SPENDING - WASTING - INVESTING - A Fun New Slogan Campaign from Papa-Pepper

in #growth7 years ago

Online, there are only so many options....

For years a lot of people have been spending time online. Many of those people have actually been wasting their time on social media and other sites. It seems that steemit has given us a much better option, investing our time!

For those who have been around here for a while, we have tested and proven that steemit can actually give us a return on our investment, if we are willing to invest our time here. In my recent post where I shared how amazed I was to have my steemit account be worth more than $10,000 USD, I made the following statement:

When I consider how other people in the world spend their time online, it really makes me glad to be here on steemit. After all, most of the world is either spending their time or wasting their time online… while we are investing our time!

In the comments to that post, @bryan-imhoff replied:

I feel like there's a great marketing campaign in what you just wrote.
Steemit , Invest your time.
Don't waste time on social media, invest time in Steemit.

Now I've made points in life previously about spending, wasting, and investing, but, as it pertains to steemit, @bryan-imhoff really had a good point. Though we are not employees of steemit inc. we certainly are members of the community, and we can choose to use our own steemit slogans if we want to.

For some time I've been trying to add catchy, thoughtful, and encouraging slogans or one-liners at the end of my posts. Things like "FULL STEEM AHEAD" and "STEEMIT LIKE YOU MEAN IT" have been previously used to end my posts. I've even had coffee mugs printed! However, I think that @fyrstikken may have coined the term "steemit like you mean it" even before I showed up on steemit and @full-steem-ahead is an account ran by a man that I met at the Ozark Area Steemit Meetup.

I think that it is time for something new. Not just for @papa-pepper, but for all of us who so desire. I've been using variations of ”Don’t waste your time on social media, invest it at steemit.com” at the ends of my post recently. Users like @tfj, @timcliff, and @lennstar have taken notice, and @kus-knee even commented:

First of all I also love your slogan that is now at the end of your posts.

Next, @lennstar took things a little further by trying to tweak it a bit:

I am very bad at slogans, but maybe you can make a better one out of it:
Why waste your time making money for facebook when you can waste your time making money for yourself?
Or the other way:
Waste time making money instead of wasting time making money for facebook.


As a community, I suggest that we play around with idea and get this concept out there a little more. Perhaps there are some better ways to word it. Here are my best attempts so far.

”Don’t waste your time online, invest it at steemit.com”

"Don't waste your time on social media, invest it at steemit.com

Are there ways that we can improve it? Are any of you, like @rigaronib for instance, talented enough to make an incredible logo or image featuring a slogan like that? Would @slickwilly or some other user be interested in making up some t-shirts featuring a logo like this?

I think that now is the time to reach out to the rest of the world like never before. Steemit is too innovative and revolutionary to be kept in some secret corner of the world wide web and prohibited from going mainstream and viral. I am officially encouraging others to come up with variations of this slogan, images or artwork featuring a slogan like this, and even t-shirts featuring this. (I'll buy a few!)

If you have Facebook or Twitter accounts, try using this slogan too, and get the word out!

”Don’t waste your time on social media, invest it at steemit.com”



Invest your time wisely - steemit.com

You've tried the rest now try the best at steemit.com

I'm not too great at coming up with catchy phrases either, but how about this angle, for those who can make it shorter to improve on:

There are two kinds of people on the Internet: those who make money for others, and those who make money for themselves. Why make Facebook rich when you can invest in yourself on Steemit?

As I said, it needs some editing...

I agree on investing time on steemit. Great post @papa-pepper

Don't put your money where your mouth is, put your mouth where the money is.

Think about it...

Edited to be more specific:

Social media urges you put your money where your mouth is, Steemit lets you put your mouth where the money is!

Earn while you burn bandwidth... with Steemit!

I like the first one you have. Very pithy and clever.

Thank you. Wish it was shorter, but it's a big idea to try to shrink to slogan length, I think.

I like that slogan - "invest your time".
This is the way I would say it:
Steemit.com - "Invest Your Time, Don't Waste Your Time" OR
"wHY Waste Your Time, Invest Your Time".

I wouldn't add Facebook to the Slogan as a lot of people would get offended and besides it's not just Facebook, it's social media period!
I just recently opened up an account with Twitter to keep up-to-date with my Crypto-Coins. But after joining, I realized that most of the major news comes here@Steemit as well so, it was really no point. But I must say, It does feel good to have a Twitter Acc as it makes me feel like I'm apart of the world and this is what really made me feel like Steemit is really in the shadows and needs to come out with a BANG!
I don't understand why it's not out there like it should be by now, hmmmm!
We really do need to work on our marketing here@Steemit.
I love the clothing idea. T-shirts are great to get people curious like George ;)

I definitely agree about not picking on Facebook. Facebook has sort of become the word used (wrongly) to describe social media in general, kind of like how people tend to call all photocopiers "Xerox" despite the variety of brands of copiers out there.

Right, I wouldn't mention Facebook directly either.

We do need to get steemit out of the shadows!

Great post.. Nice idea to repay Steemit by sharing these slogans on Social media.. Now on I will be using my FB, Twitter and IG account only to share slogans of Steemit.. 👍

That's the best thing to do with those sites! Way to go!

"Steemit: Investing Time"


Invest your time wisely - steemit.com

Yeah, I could see that on a t-shirt.

Great thing about STEEM is that it invests in you when you invest in it!

Very nicely put!

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