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RE: A Cup of Coffee and ME 😍😍😍💖💖💖

in #health6 years ago

Coffee solves everything, so I am very pleased to see you can finally enjoy it again ☕️ To be honest I struggle nowadays with cappuccino, latte or flat white - I can drink cold milk and have it on cereal but some how heated milk does not agree with me.

The majority of coffee I drink is aeropress brewed and black, for my roasting I have to cup my coffee’s To ensure they have developed the flavours I wish when I roasted them - this is a different way of tasting coffee where a set weight of grounds and hot water are mixed in a bowl - then left to brew for a set time, after which you break the crust of grounds - smell the Aromas’s and then slurp using a spoon the liquid to fill your pallette with all the flavours the coffee has developed.

#thealliance #witness


I can feel the love you have for Coffee, I dont think I can ever get so deep into exploring it :-). My allergy is also is with the Lactose but I do not like to have it without milk. Somehow the taste does not tingle me.

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