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RE: Why we transitioned away from veganism

in #health5 years ago

Some dietitians say you should not consume more than 10% of the calories from the animal kingdom and eat 50% of raw foods such as fruit vegetables and nuts 🥜. It works for me!


But where do those numbers come from? And why are they important.

Okinawa diet, Mediterranean diet, and Indian diet. They live the healthiest lives. A lot of fresh greens and fruits help your body to fight a lot of the big western society sickness like diabetes and cancer.

That's all correlative evidence and doesn't explain "why".

What is the mechanisms that make those diets "better" and how is better defined?

Just eat your burgers and fries every day if you don't care about your health...

Check out this podcsat when you have a chance.

If you are more of reader, Peter Attia has a great article series on his site titled Understanding Science

Finally, if you want to know more about my thoughts you can follow my insights as I come across them at #noloafingloseit

1 min 30 seconds before it becomes a red bull commercial... give me a break...

Maybe its a definition thing, how do you define, healthy?

Not sick.
Not fat.
Not on any drugs.

Most dieticians say to limit fruit and nuts because of the sugar and fat content. Veggies and small amounts of lean meat are best.

The sugar in fruit is absolutely no problem as long as you eat the whole fruit and nut juice the fruits. Nuts are extremely healthy as long as you don't eat too much. Don't avoid fruits and nuts, eat it with moderation.

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