Simple Route to Gridcoin Solo Researching (Mining)

in #gridcoin7 years ago (edited)

You have just started your adventure with BOINC and Gridcoin. You have no spare money to conduct your research solo, but you want to. How to get there? Below is a simple route leading you to solo crunching.

Introduction - minting mechanism

GRC rewards are based on:

  1. interest (currently ~1.5% a year)
  2. scientific research done (currently ~27 000 GRC per day)

Research reward calculation is based on the amount of computer work done on scientific projects running on BOINC platform and included in the pool of approved projects (whitelist). To receive the reward it is necessary to create a new block in the blockchain. To be able to create a block it is necessary to hold some GRC in the wallet (the process is called staking). More GRC you hold, higher is the chance to create a new block.

Mind that we are not simply mining coins, but we are researching. solving and crunching scientific problems!

You need at least two or three thousand coins to be able to stake (and receive a reward) within a reasonable time window (one – two weeks). This is a problem for new researchers, as as of January 2018 the cost of 2000 GRC is around $350. Not everybody has this amount of money or wants to spend them on GRC. Even if the money is not a problem, exchanging them for GRC might be difficult.

Solution – step one

Good news is that you may start with zero GRC. To do so just join grcpool. The pool is a type of a community account – even if none of the members can stake daily or weekly as an individual, together you have enough resources to reliably stake daily. You can move to solo from the pool at a later date.

Pool vs Solo

What are pros and cons of each solution?


  • scientific research you do is equally valuable
  • you earn quite the same research based GRC rewards

Pool advantages:

  • you don’t need any GRC to start
  • easier to set up and start

Solo advantages:

  • you can crunch problems under your own name (or nickname); check your individual standings; have a chance to be recognized if your computer solves a particular problem, like finding a new pulsar or big prime numeber
  • you can vote in Gridcoin polls and have an influence on what projects are whitelisted, what developments to be implemented – you can take part in general Gricoin Network governance
  • you can earn interest, although in most cases it is currently quite negligible (interest is just 1.5% per year, while daily GRC exchange rate can swing more than 10%)
  • last but not least, you help to keep Gridcoin blockchain decentralized, working and safe

Solution – step two - moving to solo

If you don’t care about solo advantages, you can stay in the pool. If you would rather move to solo, here is a simple route to do so.

Steem and are a great gateway to blockchain tech and cryptocurrency. You can bypass banks and banktransfers.

  1. Sign up to steemit

  2. Write an article

Mind that one good and original article might earn you more than 1000 rubbish posts. So focus and write something you will be proud of!

You will be rewarded for good content. At the moment it is not difficult to earn 10 or more Steem or SBD (Steem Based Dollars) and each is currently worth over 5 USD. At the moment I can tip you steem tokens worth around 10 GRC, and there are community members far more generous than me! It means you can earn 100 GRC or more for one article.

  1. Exchange some of your earned SBD on into a coin supported on; acquired coin exchange into GRC on and send into your gridcoin wallet (maybe an easier route is available at the time of your reading) .

  2. The rest of the Steem / SBD change into Steem Power (powering up) to be able to upvote good content and to diversify your investment (when powering up check if it’s worth to change SBD to Steem first).


You can write something Gridcoin related. If you’re looking to engage more in Gridcoin Network – there are numerous projects in development.

  • If you’re a programmer, you can join dev team (and earn GRC directly from the Foundation, too!)
  • You can help with development of and websites
  • You can join whitepaper team
  • You can join marketing team
  • You can write a tutorial
  • You can research how to optimize a BOINC computer
  • You can design some graphics
  • You can show how to oil paint a pulsar
  • You can show how to hand made a sweater with gridcoin logo
  • You can bake a hexagonal gridcoin themed cake - and send me a slice :) … or at least share a photo and a recipe!

You can also write something not related to Gridcoin – a fiction story, about your hobby or work. The most important thing is to have fun. Write for yourself, not for money. Money is the side effect.

Did you know? There is Gridcoin Community Classroom! Join, learn, make friends!

You can also tune in to Gridcoin – BOINC podcast.


Researching in the Pool:


As someone who is new at gridcoin/boinc this is exactly the info I'm looking for and you just brought to me on a silver platter, thanks!
While it will take a long time before I will be ready for stacking, it can't hurt to start reading and preparing in advance ;-)

"Mind that we are not simply mining coins, but we are researching" - nice, we are researchers then ;-)

"Exchange some of your earned SBD on into a coin supported on; acquired coin exchange into GRC on and send into your gridcoin wallet "

Would you mind make a tutorial about how exactly to do this. I opened Bitshares account (uses, correct) then I bough some BTS and with them I'm now trying to get some open.GRC (or and I have a feeling this is not a correct route.....

I opened Bitshares account (uses, correct) then I bough some BTS and with them I'm now trying to get some open.GRC (or and I have a feeling this is not a correct route.....

Sure it is, you just have to send them to your gridcoin wallet after you acquire them and let them start staking . You do have the gridcoin wallet installed do you?

Yes I finally got wallet installed I even got my first faucet payout :-)

I think that openledger's open.GRC is only IOU, it tracks the price of GRC and I can say benefit with GRC price rise, but as far as I understand, those open.GRC are not the same as 'real' GRC and I can't send them to my wallet. Or am I wrong? (I hope I'm, that would simplify everything)

Oh but they are, I did it before myself. just operates the dex, the decentralized exchange.

There's a withdraw option next your open.grc balance, click that and it will ask for a grc wallet address. Put your receive address in. After paying a small transaction fee in any currency it will be wired to your wallet very quickly.

(btw I checked and the gateway seems to be undergoing maintenance at the moment, so you'll have to wait till it's back up to do so..)

Oh, thank you very much, so it is possible, this is great news and I'm on the right path then, cool! Now if only I can get some GRC cheap, looks like it is racing away from my limit order lol

"Money is the side effect!"

I agree 100%.

We're here working for something we all love and are passionate about, whether that is crypto, science, math, data analysis, BOINC, open-source... whatever. We have these tools now that let us earn rewards for the content we produce, instead of earning profit for large centralized organizations like reddit and facebook. Reward the contributor. Reward the curator. What a brilliant use of the blockchain!

Not to mention that you can't censor a blockchain very easily, if at all.

Excellent guide, you summed the pro's and con's for solo and pool quite well.

A good start place. A step by step guide to gridcoin-by-pool is found here:

Thanks for the ideas, good to know :)

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