Gridcoin Research 4.0-2018 Roadmap Progress Report #3

in #gridcoin7 years ago (edited)


Welcome back to the discussion on the Gridcoin Research 4.0-2018 Roadmap proposals. First, some house keeping.

Useful Reading

Directly Related Content:

1: Gridcoin Research 4.0 Proposals and Preliminary Polls

2: Summary of Discussion - Gridcoin Proposals and Preliminary Polls

3: Gridcoin Research 4.0-2018 Roadmap Progress Report #1

4: Regarding the New Technology Rebase Poll and GRC 4.0-2018 Roadmap Proposals

5: Gridcoin Research 4.0-2018 Roadmap Progress Report #2 and November 18th Discussion Recording

Constant Block Reward and Block Creation Proposals/Ideas:

Gridcoin Production Supply Proposals Discussion

Proposal: Pure PoR Transition GRC 4.0-2018 Roadmap

The Gridcoin Community Hangout

Join us this Saturday, 7pm UTC, at the Gridcoin Community Hangout (number 45!) for further discussion. Additionally, get your comments in on that thread if you would like anything Gridcoin related discussed! We will cover it whether you are there or not. If you are there, you will be given the opportunity to introduce your comment and lead the discussion. If you cannot make the hangout, keep an eye out for the recording and summary posted in the days after.

Because I Have Your Attention

Before we begin, I want to take a moment to direct you to two survey polls in the client that were put together by @Brod.

Read more at Github Issue #185.

Both are there to gauge what the community sees as the most pressing issues with regards to development. You can select more than one option in both polls. The "cnt" poll gives each CPID 1 weight per vote and the "mag" poll gives weight based on magnitude. Participate! To vote, don't forget to fully unlock your wallet, and then lock it again when you are done.


Gridcoin Research 4.0-2018 Roadmap Progress Report #3

Here are the updates regarding creating polls for the proposed improvements to Gridcoin Research in 2018.

As discussed in the last progress report, we acknowledge that the timeline proposed in the original article has passed. We continue to discuss a new timeline moving forward. Expect more time for polling than is presented in the original article. We also acknowledge that the proposed polls in the original article may have been too specific. At the same time, we still intend to release a general 2018 roadmap on January 1st, 2018. The roadmap presented on the 1st will be preliminary as the polls outlined below will be taking place at least through January. To achieve this, we have restructured how we intend to phrase the polls made in the client. Keep in mind that all polls made in the client will be verifiably created by a signer of the original Gridcoin Research 4.0 post.

Here is how we intend to phrase the Gridcoin Research 4.0-2018 Roadmap polls. Detailed explanations of each proposed solution can be found in the original article linked at the top of this post. We look forward to your feedback!

"Do you think the Stake Weight Problem is something that should be fixed in 2018, and how?"

-Yes, Constant Block Reward with continued exploration into more long term solutions.
-Yes, Masternodes.
-Yes, Combination of Interest and Constant Block Reward.
-Yes, Fix interest so coins must stay online.
-Yes, Not Constant Block Reward, Masternodes, or Interest.

"Do you think Total Credit Delta is something that should be implemented in 2018"
-No, but we should not use RAC either.

"Should we develop a way to use Research Done on BOINC (magnitude) to secure at least part of the blockchain in 2018?"

"Do you support the continued exploration of Manual Reward Claims in 2018?"

"Do you support the continue exploration of Dynamic Witness Participation for superblock creation in 2018?"

"Do you support the continued exploration of Superblock Payout in 2018?"

There you have it! If you see any possible issues with these polls, think we should add or remove anything, think we are phrasing them incorrectly or with bias, or anything at all, please let us know in the comments below.

We will continue to discuss the timeline around the creation and duration of these polls and will let you know as soon as we have an idea that is ready for feedback from the community.

Thank you for your continued involvement in the development and progression of Gridcoin!

Happy BOINCing!


"Do you think the Stake Weight Problem is something that should be fixed in 2018, and how?"

We've already had 2 polls pass in favour of fixed POS block rewards.

I always miss the abstain/unsure option.

We will discuss adding a null option. Thank you for the feedback.

I like where you're going with the unsure option.

What if instead of abstain/unsure we did something like "I need to know more." This option would let us know that we failed in communicating the function, implementation, and/or principals behind a proposal.

No, need more implies you lack information. But it could just be you don't want to look more into this ir don't have the time or...

i'm going to make abstain "meh" in my next poll. lol

If I understand it correctly, I think the Constant Block Reward/Manual Reward Claim idea is a good one.

It motivates the little guy (such as me), yep I won't argue that I'm speaking out of my own interest a bit.

But I think it adds more value to the inherent purpose itself, the economy by spreading the wealth better out and for the community to stay commited if you have to work for it instead of having an oligarchy that rests too much on past achievements by onlining a big wallet every now and then cashing in and creating a bunch of inflation.

Ofcourse you have to nuance this, and a mix of interest and the facts above is all fine by me. I understand if people interested in investing instead of boincing they'd want to have returns.

Just my opinion™

I can't give an answer on the rest of the questions, don't know anything about it.

We hope to educate as best we can before we get into the actual creation of the polls. Help us help you: Do you have any specific questions? What are the unknowns you are looking for?

Personally, I think Manual Reward Claim adds an entirely new use-case and funding option to Gridcoin in the form of Funding and Crowdsourcing. If we can figure out a way to use decentralized control in order to release the funds (I'm confident that we will), imagine what we could do with the MRC fees and Sidestaking! I will be writing more about sidestaking (which might see a name change) in the near future.

Dynamic Witness Participation, Masternodes (are servers?), MRC and sidestacking you just said are mostly mysteries for me :-)

Dynamic Witness Participation (DWP) is decentralized and based on randomness -- anyone can make a superblock. It affects nothing but superblock creation.

Masternodes are centralized and based on financial support -- only the wealthy can create superblocks. Masternodes affect several other aspects of Gridcoin and present serious risks with regards to development.

Manual Reward Claims (MRC) is described in the original article: here

Side-staking is mentioned in the additional features section of the same article. I will be writing more on it in the future.

Thanks for clearing that up! I read the article but seems I missed that part on the lower section of it.

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