Gridcoin Weekly #6; Week 38

in #gridcoin8 years ago (edited)

Welcome to Gridcoin Weekly.

We aim to write about what happens in the Gridcoin world and have some longer in depth sections on topics that has been hot the current week, and try to highlight many of the current interesting things. We give you tips and statistics to make you feel up to date on everything regarding the network. Do you wish to see something special, please leave a comment in the section below.


Support us to support the Gridcoin Community

This post is part of Gridcoin Weekly and 50% of the earned SBD of this post will be converted to Gridcoin currency and distributed trough the Gridcoin Neural Network. We wish to support our Active Community!

Gridcoin Miner Security Increased

The last update of the Gridcoin Wallet made on September 18th, now running version, increased the security for every Gridcoin Miner. The update is not mandatory yet, but it is recommended for anyone running Gridcoin if you mine GRC on the network. This is an update that goes in the direction of the Gridcoin Networks try to secure the network and the user base against outside attacks.

The new update makes an update in CPID Beacon (now Beacons v2), the CPID binds your BOINC computing to your GRC Address and lets the network know where to send your rewards. The CPID will now have a public and a private hash, not just an ID. This will make it much more secure for anyone and makes sure to avoid for example MITM attacks.

The new keys for the CPID will be save in your Gridcoin configuration file, and means you SHOULD backup this file after the new keys have been inserted on the network to minimize the possibility to lose any reward.

A very detailed White Paper on this update made by the Developer Rob.

Gridcoin Thunderclap

For about two weeks the Gridcoin network has been promoting a Thunderclap campaign. Thunderclap is a page where you signup and allow the campaign page make a post on your twitter feed, facebook feed or tumblr feed with a defined message. The goal was to reach 100 supporters and it passed that with big margin.

The results of the campaign ended with 169 supporters making a whole 321 083 social reach, witch is a pretty good result for a free campaign.

In other news

A journey story from romz410

@romz410 wrote a post about Gridcoin and BOINC. How @romz410 tries to encourage friends and relatives to share computer power for good projects on the platform.
PS. BOINC does pronounce just as it spells, as it's an acronym and stands for Berkeley Open Infrastructure (for) Network Computing.

Another journey story from @vortac

@vortac has also posted a story about the journey from using BOINC for many years and watching Bitcoins rise and fall to finally end up with using Gridcoin in parallel for the rewards the network gives for the work submitted.

Gridcoin Splash Screen Contest

There has been a massive submission of new splash screens on the forum and there is now a poll open in the wallet to vote for the ones you think are the best. This is only a first selection of the ones you believe are the best candidates and will not be replacing the official just yet.

Project Rain Preview

@cm-steem posted a little sneak preview about the Project Rain that's been taking shape for a while now. Great progress on a really interesting project.

Gridcoin related BOINC Projects News

Highlights news from and related to all the BOINC Projects on the Gridcoin Whitelist. Most of the news are from the projects news sections. If you wish a project to be present in this section, please inform the project admins to write more news ;)

Cosmology@Home Security

The project Cosmology@Home has installed SSL to their servers and it is now possible to access the page and servers trough HTTPS. It is now also available at

vLHC@Home Security Update

The project vLHC@Home has installed SSL to their servers and it is now possible to access the page and servers trough HTTPS. It is now also available at

PrimeGrid starts search for AP27

PrimeGrid announced their start of search for AP27 (Arithmetic Progression of 27 primes). Read their post for more detailed information and how to participate

Cancer research trough WCG starts laboratory test

World Community Grid writes a story about neuroblastoma, one of many childhood cancer types. This article tells the story of one young girl and her success story, many thanks to the work done trough World Community Grid on the Childhood Cancer research. They also reveal a second phase in progress to broaden the search for many more types of cancers that affect children.

Gridcoin Community Hangout

Every Saturday at 10PM CET there is a live Mumble session that anyone can participate in. Anyone are free to speak up, or you can just connect and listen in live. Listen to the Gridcoin Hangout on SoundCloud (takes a few days after live session before it's posted)

Here are some of the topics in this weeks hangout

  • Coinomi integration
  • Thunderclap results
  • The update on the wallet
  • Project Rain updates
  • Market Pegged Assets

Wallet Updates

Girdcoin Research was released to introduce the new improved and more secure way of informing the network of a miners CPID. The CPID is now encrypted.

  • Added 'execute upgradedbeaconreport' (Shows % of users using the upgraded beacons)
  • Added v2 Beacons (beacons with Public and Private keypairs)
  • Modified execute advertisebeacon (to use keypairs)
  • Added beacon public key to beacon, block and block signing process
  • Added public key and beacon key validity to showblock/getblock
  • Added execute beaconstatus (shows the status of the beacon)
  • Added execute proveownership (shows proof-of-ownership of the cpid)

Current Votes

Splash Screen Contest (Still Going)

Gridcoin Decentralized Voting System Documentation

This Weeks Gridcoin Infograph


NOTE: The decline in Pool Users are due to a change in how we calculate how many Active users there is. An active users is one the got paid in the last payout.

Interested to join?

If you are not currently using Gridcoin but would like to, here are a few places to get help on how to start:

Gridcoin Webpage

Gridcoin Forum

Gridcoin on Steemit

IRC: gridcoin and gridcoin-help


Gridcoin is extremely interesting, it seems the team is playing hardball to. I expect great things to come from this crypto as science becomes a larger and larger role in society. I think it will have no problem being implemented as scientist are constantly trying to find ways to fund their research. I will follow you to stay up on more gridcoin news please follow back to see bitshares/peerplays articles I really appreciate it!

these are the best things that aren't the mumble chats.

people: join the mumble!

Thanks for the resteem mate

Excellent report.
The more I learn about Gridcoin the more I like it.
Keep them coming ! ;)

Nice post, lots of details and events this past week.

Thanks a lot. Having fun with Gridcoin so far. You guys misspelled my handle. But its all good :)

So sorry, thanks for pointing it out. I've corrected it now :)

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.13
JST 0.028
BTC 66512.58
ETH 3313.98
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.68