2nd day of 2018 and starting the ATTITUDE OF GRATITUDE challenge

in #gratitude7 years ago (edited)

I got many encouraging comments on my last post about how things will pick up in 2018, and I want to make sure I notice every good thing. So today I got to thinking about a gratitude journal, which I haven’t done for a while, and how I’d like to share that with you all.

Then I looked for other gratitude posts and found I will be in very good company! OK, so I’m a bit slow joining in, but no matter, I’m here now. To catch up, I’m going to start at the beginning of the year and cover two days.


Monday, 1 Jan 2018 – grateful for family

My nephew’s baby girl turned two yesterday. She lives with her mum near the far south of the country, so he doesn’t get to see her often. But he has her visiting for two weeks at the moment and we had a big celebration yesterday for her birthday.

What an amazing child! Being brought to a strange place where apart from Daddy, everybody else she had either met nearly a year ago, or never met at all - so essentially being exposed to about 20 strangers. But she was up to the challenge, on her feet all day, enjoying the paddling pool, food, presents, cuddles with people who she’d never met before and still going strong when I left!

I hope that, when she’s older, she appreciates the extended family she doesn’t see much, but that is still there for her.

Although I was pretty exhausted after two hours travel in each direction, it was a special day, and nice to have that family time. I’m enjoying seeing the fine young people my nieces and nephews are becoming, and the lovely children that two of them (so far) have.

There are loads of photos of the day on FB, but I don’t want to put pictures of someone else’s child on the blockchain. But here’s one of her enjoying the paddling pool with her cuzzie (kiwi for cousin), that doesn’t show their faces. (Photo by the cuzzie’s mum, and used with her ok)


Tuesday, Jan 2 – where do I start?

I wouldn’t be human if I wasn’t excitedly bouncing in my chair, being grateful for Steem going up the way it has today.

But there are other small pleasures to appreciate today as well. A summer day, a stat holiday, the leisure to lie out on the swing chair on our deck and read a book. Going to our garden and picking fresh cos lettuce leaves for a salad for lunch. Checking the strawberries while I was there, and finding a couple of monster ones. @sift666 ate one of them before I could get photos, but here you can see the biggest with some smaller ones for perspective. The two middle sized ones are about the size you’d buy in the shop.


Oh, and I’m thankful for the new purple Canon camera @sift666 bought me for Xmas, which I used to take the photo. Notice how the fact that it’s purple matters more to me than the specs. (I trust him to only buy something good.)


As I write, it’s 8pm and still light, windows still open to the summer evening air. Some kumera (sweet potatoes) baking in the oven, which we’ll have with baked salmon.

Tomorrow I’m thinking of starting a three day water fast, to help reset my body and my mind into a clean new space for 2018.

Peace and joy for all in 2018

Photos (1) from Pixabay (2) by my niece (3) by me (4) from the Canon website

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three day water fast? what just drink water for 3 days? sounds good actually :)

Yep, you got it. The current plan is to eat dinner tonight, then no more food till Sunday morning, which will be 3.5 days. We did one a bit over a year ago, so I know 3.5 days is my limit. But @sift666 can only do 1-2 days. Hot up your way today? Even with the aircon on, it's 27 to 31 in the house and 34 out on the deck in the shade.

awesome friend nice pic

Thank you for post.

Thanks for reading and for the comment :-)

Gah! I remember commenting on this when I was in South Korea. I wonder why it didn't post. I think this is a great idea! And, I'm not just saying that because I made a post entitled An Attitude of Gratitude a while back haha! I genuinely think that if people felt like this more, the better the STEEM experience would become. Looking forward to catching up to these. Looks like you've been posting more regularly now, which is good!

That's technology for you. Sometimes you are the master and sometimes it is.

If people felt like this more, not just Steemit, but the whole world would be a better place. Hopefully it will grow.

I was managing to post at least every second day, but haven't managed one over the weekend. I might aim for the pattern I was doing a while back - Mon, Wed & Fri, NZ time.

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