Gridcoin community hangout #035

in #gridcoin7 years ago (edited)

Gridcoin Community Hangout #035

A massive shout out to the BeyondBitcoin community & @officialfuzzy for providing the Gridcoin community a room in their mumble server for free.

Another massive thanks to @peppernrino for editing the hangout recordings! Follow him on Steem! :D

What is Gridcoin?

Gridcoin is a cryptocurrency which securely rewards BOINC computation on top of proof of stake.

What's BOINC? BOINC is an open-source volunteer distributed computing platform which utilizes the spare computer resources on 500k+ computers to attempt to cure diseases, map the milkyway, search for extraterrestrial life, and any other kind of distributable computation.

Anyone who needs a serious amount of distributed computing power (100k+ CPUs) almost entirely for free can create a BOINC project to create a distributed cloud service of their own desire (fairly easily) whilst the Gridcoin network potentially rewards your project's volunteers on your behalf.

Where can I listen to past hangouts?


Past episode details

034 RSVP & Topic suggestion thread

Why are we holding these hangouts?

  • A mumble conference call can provide significant advantages over communicating via forums and IRC.
  • To create opportunities to inform the public of new Gridcoin, BOINC and related services & their development progress.
  • To bridge relations between the cryptocurrency & BOINC communities.

How long will the hangout last?

If there are not many topics suggested then hangouts won't last longer than an hour, on the other hand if there are many topic suggested then the hangout may last 2-3 hours!

When the Gridcoin Community Hangouts start really picking up traction we can become more strict with allocated speaking time if need be (so you're not waiting hours to talk).

Want to suggest a topic to discuss?

Reply with your suggestions in this Steem post & order of discussion will be from highest to lowest voted suggestions.

Can we discuss anything?

It's advisable to stay generally on topic, attendees are distributed around the world so they may not (likely won't) share the same views regarding controversial topics not related to Gridcoin/BOINC/Cryptocurrency.

That said, this 'on topic' guideline fizzles away once official recording has ended & the hangout becomes a more relaxed environment.

Proposed time for Gridcoin Hangout #035:

9PM BST 22nd July 2017.

Compare 9PM GMT to your time zone!.

How to join the Gridcoin hangout

Step 1: Download Mumble. [Windows Client, Android Client]

Step 2:

Step 3: Configure Mumble & join the server!

Label: BeyondBitcoin - Gridcoin
Address: (or or
Port: 64738
Username: Enter your username
Password: w0rldCh@NG3rsUN!t3

Step 4: Join the Gridcoin channel!

Step 5: Configure your audio wizard & setup Push-To-Talk. Join 10-15 mins before the hangout starts to test your audio configuration.

I hope you decide to attend the hangout - everyone is welcome to join, especially those who suggest topics of discussion in this thread.

Best regards,

Gridcoin banner


Can't wait! Just listened to your talk on #beyondbitcoin. Found here. Thank you for representing us to such an amazing community!

@joshoeah and I (and anyone else from #branding who can make it!) hope to give an update on what's going on with Branding -- Logo, the coin, client icons/gui/ux, ideas for future projects that are being tossed around -- how to get involved, and what we're thinking in terms of presenting the commemorative coin to the larger gridcoin community. We also want to answer as many questions the community might have regarding Branding and its projects!

Some sources to get started:

Yep, I'll be there to field any questions folks might have regarding the new logo and branding - I even have my mic' set up ready to actually talk.. Hoorah! If you have any specific questions regarding the commemorative coin please do mention them here so I can pass them on to @dutch, who is handling the printing of the actual coin.

I'd like to know how the coins would be sent out later on ?

  • Someone needs to have the POSTAL ADDRESSES of the people to ship it out. This is likely a knockout criteria for some people who would also like a coin

The postal addresses of the winners (two people I believe) would certainly be required, or at least a postal address (I know I, for one, have most things shipped to my workplace.)

These addresses would, as expected, be handled with absolute care with regards to data protection. If either of the winners are uncomfortable with this, then alternative arrangements can be looked into. In the unlikely event that an agreement cannot be reached then the community would have to discuss and decide upon an alternative course of action.

To avoid these privacy concerns, how about uploading the design to a 3d printing website where the designer gets a commission/referral? That way an individual isn't receiving addresses rather a trusted company?

That could certainly work - issue is, we currently have @dutch producing them, since he has access to some really nifty equipment that can produce quite fine detail. We'll chat about it and come up with something that allays privacy concerns and keeps all parties happy for sure.


Direct links to Polls on Gridcoinstats

Did you know that the Gridcoin client has inbuild decentralized voting? Anyone with the min 100k GRC can create any poll they desire including whitelist polls (addition/removal).

Poll situation:

Ongoing polls:


"For the betterment of BOINC"

User 'Ageless' (Long time BOINC user/volunteer/moderator/project-admin) has asked the community for input regarding the improvement of BOINC!

I have quoted his post:

Hi BOINC Community,

Last week Richard Haselgrove and I were asked to join a BOINC Work Group committee which researches how BOINC can be made more user friendly, easier for anyone to set up their own short- or long term project, and for the community to join in on those endeavours. The goal is to get more people to run BOINC, to join in coding all parts that make BOINC (client, manager, web site, forums, projects, etc.), to test everything, to get them to set up their own projects, to make BOINC a future-proof and reliable brand that isn't dependent on any one person in particular.

We do know this is a big order and it won't be solved in a couple of weeks. So we'll work in the background together with some key people from projects/code developers to get things started. Eventually we will need answers from you as well, probably on a lot of things. But we'll start slow with a couple of small questions:

  1. If there is anything at all you can change in/withdraw from/add to BOINC, what would that be? While we don't exactly look for enhancements or bug squashing, you may just let out anything you think would put BOINC on the map. For example to add social media inside BOINC Manager, or have certain add-ons integrated into the client (I am making these up, they aren't on the list (yet)).

  2. Would you like to contribute to making BOINC better, or program for it, or walk the source code, or do anything to help the project forward? What has held you back thus far?

  3. We'd like to get into contact with people who programmed for BOINC, but no longer do. Can you PM me or Richard on this, or contact me via email? Especially if you're one of the people in the Volunteer Developers section here.

  4. We also like to get into contact with people who now voluntarily program for BOINC. Can you tell us why you decided to work on BOINC, how difficult it was to get into and what we can do to increase your involvement?

With thanks for any answers you have,

Richard Haselgrove
Jord van der Elst

Perhaps this is a little beyond the scope, but would it be worthwhile to make a heavy investment in the GUI / Backend of BOINC/Gridcoin?

My mom (65 year old former music teacher with little tech capabilities) was able to download Minergate software and start mining XMR on her own. I'm not sure she could do the same with GRC.

If we can make it THAT easy, the expense/headache might be worth it.

BOINC and Gridcoin should be worked on seperately, however pools can and have provided (suchflex) simplified mining interfaces for earning GRC via a pool in the past.

I believe that David Anderson (Lead BOINC dev) is working on the simplification of the BOINC client right now:

the ongoing superblock problems since >4 weeks:

affected BOINC projects:

  • most affected: NumberFields, Rosetta, SETI

2 forks happened in the last 13 days:

further info:

Got any links to Github issues investigating these mitigated forks instead of Steemit posts?

I posted investigation results to the July8-fork in the OPs channel (where you and ravon also are) and to Tomas - they were not posted on steemit or so.

  • I asked later Tomas if I should create also a bug report, but he wasn't sure. Thus, no bug report created.
  • I'm waiting with posting until I get feedback from Tomas about his analysis.

My general activity in the bugtracker can be seen here (e.g. reported crash yesterday)

If you experience any instability within the Gridcoin client, the most productive action is to copy the debug.log (core client debug) and debug2.log (NN debug) outside the appdata folder then go through the logs close to the timestamp of the experienced issue. Any detected anomalies within the debug logs should be reported to github (not steemit) within an issue, it doesn't require a developer such as Thomas to spot blatant issues in the logs worthy of reporting.

I've replied to this same copy pasted content across multiple websites, quality of content over quantity, mate.

Hadn't spotted that you posted this, I got this message first thing I woke up this morning in a private message albeit perhaps an earlier draft. My response to mercosity:

First off, I've not downvoted every single post by erkan, less than 10 closer to 5 downvotes perhaps, max.

My downvote is worth about a dollar, if he can get upvoted more than a dollar then my downvote will be made null. If he's unable to reach a dollar perhaps that says something about the content in the first place?

It's not an abuse of 'power' because I am not a mod/op/admin on Steemit, I am a normal user with just as many rights as any other steem user (including the right to downvote).

Downvoting is not censorship; Erkan is not having his posts deleted nor modified on steemit/reddit/cryptocointalk/irc/slack/telegram/twitter nor has he been banned from any platform, his low quality fud Steemit posts have simply been downvoted and thus made hidden by default (not deletion, you can unhide content). A downvote on steemit is not as severe as outright deletion of content by a mod on reddit.

I am not infringing upon his freedom of speech, his non-fud (somewhat constructive) copy/paste posts have not been downvoted by myself.

Regarding my steemit funds, I've only earned about 1/5th via posts, the majority I personally invested thus this steem 'power' is not solely because others upvoted my content in the past. Regardless, to imply that I am somehow indebted to everyone that's voted for my posts in the past is absurd.

Best regards,

Rather than spam this snippet everywhere, perhaps you could respond to the /r/gridcoin Reddit thread you created which was received fairly negatively? There are several users clearly arguing against your stances there that you are failing to acknowledge.

Regardless, complaining about downvoting of steemit content is entirely irrelevant to Gridcoin, I'm acting entirely within my rights as a Steemit user when I downvote low-quality Steemit content and it's important to clarify that downvoting is not a form of censorship (where as the absolute deletion of content say on /r/boinc is censorship).

If you want to actually be productive then post your concerns/findings directly to the Gridcoin GitHub repo where I have zero authority to influence the visibility of your posts & where developers will notice it immediately (Rob likely isn't following your every post on Steemit for debugging information).

I will also copy-paste my reply here, hoping that more people will get some insight into how Steemit really works and how ridiculous are those censorship claims:

People who think Steemit downvote is censorship still have no idea how Steemit works and should study it more before spreading FUD.

We even had an experiment running here, where whales downvoted plenty of popular content systematically, trying to give more power (and rewards) to dolphins and minnows. Thousands of downvotes were handed out and it created less drama than this sorry erkan nonsense and nobody whined about censorship. Granted, it didn't work too well, but still it should be an interesting read to anyone who wants to learn more about Steemit (this is just one of many articles about that experiment):

@cm-steem is well within his rights as a Steemit user and, in my opinion, has been using his voting power very sensibly, not to mention his huge work on promoting Gridcoin here. And for the record, @sc-steemit has also downvoted one of erkan posts and I was on the fence more than once. Success on Steemit is within anyone's reach: study how the platform works and focus on creating high-quality content and your reputation and rewards will follow. Spread disinformation and nonsense and your reputation and rewards will suffer. It's as simple as that.

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