, chili in the diet and lots of garlic and onion *also good topically
I don't think I have had candida, though I hear everyone has it... much like tinea versicolor or staph which might be present, but not express itself. The key though, is to BOOST Immunity while defeating the invaders. Here is a Totally different approach I found fascinating:

Really liked the post, I think a revolution in Health is possible through Collaborations of ideas and experiences on here. Well done!
cheers @ecoknowme

Thanks for your input & for sharing the interesting video, @ecoknowme! Congrats on your restored health - staph is another one that western medicine doesn't have great success against.

Fasting is definitely a valuable practice in health regimens. This protocol is great to get things moving out as quickly and thoroughly and efficiently as possible, which is hugely important for anyone who does not enjoy regularity. Gotta get the elimination channels working properly before flooding the system with more stuff to detox!

Every body is different. These carbs are considered "safe" for candida (at least by Dr. Jennifer Daniels & some others), but we still wouldn't recommend making them the basis of the anti-candida diet. It makes more sense to use fruits and veggies as the foundation, and the spices etc. that you mention are great additions to include too!

Thank you for your kind response. I think you are quite right, and I have yet to deal with candida specifically, so I will follow the links you provided to learn more. Great springboard you've made here. Hope your crew recovers full power! Steem on!

It is so helpful, many thanks!

You're very welcome, @mateyav!

Thank you for this - very informative - I say again, you are living life the way it was intended to be lived. You will be blesses with all the good energy you put back in this world

Thank you so much @anneke! We are here to inspire everyone to live the life of their dreams and make the world a better place! May all be so blessed as to know an honest, honorable existence!

This diet is perfect, even without candida. Thank you for sharing this valuable information.

Yes this diet is definitely a basis for good health! Food choices make a significant difference towards a life of thrival.

I think there would be a lot of sickness eliminated with this diet, as long as it's not GMO.

You are right of course. Health starts with diet and almost all sickness can be cured with improved/ideal diet!

Absolutely. The government, the medical and pharmaceutical companies and companies like Monsanto don't want you and I to know this.

Very good point!



This is helpful. I am trying to follow this advice. Great post,,like this post

Awesome, @sabbir24! We hope you'll be healthier and happier than ever! Please keep us updated on your progress - we'd love to hear your results as well.

Thank you sir

This is helpful. I am trying to follow this advice. Great post

Awesome, way to value your health! We're going to share our results and would be happy to know how it's going for you too, @jetblake.

Sounds good. Let me know when you will post. Nice meeting you!

Thank you, I will look into it right away!

A great post @gardenafeden. Thank you for giving information of this disease problem friend .. success for you

Thank you, @rizasukma!

You are welcome :-)

Cierto. La cándida es una levadura habitante usual de nuestro organismo, pero cuando se sale de control puede mutar a hifa, es cuando se convierte en patógeno con efectos serios en el estado de salud. Le encantan los azúcares. Espero noticias del desintoxicante. Saludos ecoaldea.

Muchas personas están sufriendo de esta condición! Sin darse cuenta de que el azúcar que comen es alimentarlo. Y la cándida roba el cuerpo de la nutrición!

Este es el protocolo que seguiremos:

Great post! Thank you for your suggestions on what foods to include on ones diet. 🐓🐓

You're welcome! It's important to maintain a positive perspective on the diet. Yes, there are potentially many changes to be made and lots of food groups to avoid, but at the same time you can replace them with nutrient dense, colorful, and delicious options for fruits and veggies, and you can eat practically as many as you want of them!

I had a problem with Candida few years ago and I followed similar diet. It worked. I felted so much better after.
And doctors , I had colonoscopy scheduled before I decided to take things into my hands

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