The Disheartening Burden of Chronic Illness

in #health7 years ago

"Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no hope at all."
- Dale Carnegie -

DISCLAIMER: I am not a doctor, nor am I a medical professional of any kind.

Nothing that I say can be considered medical advice. The content of this article has not been evaluated by the FDA. Nothing herein is intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Government minions, you can go back into hiding behind your trees now...

Have you ever been sick?

When we're young, sickness comes and goes. We get sick; we feel miserable for a few hours or days, longing to feel well again, and then we recover.

Chronic illness is another animal entirely.

When we experience an ailment from which we seem unable to recover, discouragement sets in. We may cast around for solutions, but eventually, we begin to lose hope.

The Burden of Chronic Illness

The Burden of Chronic Illness
Photo courtesy of Unsplash and

Chronic illness drags on our soul.

In addition to the physical, we now begin to struggle mentally. We see a specialist, have tests done, talk to all our friends.

With each remedy tried, each avenue explored, and ultimately each failure to recover, our spirits slump a little further. As the weeks and months drag on, we begin to despair of ever being well again.

Imagine being ill for 38 years?

In Jesus' day, an invalid had lain near the pool called Bethesda for most of his life. Miracles were reputed to occur there when the water stirred. Due to his illness, this man was never able to be the first to reach the pool.

He hadn't given up, however. Somehow, over a span of almost four decades, he maintained hope. Was he by the pool all those years? Or was this simply his latest attempt to find healing? From his response to Jesus, we know he had been there at least long enough to "miss the window" of opportunity, others getting to the pool before him.

"While I am going another steps down before me."
- John 5

Jesus had compassion on the man and healed him. This set off a storm of controversy in the region, and ultimately lead to Jesus' own execution.

Doctors don't have all the answers.

Perhaps you've seen them all, and are still struggling with your illness. Perhaps, like Joe, your doctor may have given up all hope for you and sent you home to die. Don't abandon hope! The doctor is not God. There may be an answer elsewhere.

Cures, or Bandaids?

Cures, or Bandaids?
Photo courtesy of piospapios and

Years ago,

Daniel Z., a friend of mine, put things rather succinctly when he had this to say:

"If I am ever ill, I'm not going to see a doctor. Doctors are nothing more than technicians. They've spent many years learning to recognize a set of symptoms and map it to a specific protocol that someone else worked out."

When asked what was wrong with that, Daniel would reply:

"The doctor doesn't look for or care about underlying causes. He just goes through the rote motions, observing signs and prescribing a treatment that he didn't devise and rarely truly understands. If I'm ill, that's not what I'm looking for."

What was Daniel's preferred solution?

"I'll see an engineer. At least the engineer will look for and try to understand what's actually causing my illness. He won't give me a "one size fits all" prescription for some highly profitable drug that will only mask my symptoms. The engineer will figure out how to correct the root cause of whatever ails me."

"When all is said and done, we'll both know what went wrong and how to avoid it in the future."

Dale Carnegie

Dale Carnegie
Image courtesy of Tyssul Patel and

I'm not a fan of conventional medicine.

I've observed in others and had much greater personal success appealing to "the wisdom of the crowd." There are natural cures and folk remedies available, disdained by the Medical/Industrial complex, that often are much less invasive and far more effective than anything your doctor or hospital has to offer.

Because they are not highly profitable, they have often been suppressed by "the powers that be." This may make some of them hard to find. Thank God, in the age of the internet, it has become much easier to locate time-tested, reliable cures.

When faced with illness,

I have at times learned of cures rapidly. I've delayed treatment just long enough to discover or be told of an authentic cure. One day soon I hope to write about the cure for gallstones that my wife and I were once blessed with.

At other times I have literally struggled for years fighting some illness. Repeated sinus infections. Skin cancer. You can read about one of my recent successes here:

"Amazing Home Remedy for Skin Cancer"

But such protracted struggles can be discouraging.

If you're in one now, I urge you not to give up. Keep searching. Ask, seek, knock on every door. While there is life, there is hope.

Keep on seeking...

Keep on seeking...
Photo courtesy of Ben White and

Do I believe in miraculous cures?

Not so much in the present day. Perhaps it is a lack of faith on my part, but I've never personally experienced what I would consider to be a supernatural healing. I won't deny that perhaps God has so favored others, and I'll be happy and thankful with and for them.

However, God works in mysterious ways. He has been kind enough in a number of cases to, sooner or later, hook me up with an appropriate treatment. He has also been kind enough to help me develop some tools that have saved or greatly improved the lives of others.

If you're struggling with a chronic illness,

don't give up hope. Continue to pray. Read. Study. Experiment.
Ask Jesus/God to help you as you live with your ailment, but never abandon also asking for a cure.

Remember the man by the pool of Bethesda.


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Thank you for sharing such an inspiring post about health and spirituality.

Hello, @breakingtonight,

You're quite welcome. Thank you for taking the time to read it and to interact here! ;)

My pleasure! Have a great day, @creatr

Nice post, faith, love and trust in the divine will prevail!

Thank you my friend. :D

I work in health care (physical Therapy therapy ) at an old folks home. Yes chronic illness can lead to extreme discouragement and depression. But not all doctors are "one size fits all". Neither am I as a PT. No two "total knees are the same " there is no one size fits all. At least not in PT. I'm sure there are doctors out there like your describing bevause i AGREE that there are since I've seen them. But there are still some "good ones" left ♡
Thanks for sharing

Thank you for sharing. I agree there are still some doctors with heart in the world. I wish I knew more. Sadly, the one who comes to mind first was murdered by an unbalanced patient about thirty years ago now... );

I wrote this piece, though, not so much to "rip on" doctors as to try and encourage people who have not found help in that quarter to continue seeking, even if their doctor hasn't been able to help...

Thanks very much for adding some balance to this discussion! :D

I didn't really get the vibe you were trying to rip into doctors....but I understand your frustration with mainstream medicine. The way everything is with insurance we have some people not getting the care they need, then others having a seeming "over abundance " and not even utilizing it. In my 5 years of having a license to practice pt, the paperwork has become so labor intensive. Yes it is DEFINITELY important to justify your services, etc etc. But some of the things we are required to do arent really necessary and as i always say - "they are trying to take the L O V E out of healthcare" that's what i got in it for. Not to have mound of damn unnessary paperwork. Its just getting more and more stringent. But i love helping people especially elderly get mobile is my niche so I'll continue. I can appreciate where you are going with this article though. Yes there is hope outside of mainstream medicine, invasive surgeries, etc


I actually worked as an orderly and later in occupational therapy in a convalescent home many years ago. It's demanding work, and takes a lot of compassion.

Thank for adding to the conversation! :D

There's nothing I hate more than the quack medicine evangelist. You know the type. "All you need a a colloidal uranium enema every morning and you'll be fine!"

Well, unless it's the kind of person who says, "You must need to repent of a sin, because my prosperity theology says this is your fault."

Sort of along the lines of the political messiah / nanny-state shill? "I'm the answer to all your problems. Chicken in every pot, we'll care for you cradle to grave. Just elect me."

How about those T.V. drug pushers? "Ask your doctor about "ZooLeft." Your mood will improve, along with your love-life. BTW, side effects include hair loss, smelly armpits, and (in only 10% of users) fatal events."

There are quacks and charlatans in every field. We all need to filter, filter, filter... ;)

However, I am a big fan of things that actually work and don't kill you. My personal experience has been that I've found far more of that kind outside of the medical establishment.

Thank you creatr that was a very in depth, pleasant, informative article,. I myself am struggling with chronic things,. I do remember the bethesda well, I listened to a great sermon on cd, I will find more information and see if i can send you a link, (not tech savvy ) Its is from the book of job, runs along these lines,. Thank you this was a blessing!

Hi, Ryan,

Thanks so much for stopping by and for your thoughtful comments. I am very glad you were blessed.

If you want to chat on Steemit chat, and share your chronic issue, I'd be glad to let you know if I've heard of any good remedies. :)

Yes sounds great, I will go to the chat, I looked at it when I first created an account i was a smidge overwhelmed, haha, I'll go check it out!

a colloidal solution of health, life and Christianity :)

:D Sounds like several good "solutions" to me! ;)

ouch! yeah, I hate punning but I always end up doing it...hmm, like some other things in my life. But some things are good, my friend, and lately you seem on a roll. Perhaps you've found your niche :)

Don't think I have a "niche"... Just an "itch" to keep on writing, and a wish to "hit the Steemit big-time" so I can more easily justify all the time it takes... ;)

Thanks for visiting! :D

Thank you for reminding me of my own 'miraculous healing' back in 2010. Having been diagnosed with cancer and told by Doctors - surgery, chemo and radiation - the only answer. You must follow these protocols. God had another plan. He took me to "the woman with bleeding" - a victim of a chronic condition who believed simply touching the hem if Jesus' garment would heal her - how right she was. Jesus words spoke to me "Take heart, daughter, your faith has healed you." I chose to believe (after hearing 4 messages on this portion of Scripture) and without chemo or radiation was cleansed of the cancer. Hope this testimony adds to your message in a positive way. I'm a new steemer and am entitling my blogs "Lessons Learned". Hope you'll give me a read - comments appreciated. Blessings - I'm upvoting your channel.

Hello my new friend @sharingandcaring,

Thank you for sharing your very thoughtful and encouraging comment. Yes indeed, the woman with the issue of blood also had to wait a long time for an answer to her hopes... I am very thankful to hear that you were healed without the conventional poisons.

Welcome to Steemit, and I wish you the very best here. :D

Bruh that first doctor, the face she makes when you whip out and its tiny :((

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