BOINC G – Custom BOINC Distribution Proposal

in #gridcoin7 years ago

I propose building a custom BOINC distribution (BOINC G – name for further consideration).

Gridcoin and BOINC are in a kind of a symbiotic relation. Gridcoin attracts participants to its blockchain thanks to BOINC, distributes coin supply growth (inflation) partly based on BOINC computations. BOINC also attracts new users (new computational resources) thanks to Gridcoin and BOINC users can offset some costs earning GRC. From evolutional point of view, Gridcoin is changing and trying to fit better in this relationship, BOINC seems to be resilient and not trying to conform to Gridcoin needs. This is understandable, as cryptocurrencies / blockchain is a new technology with often unclear legal status.

Gridcoin own BOINC distribution would solve several problems. To name just a few:

  • beacon and team requirements
  • add value in eyes of investors, as Gridcoin blockchain ecosystem would be complete from computational point of view
  • ease future development, as code on both sides (blockchain software and computing software) could be adjusted

At the moment Gridcoin blockchain is naked and connected to the independent project. Building own ecosystem is a necessity. One of the main selling points of Apple products is a rich and quite complete ecosystem. The same is true for any product or service. An example (and just one part) of Bitcoin ecosystem are exchanges. Bitcoin is the only universal exchange agent (money) you can exchange for a thousand of coins and tokens, including Gridcoin.

Science would benefit in many ways:

  • Increased computational resources. Successful Gridcoin would easily bring new resources exceeding current computing power of BOINC network within a year or so.
  • Grants. Gridcoin Foundation could pay server costs or simply issue grants supporting scientific projects. This could even allow some projects to come into existence, while otherwise they will not see the light of the day.

Scientific project running on BOINC G would have its own GRC address and could receive donations directly from public. Gridcoin would become science computing & funding platform and be more connected to external world, making Gridcoin economy more complete. Ethereum has ICOs, Gridcoin would have GSGs – Gridcoin Science Grants.

I see BOINC and BOINC-G cores to be the same / compatible, so both projects could acquire good future solutions from each other.

Assuming 15 mln GRC is created a year (what is around twice below current target) and channelling 10% to Gridcoin Foundation (GF), allocating 20% of GF funds for grants we would get 300 000 GRC for Gridcoin Science Grants (GSG) each year:
-at 1 GRC = 0.05 USD Grant Fund would have in disposal $15 000 per annum
-at 1 GRC = 1 USD Grant Fund would have in disposal $300 000 per annum

I assume (research needed - ServerIntro) $1500 is enough to pay server hosting fees. If it is true, at current prices we could easily pay server costs for 10 projects.


Sounds interesting, checkout my post about similar thing. Maybe we could do something together as I also look forward to get my hands into boosting the GRC project.

This is a solid contribution to Gridcoin development. I have another might-be-interesting idea, but I would need to team up as it seems over my capabilities to do it myself. Contact me on slack when free.

I think this is a great idea. The next level for gridcoin IMO is to be used for private commercial type projects and they may not be ideally suited for the public boinc servers. I am not sure if there are any other custom boinc distributions out there (would ours be the first?). Better integration into the gridcoin wallet would also be a plus.

A GRC foundation could benefit from commercial projects although I think a majority of GRC should get burned during this process. This would not devalue the coin, but would rather maintain a high price so that BOINC researchers would continue to mine the public projects.

If private commercial projects aren't ideally suited for the public boinc servers, why should Gridcoin considers them in the first place. Isn't it the first credo of Gridcoin ? I want to boost GRC as anyone but I'm sure there is another way than creating Gridcoin-B.

I am not sure if there are any other custom boinc distributions out there (would ours be the first?)

It seems there is one and a rogue one.

Edit: It's only a client, not server software.

Beside the benefits you mention, the main drawback would be to create segragation among non-teamGridcoin Boinc participants. If you agree they have reasons to be crypto-defiant, then Boinc G participants would be regarded as fools. Boinc community could blame Gridcoin to have created this hiatus and the symbiotic relation could be harmed.
And they have reasons to be crypto-defiant.

Analogy. Part of the Debian community were Ubuntu-defiant. Now Ubuntu is one of the top Linux distributions. There are dozens of Linux distributions and there is no hiatus.

I was focused more on pros than cons in my post. There are drawbacks to stay in the current state, there are drawbacks to move beyond. If Gridcoin won't build its own computational ecosystem, what other ecosystems can it build? Gridcoin loves BOINC, but BOINC doesn't care. This is not a good relationship.

It's worth to remember that current valuation (market cap) of around ~$20mln comes mostly from hype, risky bet for the future. During dotcom bubble domain names were changing hands for as much as $1mln. But one day investors started to ask questions. Without the source of value GRCs are not better than BOINC credits.

I dont really agree with the idea because i think its just not viable.

But keep in mind you arent generating free money if you increase generation by 10% and pump that money to the foundation. In fact, you are doing the same thing for which people prefer crypto to FIAT. Devaluating its value for benefit. Only that now is mainly private instead of public.

Hmm, there are Linux. Mozilla, Apache foundations... open source projects need need them it seems... Pumping money... just think about it as securing the blockchain through legal, marketing activities etc... Economics it a bit too complicated to discuss here in depth.

Ok, lets say you are the usa. you have 100 tokens that count as money. You give everyone those tokens. then you make 10 for yourself. By doing these 10 tokens you have decreased the value a 10%. If the fundation asked for money it would be a much different issue.

Not really, first instead of giving 100 to all, we give 90 and 10 leave for the foundation.
Second - whether new created number of gridcoins is N or M per year is so far a totally arbitrary choice. Third - look at Stellar, they are giving lumens left and right and MC is $2.5B. Number of tokens is just one of many variables.

If the fundation asked for money it would be a much different issue.

I thought foundation is a part of the project / community. Is it an independent entity?

Fortht - if usa from your example would invest those 10 tokens in bridges, universities and railways, value of all tokens could double.

Ideally, we would remove the team requirement ASAP not further entrench it..

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