[Grateful Vibes #67] I'm grateful for a good business year.

in #gratefulvibes7 years ago

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We're doing our end of year accounting to see how the business is doing.

We were pleased to find that this year was better than last year. Last year was rough. It was my second year working with my dad and I was still learning the ropes. We sort of went into crisis mode and I took responsibility being the least experienced in the company.

But this year was an improvement.

We're finally getting some traction.

My dad and I have been making more sales calls, networking with more people, tightening our belts, exploring new avenues. All of these together has made for a better report at the end of the year. It's far from where we want it to be, but it's heading in the right direction.

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I'm grateful to see the business growing.

A short history of Chemical Containment Systems:

Founded in 1997, CCSI has been supplying tanks (primary containment) and linings (secondary containment) systems. I joined the company in late 2014 and I have been here learning the business since. It's a business that requires a lot of experience knowing what epoxy or vinyl ester to use in which situation. Knowing how to calculate material and cost. Finding answers to questions. Negotiating prices. Managing orders. Managing the accounting. Ensuring our customers are happy.

My boy has arrived.

Now that my boy is here, I'm continuing to learn so I can teach the business to him someday. Just as my dad is teaching me the business. Whatever business I do, it has to be something I can pass down to my son. It's become critical. I hope to buy Daniel a house someday. He needs to have a business to support his family.

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A nice house is about 50 Bitcoin today, I wonder how many STEEM it will cost when Daniel is grown?

Teaching my children what is most important.

It's always a challenge for me to seek first the Reign of God, before business or pleasure or family life. The principles of the Reign should run through all of these things. This is the first priority. Because if the business fails, investments plummet, material things taken away, the Reign of God can never be snatched away. The Reign of God is inside of us.

Love YHVH your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates. When YHVH your God brings you into the land he swore to your fathers, to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, to give you—a land with large, flourishing cities you did not build, houses filled with all kinds of good things you did not provide, wells you did not dig, and vineyards and olive groves you did not plant—then when you eat and are satisfied, be careful that you do not forget YHVH, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery. Fear YHVH your God, serve him only. Deuteronomy 6:5-13

Just as God desires to give His sons houses they did not build and vineyards and olive groves they did not plant, I want to give these things to my son. If it is the will of God. May His will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. He may not have these things for us in this life, and it's not our job to be disappointed about His good plan. It's our job to worship Him and serve Him only. Shabbat Shalom!

Bless the Most High!


This has been 67 of 70 of the #gratefulvibes challenge by @paradise-found

Check out my previous greatefulvibe: I'm Grateful for My Wife's Cooking (Recipe Included)


The STEEM Engine


Always nice when the numbers line up!!

It's always a relief. @ironshield

Hi @ironshield! You have received 0.1 SBD tip + 0.02 SBD @tipU from @tattoodjay :)

Check out new tipuvote! feature :)

Glad to see the numbers and returns are coming in Ogg’s and things are building up, all the best for the future and continued growth


Thanks, yes the number are reassuring, but it's not time to rest on our laurels. @ironshield

Of course not, stay working hard onward and upward

Congratulations on your improvements!
May God bless you richly in 2018!!

Just wow nice thoughts friend and great post thanks for sharing god bless you and bless your wife and your baby

Thank you so much. Bless the Most High! @ironshield

Love that you are working with your dad. Everything we do in life has it's ups and downs. It's great the and admiration for your wife and she and your children are a true blessing to you. Have a great day @ironshield.

Working with my dad is great. I hope to have Daniel working with me someday. My family is a tremendous blessing, that's for sure! @ironshield

It is good to see the business grow. Next year should even be better as you learn the ropes. By the time Daniel gets old enough, he will already have learned much from you.

I sure hope Daniel will learn from me, I've learned a lot from my dad. @ironshield

Amen thank you @ironshield for sharing this it inpires me more to put God first before anything else. Godbless you and your entire family.

It takes daily practice to put God first, it's something I and my family are still learning and practicing. @ironshield

Enormous work indeed, more grease

My elbows are running low, but we're not out yet. Thank you @theheralds, I appreciate you consistent support. @ironshield

Pleasure is mine boss

Good to see things are going well. Happy holidays and all the best in 2018

Here's to an even better 2018, the year of STEEM. @ironshield

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