Forget the Fungus - Take a Walk on the HEALTH Side! Candida Detox Test Results Week 1 vs Week 2steemCreated with Sketch.

in #health7 years ago (edited)

We LOVE science at the GOE, so we're using ourselves as an experiment!

We are following a candida clearing protocol by Dr. Jennifer Daniels. Doing our own group testing, collecting data, and analyzing results has been an eye opening experience for all of us. Not only are we becoming more conscious as a group about the inner working of our own bodies, but it is also shedding light on many health issues we didn't even realize we had as well as the behaviors that contribute to them! 

Now that week 2 of our cleanse is completed and we have compiled the data from both week 2 as well as week 1, the results we already feel taking place are evident on record as well - isn't science grand! 

It is one thing to feel your health changing day by day, but a whole different thing to be able to share it with others in a really meaningful way, and that is just one of the things we love about Steemit. 

Let's take a look at our spit test results from Week 1 and Week 2. We are testing ourselves twice a day, upon waking and again before bed.


The chart shows a very clear trend in our testing over the last two weeks. Week 1 AM results (in blue) show the majority of us were displaying some candida, although some people were testing much higher. Only 2 people tested for no trace of candida the first week in one instance, but not consecutively. 

During Week 2's AM check, some people displayed No trace of candida! Most of us tested for very little or some candida in more than twice as many instances as the week before! In week 2, not a single person tested in the large amount of candida at all! 

One other very important part is that in week 1 the PM test was usually lower, which indicates that the morning candida test was the strongest. However, in week 2 you can see how the AM and PM are much closer balanced which could indicate that we started off the day with a lower amount of candida and were able to maintain that throughout the day with proper diet

If you are not much for bar charts, then scope these yummy pie charts with the percentages built right in! The majority of results fall in the very little candida and some candida sections, with no one showing large amounts of candida.

 These are the just the first of some very exciting results we are going to compare from week 1 and week 2! As we work our way through week 3, we are very excited to keep you updated on the amazing progress we have all experienced to some degree or another as we detox excess candida and other undesirable things in our bodies.  

We invite anyone that wishes to follow the protocol along with us and utilize our form to have their results tracked: 

We hope this will inspire you to do additional research and work towards the best possible health for yourself! 

*This information is not intended to be medical advice; it is just shared research & experience. 

 For more inspiration, support, and service, please sign up for our newsletter! Once a week, we will deliver sustainable health & wellness insight and so much more straight to your inbox! 


This series very important and a truly valuable gift to this community and humanity!

Thank you for this information, very complete and clear @gardenofeden

Thanks for sharing this interesting info, candida can sure be a bother

Indeed it can lead to all sorts of uncomfortable and unpleasant symptoms, but the great news is that we are showing considerable results within only a matter of days!! Healing is infinite!

I recently read an article regarding mercury toxicity. Primarily caused by amalgam fillings. It claimed to cause Candida. Have you or any members dealt with mercury toxicity causing the Candida?

Did you read the mercury series by @gardenofeden? I have dealt with issues where my mercury toxicity increased my issues with candida but I would not say that is the only cause of overgrowth. Any form of toxin can cause candid to grow out of control as the candida try's to consume it and keep it away from the rest of your body. If you haven't already read the article on Candida I would highly suggest it.

No i didn't see the mercury series. Ill read it next. Thank! You have some excellent insights into Candida.

Sir really so nice steemit working, thanks for good information sharing

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This series very important and a truly valuable gift to this community and humanity!

interesting info

Thanks for the information!!!!

@gardenofeden very informative post sir thanks have a good day ahead thankyou i am following you please give me some tips new here in steemit

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