OK, my Crypto-Mentor directed me to buy THIS: KIN Tokens @ 9 (nine) Satoshis EACH! (NO ONE can match these predictions!)

in #happynewyear7 years ago (edited)

1,338,057.277777800000000000 KIN Tokens, @ 9 Satoshi, and 6 Satoshi price points... :D

You saw that right, KIN token has 18 Decimal Places! Perhaps they intend to overtake BTC? :P

Yes, it's the HOT ITEM, got it for <1/6th of a penny, plus fees, which were a lot higher than a single token LOL!!!
Fees were 15000 Satoshi, or about $2.50 give or take, not that bad.

Image Credit: ethereumwiki.com

mercatox.com is the website/exchange my "mentor" directed me to, but I jumped a bit late. $6000 invested two days ago on 1-5-2018 returned $71,000 already! It did lose about 1/2 that gain but "my mentor" is a swing trader and he likely sold that ~4 million tokens and then bought back at the lower prices. He's that good, and I have mentioned his name on Steemit before. However, I am waiting for clearance from him to know if it's OK to divulge.

He is on a campaign to make $500,000.00 in 90 days, and he's 40% there on DAY FOUR!!!
"TAKING NO PRISONERS" is his slogan, I am awaiting updates. We shall see JUST WHO is KING of the predictions, I do not believe my Mentor uses a whole lot of TA but he does look HARD at Market Fundamentals. This token has more potential than all of some prognosticator's recenttrades combined, IMO! We shall see, just track this trade, PLEASE! I expect it will be a real KILLER, and I have been told that if I follow his template, I will be a MILLIONAIRE in ONE YEAR. (if not sooner?) ;)
WATCH and SEE if we have the Right Stuff, and maybe test the waters yourself? DYODD and remember, I am not saying these are SURE THINGS, but this gentleman has NEVER STEERED ME WRONG YET, and I actually owe my current success to his guidance. He sent me to STEEMIT! :D

Proceed with caution if you decide to try Mercatox, I have seen a few messages in chat @mercatox stating that folks trading there have had trouble getting KIN Tokens to show up in their MEW (wallet) and maybe one other gentleman having trouble getting funds OUT of the exchange. Another person in chat said they attached .002 fees in BTC for the transfer and it sailed right through, so I suspect it's just that, "low gas" LOL! Gotta PAY to PLAY!


New Link to another #SSG member's post on KIN! Check this out!


Picked up a few thousand $$ at 7 SAT and down now but volume not bad so hopeful on gains

Sweeet Deal! Did you already have a Merc Account?

Kin tokens are going to get sawped based on the news i heard. SO don't forget about it for you might need to swap your kin token for the updated one.

Yes, I read that somewhere too, plus Stan alerted me. He's on top of it and I will post any info about this that I get from him.
Thanks Samee! :D

I've just signed up for mercatox, but eth deposits are ďown right now, so I'll try again later.
Plus it looks like they are going to support steem and sbd.

You could use SHIFTY or flip over to BCH (bitcoin cash) Last $$ I sent with BCH was about $150 U$D, and the fees were only $.005 or Half a Cent!

Whoa whoa whoa🤚now you're getting over my head. Is shifty shapeshift? I do have that, but haven't figured it out yet.

Yeah, same thing, I think Shifty is older than shapeshift.
It was really easy, I was such a newb when I did it!
Mercatox was taking BCH when I looked ;)


Here's a referral link, if you try again... use that and I will

greatly appreciate it!! FOREVER!



Nice Chat, thanks for checking in!

Im watching this one from now on, lets see if your mentor is an expert or not ;)

Thank You! That is all I ask, that and a re-steem if you feel it in your heart ;)

Up/ReSteem for you mah man.

...just trollin' a cutey prolly...


@underground, you are hilarious. Love you man. xx

back@ya ;)

Thx! I needed that :p

So, you voting Fool or Genius? :D :*

Personally, I'd rather go American. Just me. I think it's a gamble but you all seem to be Winning. If he already has 40%, I'm with you two. I'd go all in with you both.

Stan told me he'd give me the info to become a millionaire THIS YEAR, I have dropped the ball before, but this time I'm gonna follow his template to a T as long as I have the Ca$h to do it! Right now I have a couple more things I need to buy and HODL, to be up to speed...

Cash is essential 🤣

🤣🤣:D 🤣

You’re a hawt mess lolzzzzz🤣🤣🤣

OMG that's a huge huge jump crypto world is amazing :D

He made just under that 11.8x gain in just 2 Days!
He has all the right connections, which is MUCH BETTER than "technical analysis" :P

Gosh this is the TRUTH!!!!
At least I've found a new connection in you x D

Let's Do This!!!

Oh I wish you much luck!! I haven't tried trading at all yet.

Thanks! :* Rose

Hugs...you're awesome to share.

You are on my list for my "airdrop" KIN tokens ;) :*
Luv Ya, J! <3

I want more info when your mentor reveals himself! Otherwise I'll have lots of questions

Oh, there is LOTS MORE! Plus, I reviewed several pages of Haejin's posts, and there is only 1 or 2 coin in common, as I recall! These are all basically calls made on the fundamentals, not TA or Technical Analysis. Both are useful techniques, but Fundamentals and "insider info" really helps on the really new stuff like KIN. "Mr. M" likes the penny coins, as they have huge upside.

This sounds like a fun gamble. Thanks for sharing (unless I lose my shirt). Resteeming :)
low vp.jpeg

PIX if you do? ;) lol

hahah, yeah, that'll teach ya real good lol


Here's a link for the exchange:

cheers. I don't know what I'm doing though lol :D

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