Getting rid of bad habits - Yet again

in #health5 years ago (edited)
I think this is my 4th Blockchained post about my filthy habit of smoking and in all of them I speak about how I´m going to stop smoking for a short period or how I stopped smoking for a short period.

Oh right, when I say Blockchained post I mean that it was published on the Steem Blockchain and there is hard evidence of it´s existence, meaning I can´t deny it and you can actually shove it in my face and tell me Yeah but why should we believe you now? You tried to stop smoking a year ago

You see, I have a weird tradition. I only stop smoking to prove myself that my addictions are still under my control and not the other way around. A few months ago I realized that stopping smoking was out of my reach and that I needed a change in my life to actually beat the habit of smoking. It was incredibly hard for me but I stopped for a while, but I came back to it, once I realized I was out of the woods, I went back inside the forest. I know, silly right?

Well fellas, I think this time it´s for real, or at least long term. I´m not going to say never again or some crap like that because I know human nature and especially, I know myself. I know that during the next few months and based on my next adventure (Which I will tell you later) I will most likely smoke every once in a while.

But hey, so far, it´s been 37 days without smoking, I think it´s one of the longest streaks I´ve had in my life.

This sudden change of habit has to do with two main things: I started using @actifit and began a healthier lifestyle and on the other hand, I bet 50 usd (not thatmuch) with a friend and whoever smoked first, would lose the 50 bucks. So for me, achieving something like this is a matter of getting a healthy life kickstarted and then, adding some pride and honor to the deed. Of course it doesn´t hurt that I´m doing excercise every day and if I smoke, I know that that day at the gym will be extra hard and painful; also, every cigarette consumed means a point lost at voleyball, and I am not losing any game, ever, or at least I hate when I lose :P

Who knows what will happen and God knows I shouldn´t be posting again about this topic on the Blockchain because most likely in 4 months I´ll be posting something similar about how I haven´t smoked in 25 days but hey, I am proud of myself (yet again) for not smoking in such a long time, so I had to share it with you guys!


Picture of me at the beach with some hotties to draw your attention


Congrats - keep up the healthy lifestyle and keep calling those selfies what they are!

Posted using Partiko Android

Gotta be straight with those selfies otherwise some may misinterpret them, right? :P

You can do this! Doing Actifit and volleyball are awesome distractions. When I quit smoking I dealt with the cravings by exercising and drinking water. Every time I wanted a cigarette I either went out on a long bike ride or I drank a big glass of water, and those things replaced the craving. Something to try. 😁

Well good for you. Keep it up. Your body will heal and you will regain the months and years cigarettes have stollen from your life.

So someone should figure out a way to incentivize quitting smoking through a token. Bet there is a way through the transparency of the block chain to do this.

Realizing change is needed is the first step and when you notice the subtle changes and benefits in performance once you get deeper into it, you will never want to go back! Best of luck and resilience!

Posted using Partiko iOS

Going fit is the way to go! By the way, there's a book by Allen Carr, called something like "stop smoking the easy way". Supposedly it does help a ton in changing the mindset, and I've had a friend that tried it, and it helped a lot. Might make for a good read during your travels 😉

Posted using Partiko Android

Good job going 37 days! I know how nicotine can grab you by the balls, it is a son of a bitch once you have gotten in to it.

If you get cravings for cigs, you may try telling yourself "TODAY I am NOT giving in, but maybe tomorrow i may allow myself to have one", BUT today I am not going to have one. That is easier on yourself, than to say I am never smoking ever again.
THen you get another craving 3 days down the road and you tell yourself the same thing. "TODAY I am not smoking, but maybe I will have one some day".
You keep doing this and you will never smoke again! 😉

Good luck buddy!

Picture of me at the beach with some hotties to draw your attention

Haha I was going to comment on that...seems all the pics I've seen of you lately are you and some hot chicks on the beach (well, also some dude in the back, apparently...) - clickbait at its finest :P

Good on you for the change :D I hope it lasts!

i understand the proud, today is 3 weeks for me, i even made a post (after 1 year not posting) to brag about it, thumbs up

Posted using Partiko Android

Good luck and keep up the good work, @anomadsoul . Sounds like you’ve got great motivation and determination, well done 👊🏼

Posted using Partiko iOS

Thanks for the kind words! At first it was a bit hard, note it's a piece of cake tbh :D

I will be happy to see you continue this. It is always good to abstain from smoking but health wise and mentally wise. Smoking is not good. And i hope one day you will finally be able to say bye bye to smoking

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