[Knowledge] Color Energy explained - nature's forgotten gift

in #health6 years ago (edited)

This is the third chapter of my series on color energy. Some of my friends know already about my passion for colors and color energy. Since more than 20 years I work with the energy of colors, color plant extracts and more. @eveningart and others asked me to write about this aspect of my work, my studies, and researches. So I decided to start a series on color energy. Actually, this is a very complex subject. I will also write about the practical use of optical and plant extract remedies for improving health and mood.

Chapters previously published by me:
chapter1 - chapter2

source editing @anutu

Which color is the right one to harmonize and even heal us?

Dark red is not the same as light red, and all colors can appear in many more nuances. Even a red that appears to be identical for the eyes might have completely different frequencies. Thus the precise frequency of a color used for healing is of huge importance. Only when the color and the body of the recipient have the same wavelength does healing and harmonization seem possible. If the chosen color tone is not precise, it cannot stimulate the receiver to vibrate fully - i.e. if the channel of a tv is not exactly set and you just see a blurry picture - the body receives a possibly confusing frequency mixture.

In my experience, it is important to differentiate between acute and chronic diseases in order to choose the right color. Other color researchers make the choice of the therapy color dependent on the patient's character, his mental and spiritual development or certain astrological influences. Once a healing color has been determined according to the respective guidelines, there are always cases in which a relief can only be brought about with the complementary color. This practice should neutralize a previously absorbed overdose of color.

Some color therapists try to use the intuition of the patient when choosing the healing array colors. From a card set, they let them choose the colors that the patient feels most attracted to. The problem with this treatment approach, with these favorite colors as a remedy, however, seems to be that quite many people chose the path of less resistance. As the American color researcher and ophthalmologist Dr. J. Liberman stated, many patients prefer the colors with which they are best provided anyway and thus avoid unconsciously possible changes. Liberman, therefore, guides the patients in his color light therapy, step by step to the colors they do not like at all.

An interesting study from the 1970s proves the beneficial effect of colors in holistic medicine. Two rooms of a clinic were redesigned. Everything in these rooms, from the ceiling and the walls to the floor, was of the same color. In this way it was possible to successfully influence blood pressure, pain sensations, sleep behavior and, above all, mental balance in the aftercare of cancer patients.

It turned out that nervous patients experienced the indigo room as calm and restful. They found the red room, on the other hand, too unpleasant and restless. The patients, who were more calm and stable in character, experienced a kind of energy boost in the red room, while the blue was perceived by them as cold and unpleasant.

The third group of patients, for whom a certain physical and mental cramping, awkwardness, and shyness were typical, found both color spaces disturbing and were inspired to moral considerations in the rooms. Such specific effects and the re-experience of certain situations and conflicts, however, are described by many therapists as typical phenomena in healing crises and in the dissolution of energetic blockages.

Enjoy a most colorful day, my friends!



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Great information to help people who are sick to recolour their homes to something that can actually heal them - all whilst doing nothing!

Great Work!

edit: And even the repainting action is therapeutic in itself!

Thank you very much @movingman! You are so right!!! Agree 100%! Unfortunately many are not aware of this gift color brings.

something that can actually heal them - all whilst doing nothing!

YES! Thus I thought to bring some information and maybe raising the awareness would be cool.

And, repainting is definitely therapeutic!

I just love color and believe they have power. I believe Scott would disagree, but he would would tell you that colors can change how a person views things.

I believe Scott would disagree, but he would tell you that colors can change how a person views things.

Yes, see ... he does believe in the magic of colors in his own way :)

Thanks for the tag 😊

You are more than welcome! Thank you for the great work you do!!!

Very interesting stuff.. I never knew such. I'm not surprised those kinds of studies have been done, just never looked into it really. Definitely makes me wonder and think though! Especially as I work with colors so much as a photographer and some colors seem to appeal more to me than others, in certain situations anyways! Life is weird, and fascinating too. Cheers.

Yep ... I had been hooked on color energy a long time ago and it's kind of sad that all this ancient knowledge and many of the available resources are somehow kept from the mainstream info. Thank's so much for stopping by!

Very interesting! Thanks for posting. I hate green, all shades of green, as in H A T E!!! Could you help me discover why? Thanks a lot...

Oh yes, I can .... this might be a long story .... I would guess you LOVE red? hmmmm

Red? Sorry, but not really. I prefer red rather than green, but, I prefer blue than red... all shades of blue, except blue-green... The color I love most is silver. Thanks for taking this thing into your consideration.

Thank you so much, this is quite rare. Blue is connected to your throat chakra and connected organ systems and therefore often loved by a person who likes to communicate. Your antipathy of green in connection with the love of silver (which is in a way connected to your crown chakra and higher self) is rare to me. Green is a very important color as it is connected to your heart chakra and associated organ systems (like blood pressure ...) ... within the classical color therapy one should also embrace colors that are not liked as the chakras balance in pairs. Green balances together with red and thus helps to erase blockages. I can only speak of my experience and cannot give any advice here, but maybe there is a blockage somewhere around the heart chakra ... a deeper insight needs a longer and more intensive consultation, but maybe that gave you some insight into the subject of color therapy <3 Have a most beautiful day!!!


Wow...great!!! Now I understand why I am hypertensive and have a heart ailment. I've mentioned that in my post... here...https://steemit.com/love/@queencat/what-love-can-do-my-zombie-cat try to visit it sometime please. Thanks a lot. You gave me a very good reason to learn to appreciate green. Thanks again!!!

WOW, that makes me so happy, yes that makes perfect sense!!!! So happy I could help you a bit understanding <3 this makes me very very happy, thank you again!!! Gonna check it out when I return from work, xxx

so interesting!!! i love to see how color is so effective on a person's personality!

i wonder how it affects people in a home with many colors for the inhabitants??? does it confuse them as they go from room to room! hehehehe

or do they maybe just gravitate towards their favorite room ! probably LOL

i have always lived in a house with neutral muted colors. i wanted to have one special room for me that is all blue and ocean colors... with lighthouses and items from the sea... and even some ocean sounds playing hehehehe

right now i SORTA have this! the room is blue - but the wallpaper is a strange pattern... not what i would choose.

but.... it DOES have 7 or 8 lighthouses in it! hehehehehe

Oh, I love lighthouses so much .... I LOVE @bluefinstudios photographs of lighthouses soooooooooo much!!!

Yes, it sure has a very powerfull aspect, the color in a room .... e.g. a orange colored room in a very bright orange will have a similar effect like eating oranges the whole day :) lololol

But honestly ... it has!

Colours can invoke so many wonderful feelings, I think this is why we find flowers and nature so appealing - the colours they bring brighten our lives and make us happier.

#thealliance #witness

YES! Definitely, agree 100% @c0ff33a! The particular color that flowers hold is most close to the color frequency a human body can absorb. Same with blossoms of herbs. Nature gives us so much, grants us so many gifts.

howdy sir anutu! yes sir, this was a very interesting post, I haven't heard anything about the effects of colors on people or even know that there has been such studies done so this was very informative!

Grazzi hafna @janton! Unfortunately, the knowledge about color and color therapy are not widely spread and lot's of wisdom from ancient times is forgotten or lost. Nature's gifts are amazing. I will definitely continue this series ...

Interesting title graphic. Is that a commercial script font? I usually use a French-style font called cursif

The font? It's a graphic I have created especially for the post ... :)

This is fascinating and i wonder how deeply the healing can go for us using colour therapy. I'm guessing it can influence right to the root of a cause if properly applied. E x

Yes, definitely. I have studies and personal experience in cases of triple virus infections that could not be healed with classic meds, but were healed 100% with a proper color energy therapy. Sounds unbelievable but is true. In the end we all consist of biophotons ... pure light ... so this might explain some of these cases ...


It's just amazing, but I can completely believe it, as it goes so much deeper- right to the route of what causes the symptoms we see at the top level. Amazing... and it also makes me thing- being surrounded by the wrong colours and wrong light all day could have an equally adverse effect.

Loving this series Anutu!
E x

Oh yes so so true @eveningart, I am so sensitive to colors that I get completely soaked out of energy and really physically drained with neonlights ... so so glad you like it <3 HUG HUG HUG


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