World Wide Pandemic By Archbishop Selena Scott

in #hawaii6 years ago

KJV_Leviticus_26-21 (1).jpg

Leviticus 26:21

And if ye walk contrary unto me, and will not hearken unto me; I will bring seven times more plagues upon you according to your sins

May 8
The Father is about to release a plague in the USA that will kill swiftly within 24-48 hours, your loved ones will die. It will affect any age groups and the USA the hardest. Ebola and super flu at the same time. I dream about last night where my sissy was leaving the USA like others to run from it. She lost her children due to that superflu. It will soon be airborne and infection the world. China will get hit the hardest first.

I received that vision over a month ago and now it's happening with Alex Jone video:

It's not too late to give yourself to the Father and his son The Returned Christ Lord Ra-El for the main event should be here soon.

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thanks to: Alex Jone; Biblegate;


Alex Jones is usually pretty "out there" and I sometimes have to step back and question his stuff... but he covered this Disease X a few months ago and now it is in the public eye.

There should be no question that the global elite have plans for depopulation. Whether or not the plans will be put in place is one thing, but the plans definitely exist.

This is some serious stuff!

Pray for those souls that are about to experience this if it does hit

That scripture in Leviticus is pretty powerful, I certainly don't want to mess with the Father, nor should anyone else!

Nothing I'd want to be anywhere near if not with the Lord's favor.

Nothing I'd want to
Be anywhere near if not
With the Lord's favor.

                 - rasgriz311

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The Bible promised this to the unrepentant, now is the time to seek RayEl!

This is terrible news for anyone not serving the Lord, RayEl!

Lord RayEl is the way and the light of the world!

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