Positive Vibes and a Whole Lot of Gratitude

in #happiness6 years ago

I was contemplating the reasons why I enjoy Steemit when I stumbled upon this POSITIVE STEEMIT challenge. Perfect timing, Snekky! Thanks to @thebugiq for resteeming so I saw it!

This challenge is about focusing on what’s good and what’s working here on Steemit. YAY! @poeticsnake says:

Complaining is HUMAN nature! Our brain is set that way for some reason! We always spot the things that are not right, feel off or a mismatch between what we want and what we perceive we’re getting. We need this kind of human behavior for our survival. But this also means we always notice more wrong than right!

Yep. I tend to focus on what’s wrong first, but I’ve been training myself to look for the beauty. It’s been many years, but consistently remembering to reel my thoughts onto a new track has created a more positive outlook overall, and eased the downward spiral of depression that used to play like a broken record.

Focusing on the positive does increase HAPPINESS, which is the promised prize for everyone participating in the challenge. A prize indeed, to create your own happiness by turning your mind to the task.

So let's have some fun! Maybe this will get you smiling... Best Canada hat ever! #haturday

Canada Day fun
photo: Greg Eymundson/insightphotography.com | model: Katrina Ariel

Why I love blogging on Steemit.

  • Steemit rewards RECIPROCITY, encouraging people to reach out to each other. Many friendships have been made because of this, and I’m grateful for people all over the world who are now a part of my life.

  • This platform makes blogging infinitely more SATISFYING for me. I share something and receive positive feedback and rewards on a consistent basis, if I am willing to put in the time and do the same thing for others.

  • I can write about anything here. The CREATIVE FREEDOM this platform invites is so amazing!

  • The people I’ve met, the posts I’ve read, the ideas and laughter and touching moments I’ve shared with other Steemians — this platform is wonderful because of THE PEOPLE. Plain and simple.

  • I like the transparency and accountability provided by the blockchain, and appreciate a platform where a large portion of the participants are free-thinkers, interested in EVOLUTION and innovation.

  • And I love contests like these that bring us TOGETHER and help us learn about each other.

I’ve raised many of these points in previous posts, but it’s been a while. When counting blessings, often we are counting the same ones again and again, but that’s good. That’s wonderful.

Keep repeating the positive perspective, and it grows, so I choose to focus on the beauty, as much as I can.


I am grateful for myself, my children, my family, my home. I am grateful for this planet, for earth, air, fire and water. I am grateful for friends, for creativity, and for imagination.

I am grateful to @topkpop for being my minnow mom for two months, when the agreement had only been for one. I'm grateful for #thealliance family like @saffisara, @enginewitty, @battleaxe, @sircork, @thekittygirl, @inthenow, @hazem91, @mikesthoughts, @c0ff33a, @ancapbarbie, @aussieninja, @crisangel, @tattoodjay, @shadowspub, and so many more — I could go on all night!

I'm grateful for #steemsugars, #lgbt, and #ladiesofsteemit friends, like @ameliabartlett, @soyrosa, @lillyraabe, @meanmommy33, @trucklife-family, @didic, @sapphic, @natureofbeing, @mountainjewel, and too many others to name!

I am grateful for you, reading this post. You are a gift!

What are you grateful for?

Have you seen my last post? I’m really proud of it!!!

I’ve been posting about the massive rewrites I’m doing for my novel, FALLING THROUGH THE WEAVING, a time-travel fantasy romance (dragons, wormholes, badass characters). This post got Curied (I 💖 u @curie), and I’m over-the-moon grateful for that, but I’ve hardly had any comments yet. I’d love to hear your thoughts!

If you missed it, please check out the MAIN CHARACTER MAKEOVER in yesterday’s #radicalrevisions post, and VOTE ON MY CHARACTER’S NEW NAME.

radical revisions

Thanks so much for reading! #ilovecurators #ilovereaders

Peace. @katrina-ariel

Katrina Ariel

Author bio: Katrina Ariel is an old-soul rebel, musician, tree-hugging yogini, and mama bear to twins. Author of Yoga for Dragon Riders (non-fiction) and Wild Horse Heart (romance), she's another free-spirit swimming in the ocean of Steemit.

dragon art: Liiga Smilshkalne

Banner by @PegasusPhysics

the alliance
Banner by @bearone



I read this challenge earlier and I loved it, I was just thinking about some of the things that really fill me, it must be very special, since I spend at least 4 hours a day here, so when I joined steemit I just thought, rewards for content? This is great, to start with and see that I made more friends than rewards and liked it even more so a point for this taste.

Steemit rewards RECIPROCITY by encouraging people to approach each other. Many friendships have been made because of this, and I am grateful for people from all over the world who are now part of my life.

I'd add everything I learn to it! in addition to interacting directly with each blogger in case you have any questions about their publication... although there are things I do not understand and therefore do not like, today... I celebrate being on this network that brings many joys to my life, luck.
Excuse my mother tongue is not English, I have to use a translator

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator

I love this comment. Your thoughts are lovely, thank you for sharing.

And thank you for letting me know you're using a translator. Tengo un poco espanol, so when I read (libro?) your words, knowing you're translating, it helps me figure out how something might be phrased in Spanish. Interacting with my friend @crisangel is much the same.

I'm glad you're here. Steem on, amiga.

this is part of the positive things we have in steemit, united by the network, I know @crisangel is my compatriot, so greetings to both of you, thanks for understanding that I am a disaster with English

Gracias por el saludo amiga @melvadg, son muy bien recibidos. Tienes mucha razón con todas las palabras que has escrito, de verdad que Steemit es sorprendente, yo con el pasar del tiempo me he dado cuenta que esto va más allá de solo una recompensa y/o publicar un contenido, esto es extremadamente inmenso donde puedes encontrar un montón de cosas que quizás uno se sorprenda o sea demasiado increíble lol. Siempre mantengo una frase que dice "Steemit es como un océano, una vez que comienzas a nadar no puedes parar, ya que si lo haces te puedes ahogar", y créeme que a medida que uno interactúa acá, se va topando con cosas nuevas, además de crear lazos de hermandad con las personas que se pueden llegar conocer aquí. Un gran abrazo.

oye no lo había visto así, pero realmente no he podido parar de nadar aquí y lo mejor es que me gusta! gracias por tu noble comentario, que tengas una feliz noche

Como hemos venido hablado que cada día aprendemos algo nuevo aquí, hoy aprendiste esa pequeña frase de mi cortesía jajaja. Gracias, feliz noche para usted también ;).

Great post, and I must mention your great taste in hats! :-D The purple one is awesome. Keep those positive and grateful vibes going my friend. Have a great night!

Thank you! You have an excellent night, too! :)

Ooo guaao that great publication, just with reading made me feel all those good vibes that you transmit, it is really incredible. Friend, thank you very much for the mention, it is good to know that I am part of the things that Thank you, that makes me feel very special and happy. I really liked the photo with the Canada hat. hahaha, that tongue outside is very funny hahaha. Friend, I thank you for a quantity, thanks for being as you are. A big hug and a psychological kiss from here, far away, but united by great bonds of brotherhood. Happy day.

💖💖 ¡Eres maravilloso! Sigue siendo tú. 💖💖

Thank you for the shout-out, dear lady... but YOU are the treasure! 💖

Aw, you make me all warm n fuzzy. And you always make me smile. So glad you're here.

I'm grateful to be mentioned in this post so kindly!

I'm grateful for every time you make me smile, just by being you. :)

I absolutely love this post and the positive message 😊
I agree on what you say about steemit and why you love it here. I feel that way too.
I'm grateful for YOU too and so happy to have gotten to know you.
Grateful for my job that I love and the kids that I se every day. I'm grateful for our amazing #thealliance family that just fills my heart with pride and love. And even tho my sister is sick I am grateful for my family and the hope we all share. Thank you for sharing this sweetie and for being the amazing person that you are.
Love you! ❤️🤗❤️

Love love love love love!!! 💖 And blessings to your family, sweet Sass. ((hugs))

You make me smile in my heart and you are such a precious one 🤗 much love 💖

This is such a great and indeed a positive post the world sure needs more positivity and especially on social media and thankfully that is the case here on Steemit a place full with wonderf supportive and caring people

And you are one of those for sure your posts are always such a pleasure to read and I am glad we have met on here

So glad we have met as well. Thank you! 💖


thank you for the call out I'm honoured to be mentioned along with all the other amazing people you mentioned. Love this post and the challenge, definitely need more of this right now. Much love @katrina-ariel xx

You're welcome. And, yes! :) Bring on the positive vibes! 💖💖💖

What a wonderful post. I can totally just feel your soul and spirit coming through. I always enjoy the pictures of you smiling too. I am grateful we got to meet and my gosh thanks for the mention (it was my pleasure) and so happy I've also met such a great friend and wonderful person through it all.

Yes! I'm so grateful for this friendship. That was barely a mention, really. I could've gone on for paragraphs, but trying to keep it simple. ;) You are such a gift! 💖

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