[Gratefulvibes] I'm Grateful for a Repaired Garage Door

in #gratefulvibes6 years ago

Reparing the Garage Door

It's something that I've put off for too long. Last spring, our garage door stopped working. The spring was broken and the motor couldn't lift up the door anymore. This should have an easy fix, either try to repair the spring yourself or hire someone for the installation.

We haven't been parking our car in the garage.

All winter, we've been parking our car outside in the snow. Not only is this annoying, but it puts our possessions at risk.

I'm discovering as a family of 6, it's surprisingly easy to forget to lock the doors to our car. After getting all our children out of the car and shuffled into the house, there are usually other objects like groceries and stuff to bring in. It's easy to forget to lock the doors. We've even had nights where we leave the doors OPEN all night! Thankfully we live in a neighborhood that's fairly safe, but lately someone has been taking advantage of our forgetfulness.

The Last Straw.

I've had many possessions stolen from my car, but I always marveled that they never found our gift card stash. I've had many opportunities to take the gift cards out from the car, but what good is a gift-card sitting at home!

Recently, I found my car with the gas-cap opened and interior rummaged through. They tried to steal my gasoline (but didn't) and took the gift-cards. Enough is enough.

Why I don't call it stealing.

To take the posessions of another without permission is stealing. Plain and simple.

I say "take" rather than "stealing" because I have forgiven them the sin of stealing, so all they are left with is "taking". If I ever met the person or persons who have "taken" from me, I would inform them that their debt to me is forgiven. But for their sake, I'm going to deter them from "taking" anymore from me. I have given all my possessions to the Most High in Heaven, so they are not stealing from me at all. I am entrusted with these material things to take care of for the sake of the Gospel of Jesus (the Word of God). To be a good witness. To forgive those who are indebted to me. I have been forgiven a great debt and I extend that forgiveness to whoever is taking from me.

While what this person did was a sin against me, that transgression was really against the Almighty, who instructs us to love our neighbor. So I forgive my neighbor for taking from me and my family. I pray that he (or she) come to the Father in Heaven also and be released from the guilt of sin and become pure in heart and mind.

I'm grateful for a functioning garage door again!

So the plan now is to CLEAN the garage so I can park my car inside again. That's what a garage is made to do, right? It's not a warehouse for stuff, it's a place for a car. So that's my next plan.

Bless the Most High!


My garage was the same for quite some time, I just kept putting it off for months.

What had me get it cleared out was winter hit and I hated getting drenched in the rain from the front door to the car lol

We had a side entry you could go under cover from the house to the carport but I couldn't access due to boxes in the way etc.

Sometimes you can also find some long lost gardening equipment or tools that have been missing for years when going through boxes!

Ours are in our backyard in the snow getting rusty... I just never put them away last fall. My next task is clearing out the garage to make room for a car. I can do this. #excellentgif


Wow! You have such a positive outlook I like.

It's always great to be grateful for things! Instead of gettign offended, you forgave the man instead! Good on you mate! :)

I always leave my things in the car too! Most often than not my wallet and my phone! hahahah! Thankfully they are items that I need to use daily so I'd won't leave them there for too long :p

For forgiveness, you do have a really big heart XD

I tend to wait just one incident to long to be inspired to fix a problem sometimes, so I understand how it got prolonged. Don't like hearing or reading anyone gets taken from, but glad to hear you have the right attitude about it. Very inspiring!! I try to be similar with my "things," and transgressors. Congratulations on knocking out a project. Cheers!

It's good to be grateful for the little things (or big things when it comes to fixing household issues). I also admire your attitude towards those who pilfered your car. Glad the garage door is fixed. Good luck with the cleaning project! :)

It is difficult to forgive those transgressions, but you have done well in forgiving them and perhaps the Father will too. But it is better to be safe than sorry. So now the car has to be parked inside. That is another freedom they have taken away. The freedom to enjoy your property as you see fit.

I'm thinking of installing a motion sensor light, people who take like the darkness and hate the light the exposes their deeds. @ironshield

Also a security camera. I have on at my gate. Sometimes it makes for interesting viewing...

We lived in a house in Texas for 7 years I believe and never used it for the cars we actually drove. It housed two "project" cars and a lot of junk. When we moved out, boy was that a ton of fun. Yikes! Glad you're getting the door fixed and can park in there. Not cool for people to take stuff from you - gift cards are a sad thing to lose. Interesting take on the choice between take and steal! I haven't heard that before.

It was quite the loss, but interestingly my daughter and I celebrated our birthdays and I received five new gift cards. Interesting timing! @ironshield

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