Close your eyes for a moment. Imagine a day in your life in the year 2029.

Describe any part of this fictional day in an original post.
............Challenge Accepted..............

I was landing on Titan.

Me and perhaps a million other people were hooked up to the robotic lander via Virtual Reality. Everything the lander (and the mothership) saw so did we. It was realer than real. It was better than BEING there. The lander (and the mothership) had senses that un enhanced humans did not have. It could sense things that they could not.


But then it landed and after that it got boring..


I discontinued the feed.

I was sitting on the 'penthouse' deck on my own private sea stead...out to sea.

............gazing out to sea and thinking about the past.

It had all began in August of 2016..when I discovered Steem. Steem allowed me to earn MAD money.

I recall that I went Insane...

Figuratively speaking of course...I wasn't any more crazy than I ever had Perhaps we better not discuss that?

Be that as it may...I blogged on steem pretty much full time. I didn't have much else to do. I was retired and didn't play well with other. So I made steem..

Eventually I got enough to buy me a old broke down previously SUNK house boat...that I saw on Craig's list for dirt cheap.

Emphasis on dirt.

Why the hell not? I've always wanted a boat.
So I bought it..and some tools and materials and rented a place to work on it.
For the next few years...and Steemed on.

I sold 'stuff" that I pulled out of the boat that I didn't want on SteemBay...and made a few SBD's...

and steemed on.

ONE DAY...on Steemit I saw...on Steembay...
something that I wanted...
so I got it.

this continued on for quite some time...still happening actually..
the 'stuff' got to be more and more sophisticated and high tech...
and then there was the day..
That a 3D printer was offered on SteemBay.

and then there were more..and more sophisticated.
eventually there came

When one was offered that was....
Indistinguishable from magic.

So I got it.

Then ONE DAY...I set out to sea in the boat that I had rebuilt (finally, after years of work) sailed all day, then dropped anchor out of sight of deeep water. Then I lowered "it" into the sea.
"it" was a thing I'd build using digital plans that I'd traded steem for on another spin-off from the Steem Block traded opensource software, books, art, and other intellectual stuff..for I got it.

Executive summary...
It was a 'seed' that grew me a seastead using the 'stuff' in the seawater as feed stock.
after a few weeks I had one.

So now I sit on my penthouse deck...
the year is 2029...I'm an old fart now..
with neural lace, implanted augments and enhancements and medical stuff that beat any medical facility on the planet when I was a young kid. I feel better now than I did years ago...when I built the boat.

If I want to meet people...I go online. Virtual reality is indistinguishable from the other kind...if I want it to be. Much of the time it is BETTER.

Everything I need or I can grow or 'print' on my seastead. Sunlight for power..and the stuff in the sea for feedstock. It's raining soup and I HAVE a bowl.

Such is a day in's anything that I want it to be.


I've always thought of sea water as an underutilised soup of minerals. Even gold is present, so there's little we can't build if we can harness enough of it. Perhaps sea acreage is the next big thing - next to Steem.
Thoughtful piece, I like it.
Good luck.

I really enjoyed this!
And I've been reading some of your posts since several days ago. Definitively, upvote and follow!

I know i go past the real contens here, but i hope in 2029 we do not make steem anymore but live of the condensation. Steem formed drops that just keep on falling of producing steem again. Maybe we talk in that time about the coin Condens :-) or call it coindence haha

got it !! :-) read your blog : Steemit is a dairy goat herd

milk? why? i rather keep it clean :-)

It is quite hard to imagine what it will be, political events apart, the rise of high technology is also a danger the printers always better can print many things today. What will happen the day when it will be able to print it all from an internet file and components buy online and deliver to our door. No need to go out, the printer will even print our food. People will get addicted to VR, not even need to go office with VR. I do believe most of the human will never leave their home and get so fat at printing all they want to eat that they will not even be able to walk. No social life, only from VR glasses or even better holograms. It looks scary, but nothing is sure only time will say.

Do you look at a glass of water and see it as partly empty?
Do you search every silver lining for a dark cloud?
Do you look a gift horse in the mouth?

No, I don't and this is why everything is possible we can't be sure of the future issues. Like everything in life, there is good and bad. It is up to us to make the best of it.

from what you say it appears that you look rillly REALLY HARD to find the BAD.

Not, but I have been working year in the 3D industry and VR is part of it and I am not trying to find the bad at every corner but both parts good and bad and try to use it as the best with knowledge of what consequences can be in both ways.

so how far off are you from providing a multi-feedstock, high resolution 3D printer?

Not, but it is already in test, I've seen a video in the past of a prototype kind of food printer. For sure it is not the most healthy food but who knows technology is growing really fast today and it is no more the only property of big companies.

yup....I figgered.
the growth rate is no longer linear.

I enjoyed reading your post. There is a lot of good stuff.

Hay its really amazing to find how you had connected steambay and steem and blogging and future . All the imagination that you had creating for future is seems too be true one days . I do appreciate your imaginative thought.

so........... 12 years from now, I'll be 64.

The world will have gone to hell, there will be poverty, the rich will be super rich, and I'll not be one of them.

I'll be bashing away at yet another project, hoping it will turn enough of a profit to get my next fix - a multi-day stage race through what's left of the jungle somewhere.

So life will be not too much different from today really ;-)

I'm already looking forward to it.

a hundred years ago most peopled died at forty....or younger.

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