E.30 | Fluoride & Other Toxins in Your Municipal Water Supplies Are Poisoning You. They're FULL of Cancerous NeuroToxins & Crap. Here's some VISUAL Proof. Is YOUR Water Supply Polluted Similarly? | Still w. VIDEO Seminar I Appear In.

in #health6 years ago (edited)

Look at the bottom of this glass of tap water that was distilled in my city and see the silt, dirt, and heavy toxins left over!

The water is distilled (turned to water vapour) and moves out to another container, and this is left over in the bottom of the container.

It may be different from city to city of course but I am in Canada, east of Toronto where "water quality" is supposed to be good.

We pay ridiculous taxes, for such clean water of course. This is the supposed great Western civilized world where everything is great, shiny ponies and unicorns exist and the government and media looking after us and reporting truth to residents can never do wrong by.......

We the People.

Top Resources for you on this subject today:


Please use the resources here today to learn the issues and the facts before you comment. No matter what side of this you are on.

This is not a conspiracy theory. The chemical and medical evidence and FACTS -- are overwhelming and actually pretty simple.

This poison is being dumped in water supplies worldwide and ruins your health. Short and Sweet.

They will always be here. I may keep blogging on this issue in the future. I've addressed it here before.

We are all in this together.





Resources I own or run where I pulled photos, memes, some info from today along with above sites:


-- https://www.facebook.com/barrydutton/media_set?set=a.10151431831120915.539605.584855914&type=3

-- https://www.facebook.com/FluorideFreeOshawa/

VIDEO: Dr. Paul Connett

- World Renowned Fluoride Expert.

I Appear In & Put This Video Together w. Activists:

The following video is a 2 hour and 13 min. resource I put together.

I drove to Toronto, Ontario, Canada in 2013, to shoot this footage with world renowned anti fluoride activist Dr. Paul Connett of the #Fluoride Action Network ( http://fluoridealert.org/ )

I have run the Fluoride Free Oshawa group for years and have been politically on the record as opposing fluoride. I have documents from the Regional Health heads stating where the fluoride comes from tied to US fertilizer plants and that it costs WELL in excess of $100k/year.

I am the fellow in the blue suit sitting RIGHT in front of the camera, right in front of Paul. I do make several statements in the video. I was glad to work with the Fluoride Free Toronto group to promote this event and awareness of this issue.

Whether you are pro/anti fluoride -- or just learning about this toxic political soup poisoning your kids and families and pets, please watch this video.

Dr. Connett is a WORLD WIDE SPEAKER AND EXPERT on this issue.

Most people tied to the state / pro fluoride agenda, refuse to debate him on camera or in public because he is so well versed and prepared.

You can challenge a lot.... but you want a medical opinion that opposes the general statist agenda on this?? --- Here it is.


Today in the Fluoride Market:.. (Racket is appropriate also)

And that's what it is when you know where it comes from & why it's allowed....

This Week in Fluoride!



— Robert C Dickson, MD, CCFP, FCFP, is a community physician in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, and is the founder of Safe Water Calgary (www.safewatercalgary.com).

Excerpts from FluorideAlert.org:



In both Canada and Australia, pro-fluoridation advocates have had a field day, citing claims that seemingly support their position to fluoridate water. Many of those claims are misleading or erroneous and incorrect.

In the early to mid 1900s, dentists noticed several communities where people, and particularly children, had white and brown staining on their teeth and fewer cavities. Their water contained natural calcium fluoride, which is ubiquitous in the Earth’s crust. They concluded fluoride must be good for teeth.

Fast forward to WWII and the Manhattan Project. Large quantities of fluorine were essential to produce atomic weapons. Yet workers in these facilities, and plants and animals around them, were doing poorly, some even dying.

This created an unusual liaison between the military, medical and dental establishment, and the industries saddled with disposing of their highly toxic and regulated by-product, hydrofluosilicic acid (HFSA).

Their solution was to enlist the master spin doctor of the 20th century, Edward Bernays, whom the tobacco companies had hired prior to the war to convince women that smoking was good for them.

Within a very short time, studies were set up and cherry picked, and doctors and dentists bought into the new wave of ‘science’ – fluoride is good for kids! The sacred cow of water fluoridation was born.

— Robert C Dickson, MD, CCFP, FCFP, is a community physician in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, and is the founder of Safe Water Calgary (www.safewatercalgary.com).

Recent Important News:

USA Fluoride Lawsuit Update: FAN/ Fluoride Action Network:


-- Covered in detail in my Episode #19 of this series:





Excerpts from this big news/case! :


More exciting news for the concerned citizens around the world working tirelessly to educate Municipal Councillors and Government officials on the dangers of ingested fluoride aka Hydrofluorosilicic Acid added to the drinking water supply.

-- FAN (Fluoride Action Network) wins second round in court case!

On February 7, 2018, the Fluoride Action Network (FAN), together with a coalition of environmental and health groups (see Plaintiffs below), won a second major victory in our legal case to force the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to end the deliberate addition of fluoride to the public water supply (water fluoridation).

Our victory was the ruling from Federal Judge Edward M. Chen, of the Northern District Court of California, when he dismissed EPA’s motion to limit discovery:

“The EPA moves for a protective order limiting the scope of review in this litigation to the administrative record, a request that would effectively foreclose Plaintiffs from introducing any evidence in this litigation that was not attached to their administrative petition. The text of the TSCA, its structure, its purpose, and the legislative history make clear that Congress did not intend to impose such a limitation in judicial review of Section 21 citizen petitions. The Court therefore DENIES the EPA’s motion.”

Key Court Document:



Our attorney, Michael Connett, noted: “If you look at the legislative history, Congress wanted a robust mechanism for citizen oversight over EPA. This court’s decision highlights for environmental groups that Congress created a powerful tool.” (Inside EPA, Feb 20,2018)

Had the EPA prevailed we would have been prohibited from including any new fluoride neurotoxicity study published after our Petition was submitted in November 2016. With the court’s ruling we can now include the major 12-year study by Bashash et al. published in September 2017. This study is critical in demonstrating that fluoride is neurotoxic and has no place in the public water supply.

The Bashash Study:


It is difficult to overstate the importance of this study, especially since it was funded by these U.S. agencies: National Institutes of Health, National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences and the EPA.

The authors from several universities in Canada, the U.S. and Mexico, followed over 300 mother-child pairs in Mexico City for a 12-year period. They found a strong relationship between the mothers’ exposure to fluoride (as measured in their urine) and lowered IQ in their offspring at 4 and again at 6-12 years of age. The urine levels of the pregnant woman in the study were the same as is found in pregnant women in the U.S. (0.5 to 1.5 mg/Liter, or ppm). At these levels the authors reported a loss of 6 IQ points.

The lead investigator of this study, Dr. Howard Hu from the University of Toronto, commented on the study in the Canadian National Post: “This is a very rigorous epidemiology study. You just can’t deny it. It directly related to whether fluoride is a risk for the neurodevelopment of children.”

This study adds another level of scientific rigor to our case. We should never deliberately expose an unborn child or bottle-fed infant to a known neurotoxic (i.e. brain-damaging) substance but that is precisely what we are doing every day with water fluoridation.

Our TSCA lawsuit is attempting to force the US EPA to end this reckless practice. As Michael Connett stated in response to EPA’s attempt to dismiss our case: “in a nation besieged by neurological disorders of poorly understood etiology, both in young children and the elderly, minimizing exposures to known neurotoxic substances must be a public health priority [page 4].”

Below, is the list of Petitioners and Individuals in the lawsuit and some important details on the latest news. Also, you will find the TSCA timeline to date.

It’s just a matter of time when ALL decision makers realize that citizens have rights, and, the autonomy to protect those rights.


Kindest Regards,

Liesa Cianchino

Chair Concerned Residents of Peel to End Fluoridation

Founding Member Worldwide Alliance to End Fluoridation

(CA)Past Board Member (US)Moms Against Fluoridation


More Info


Bottled Water:


  • Bottled water is likely around 90% crap too, not just because the sources cannot be trusted, most of them have fluoride in them.

  • Factor in the leeching of the plastic into the water. Esp. in hot cars, or while stored for weeks or months, BEFORE you get it.

  • Look back in my series here a couple episodes, we had an actual water plant mgr from the midwest comment in very strong language similar to you, and then some.

  • Research various home purification methods like a Berkey water filter, or RO (Reverse Osmosis) filter with UV if possible, and or distilled.

  • All methods have benefits, and drawbacks, like with most things in life.



-- is a global network of dentists, health professionals, and scientists who research the biocompatibility of dental products, including the risks of mercury fillings, fluoride, root canals, and jawbone osteonecrosis. We are a non-profit organization and have been dedicated to our mission of protecting public health and the environment since we were founded in 1984.

The IAOMT is concerned about the many sources of fluoride and health risks from this exposure.


Sources of human exposure to fluoride have drastically increased since community water fluoridation began in the U.S. in the 1940’s. In addition to water, these sources now include food, air, soil, pesticides, fertilizers, dental products used at home and in the dental office, pharmaceutical drugs, cookware (non-stick Teflon), and an array of other consumer items used on a regular basis. Most people are not aware of important fluoride facts about these sources.

Exposure to fluoride is suspected of impacting nearly every part of the human body, and the potential for harm has been clearly established in scientific research. A 2006 report by the National Research Council (NRC) identified a number of health risks associated with fluoride exposure. Susceptible subpopulations, such as infants, children, and individuals with diabetes or renal or thyroid problems, are known to be more severely impacted by intake of fluoride. Since such populations and all people can potentially be impacted by fluoride exposure, consumers need to know these crucial fluoride facts.

Given the current levels of exposure, policies should reduce and work toward eliminating avoidable sources of fluoride, including water fluoridation, fluoride-containing dental materials, and other fluoridated products, as a means to promote overall health.


They provide several resources / links, here are a couple.




Did You Know?

Senator Bernie Sanders declared a dental health crisis in 2015 even though over 70% of US drinking water systems are fluoridated.

( My thoughts are if fluoride works so well, and Sen Bernie Sanders said there was a dental crisis in 2015 with about 70% of the USA water fluoridated...... then clearly medicating your water with unregulated doses of servings/fluoride every day is not working, right?? )

What is really going on here, since fluoride in water does not work? And there is tons of proof it is poisoning the population.

Look up Agenda 21 / 2030. That's what.

Everyone knows a dirty glass of water, in a 3rd world country you can see is dirty, is a sexy humanitarian thing to support getting rid of.

Fighting to get toxins out of "clear" looking water anywhere else, is a political nightmare and a conspiracy according to a lot of people.

Key word there -- CON.

Negative Impact on Human Cognitive Functioning Linked to Fluoride : http://www.fluoridealert.org/studies/brain03/

45 Animal Studies Conclusions on Fluoride Impact on Cognitive Functioning : http://www.fluoridealert.org/studies/brain02/

Harvard Report : http://www.fluoridealert.org/articles/hsph_2012/

NRC / National Research Council Report : http://www.fluoridealert.org/researchers/nrc/findings/

EPA / Environmental Protection Agency Reports : http://www.fluoridealert.org/uploads/epa_mundy.pdf

Related Links / Medical Studies etc: (In Order)






More Recent Related Info:

The Fluoride Deception ( 13 Mins/ Mini-Documentary) via: The Health Ranger / Mike Adams (who hates Bitcoin/Crypto by the way)

The Fluoride Deception is the latest mini documentary from Mike Adams, executive director of the Consumer Wellness Center. Through the use of animation and motion graphics, it exposes the truth about where fluoride really comes from: The toxic byproducts of the phosphate mining industry.


Story :



Story at-a-glance:


Fluoride is a toxic industrial waste product, which may also be contaminated with lead, arsenic, radionucleotides, aluminum and other industrial contaminants.

The fluoride added to municipal water supplies is not pharmaceutical grade.

Twenty-three studies from four countries indicate that even moderate exposure to fluoride lowers IQ.

The daily dose of fluoride recommended by the American Dental Association results in the same level of fluoride in your blood shown to cause an 8-point drop in IQ.

Poison control should be called if you swallow a quarter milligram of fluoride from toothpaste. Meanwhile just ONE glass of water can contain this amount of fluoride.

To remain within "safe" limits, you'd have to use such a small amount of fluoridated toothpaste that one tube would last you several years.

IAOMT Resources:

[ The International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology (IAOMT) ]
They provide several resources / links, here are a couple.




Neurotoxical Damage -- Brain Damage....

The Federal EPA in the United States (Environmental Protection Agency) is actually being sued over this by the Fluoride Action Network: I have updated the template of this series with the info on this above.

Letter addressed to a resident enquiry on fluoridation. Austrian Head of Water Department states fluoride is "toxic" in his brief reply on the record:

“Toxic fluorides have never been added to the public water supplies in Austria.”
SOURCE: M. Eisenhut, Head of Water Department, Osterreichische Yereinigung fur das Gas-und Wasserfach Schubertring 14, A-1015 Wien, Austria, February 17, 2000.


European Governments/ Official Statements Opposing TOXIC Water Fluoridation:



Past Episodes (in Part:)










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Please note -- I will have limited internet access for awhile -- so PLEASE do not be upset that I cannot reply right away, or to everyone. I am dealing with some changes, and will have limited time online and will be happy if I get a few blog posts up a week.
This has really upset some people but I do not force my opinions on others, or need to communicate every detail of my life or issues, most people do not care anyways. I invested around 10 hours or more a day on Steemit most of my first 13 mths here, trying to build community, put out content and engage people, help and donate to people, and I just do not have that time in my life right now, and that includes for replies and voting/curation.
I have done my best, sorry if you do not understand like some are clearly having a problem with. It's a blogging platform, and I will do my best at everything, and to keep blogging.
Carry On.


Keep up the good work on this and Liberty stuff in general!

UV this comment with thanks and msgd @wakeupnd to say thanks also.

We have a big anti-fluoride group here in Ft. Smith. Every time it comes up at the city council meeting we show up enmasse! We've been successful for over 20 years (although I've only been here 19)! That stuff is POISON! a dab of toothpaste the size of a pea contains a level of fluoride considered toxic!!! Well done my friend! You should tag posts like this #informationwar- you'll get a few more views.

I hit 10k followers Rich around 9 pm EST.

Thought you would like to know.

Keep up the good work man

I had no idea, all this time I guess you were that active in this issue man, great news!

I considered the tag, changed it now..... I am not used to it yet being here but did think about it today.

Feel free to use my video I always include here, with Dr. Paul Connett where I do speak a couple times, he gives his usual great FACTS on this and I am plopped right in front of the camera/podium lol

It is a 2 hour resource, and included every episode.

Nobody will debate that guy, he flies around the world doing this stuff.

Likely you all know of him and use his FluorideActionNetwork / FAN resources too

Good stuff! Glad you are using our #informationwar tag! We have a discord if you ever want to join and chat also. https://discord.gg/EzAwQeb

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