Writing contest: Can You See the Future? -- "Forked Hard by the CFS"

in #hardforkseries7 years ago (edited)

Below is my entry for the Hardfork Series' writing contest, Can You See the Future? And remember, the deadline isn't until Nov. 30, so there's plenty of time to enter and support this new series!

"Forked Hard by the CFS"

Each night, my mom walks home from work, blinking her way down the street. She thinks she's documenting sidewalk hazards.

I tell her, “Ma, you don't have to blink. The oculars from ONE stream everything you see in real time.” Doesn't matter. She blinks the old series of singles and doubles anyway, then listens for the mental shutter click.

She swears to god she hears it.

“Ma, damn it. Why do you buy into all this?” But it's no use.

“You know why, love. I make a good hobby income from One Nation Earth.” She faithfully uploads her stream for a few ONEDay coins that she trades on the Craft Exchange for Stytch. Which, of course, is the only token the sewing ministry accepts for recreational yarn.

But their wide array of overly specific altcoins is really just a trading mirage, designed to let people like Ma think she's making choices.

She still works at the CFS in janitorial management, a complete joke. Ma used to manage something--a fleet of cleaning bots--but not anymore. Those bots were outlawed by the ONE three years ago, after the riots the Coalition for Human Employment Rights funded. Now she's back to scrubbing the floors, herself. At least she got a pair of management level knee-pads.

Dad thinks she's as daft as I do, but he's no better. He allows the full uplink complement to sit there in his brain, undisrupted, for an hourly hit of digital dopamine. Sold his soul for a fourth of a cent per hour. They've enrolled him in a study that I think is linking his neuroreceptors to our household node. And now he just sits.

I keep my dark web disruptors hidden from my parents' streaming eyeballs, but someday, at just the right time, I'm gonna try to disrupt my dad's link. Just haven't quite figured out the how or the when. A few things to work out yet.

In the meantime, I argue and fight and try to get through to him. “Don't you see, dad? The ONE is debasing your dope. With every new hit, your return is diminished.” But he doesn't care. As long as the fix arrives every hour, he doesn't bother to question his marginal utility. Won't question it or quantify it.

“Mom is going to need your help, this week, Russell. She's chosen a rather hefty work schedule--”

“She didn't choose anything, dad. Mom got forked by the CFS, and forked hard.”

“Russell! Watch your language.”

“Why bother, dad?” I ask, leaving the room. “I'm sure the ONE will watch my language for me.”


Enjoyed this, @geke. Glad to see that cynical, rebellious spirit(Russell) makes it to the future. And love that title! :)

I love this - the world you created with so few words is clear as morning to me. Great story.

I wanna see what his dark web disruptors do! I get the feelin that if enough people had them this dystopia might burst at the seams.
Great stuff, Geke.
Good luck!

The agents know who you are, they are coming for you @geke so get out of there.

Giphy.com Phone Ringing


I remember those phones! 😃

I was devastated to discover that I got here too late to up vote your story, so I up voted this comment in lieu of that...

"Which, of course, is the only token the sewing ministry accepts for recreational yarn."

I found your yarn very recreational! :)

"...designed to let people like Ma think she's making choices."

Ah, the soul of politics...

God save us from the ONE! :O



Awesome! I absolutely love this. I am rooting for you for sure.

thanks - I'm just excited about the fictional world they're creating over there!

This one is overflowing with sass and sarcasm. Love it.

Going to try and work recreational yarn and management-level kneepads into my daily vocabulary.

lol - I think there's a lot of stuff inside this character of Ma that I'd like to get Russell's reaction to. These people may need to stick around for a while.

Mind. Blown. Love the perspective in this (in every sense of the word).

thanks sun - we need to get you writing fiction. please don't tell me you've already posted some and I missed it. because that sounds plausible.

I have not, although this contest is tempting (and the competition intimidating). I have a couple of pieces started but they sit unfinished as I work on my day job or other responsibilities...

I vote @geke!! It will soon be closer to reality than fiction lol...I love it <3

thanks tamara!

This is awesome and very well written. :)

Wow I vote 100% @geke!...
It will soon be closer to reality than fiction lol...I like it..

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