RE: Happy Birthday Steem! (SURPRISE INSIDE)
Welcome... I have suggested many things since I have been here and some of them are...
An affiliate program where people get paid to bring people on board.
Steemit also needs a multiple and variable pay out Rev-Split option so that Creatives a collaborate and all be paid.
And above all Steemit need to get the puritian thought police under control or it will kill this platform. I just got flag attacked for an image that is compliant and has been posting on FB and Instagram with no problem. People want to come here and have fun not to be attacked or suppressed. Steem it also needs a block button because there is too much flagging and unwarranted insulting comments being made. I have a person that follows me just to leave rude comments and I have told them to leave and they won't. They only thing you can do now is flag them back.
This is not going to work when on all other social platforms you can block people. People want to have fun, make money, not deal with haters and asshole. It needs to be dealt with. And the mute does nothing but let people keep attacking you and do a hatchet job on you without you seeing it.
And how does Steemit plan to deal with it when it gets a lawsuit for neglegence for not having controls in place to prevent harassment and cyber stalking. Don't think it won't happen FB gets sued all day long every does as does Apple and Microsoft it's part of being a big company dealing with the millions of people. So I suggest you add in the nessary controls.
I look forward to some new changes and prosperity for Steemit and it's users.