Why transparency is important to me.

in #gratefulvibes6 years ago (edited)

Perhaps it seemed I'd lost it yesterday.

Calling bullshit on myself.

I thought perhaps I should explain myself further.

Steemit presents great opportunity.

I have enjoyed recognising those opportunities and doing my best to support people who are doing good things.

Positive stuff

Worthy initiatives.

Along the way it generated a protection of sorts of a person who in some ways was super.

A snap shot can be very deceiving, this one taken by @azurejasper for a photo challenge for instance is a perfect example of smoke and mirrors.

I steemed for many months without disclosing I was immobile and sick.

I would participate in contests and submit little drawings.
Sometimes from hospital beds.

When I add up the time, I have spent approx three months in hospital this year. Away from my children and husband, and most nights extremely home sick and missing them.

When things got really bad my husband told all of steemit about my illness.

It was a vulnerable feeling.


But I learnt that it was OK to be vulnerable and OK to accept help.

Our user names had crossed paths, and we had occasionally referenced each other, but we had not overly promoted our connection.

We are quite different.

His beautiful photography, gadget reviews and current affairs commentary is not easily linked to my abstract doodles and tangential word jumbles.

We were floored by the response.
The emotions linked to that gratitude is physically provoked even now as I write.

I have lived in Steemland.

It has been my constant during everything.


My first ever post - My Introduced yourself.

I wrote about my hopes that steemit would be different.

And it is.

But reading back I noticed that even from day one I minimised my situation.

So here I sit. Looking into the unknown that is my future. My injuries...are minor and are being attended to.

(sarcastic lol)

This is the part that I want to highlight.

I spoke of my experience of social media in the past, which was only limited to facebook.

Facebook was a great tool for networking an important cause and connecting people who have commonality.

But it is not a kind place or a safe place to disclose vulnerability.

I also watched a true friend post sad and despairing messages and receive little response. This same individual took her life and now her page is a popular memorial and flooded with “friends” sharing publicly on her previously lonely wall.

This is my experience of social media. It holds so much possibility and potential, but just like humanity itself it is complex and not always easily defined, and always has it’s drawbacks.

I am excited however to see where this one takes us.

It is my hope that we can maintain the intimate close vibe of Steemit as it grows.

I hope to continue to share and support great initiatives here, and to aid in the development of a unique place where people are respected and provided with opportunity.

It is important to me that I show the less sparkly side of my life.

I don't want to perpetuate the popular misconception of social media by only showcasing only the good stuff.

I think it sends the wrong message.

Life is variable. It is not always great, but it can be endured and the hard parts come and go. Everyone has them and all emotional and physical experiences are part of what makes a life full and is what foundations are built upon.

I don't want to be a user name, I want to be a person who is interested in the lives of other people.

I was effected at a very young age by the devastating effect that suicide has.

I entered a career in mental health many years ago, influenced by this exposure and my desire to help people endure difficult times.

I don't believe social media presents us with more risks.

It is a changed risk, but human experience is the same.

We can be surrounded by people or all alone. Whether or not that makes us sad or lonely is not always a factor.

It has been assumed by many doctors this year that I am in a state of depression.

But I know I'm not depressed.

I have reacted at times, (appropriately or inappropriately is up for debated), I've been sad, mad, or at times bad. But I think those variations in mood are normal within the scope of human emotions.

I have pain and isolation. Yes that's true.

That has lead to tears of frustration and moments of sadness at times, but at my core I am surprisingly upbeat and positive most of the time.

A clinical depression is a fixed state of low mood that is an ongoing flattened affect that cannot be lifted and occurs in the absence of situational triggers or issues.

I have been depressed in the past for sure, but right now my mental state is the one enduring part of my health that has helped me through an otherwise difficult year.

When we assume how someone feels, we merely project what we believe we know of someone.

The only way to really know how someone is doing is to ask.
Sometimes we need to ask in a number of ways and just be resigned to letting those people know that you are interested in them.

By revealing the less shiny side of my life, I hope to be able to use my experiences and knowledge to work with others here to nurture a space in which lives in their entirety can be embraced and respected.


Selfies and check ins are fun. But they do not amount to a life lived.

I am grateful for all the support I have received from so many people, it is my sincerest hope that I can give back to this space.

I worked in an inpatient mental health setting for many years.

I have accumulated knowledge and skills in that time that I hope to be able to continue to utilise, even if I am no longer able to physically work in the traditional sense.


I truly believe every situation presents opportunity, and everyone has something to offer.


Hello @girlbeforemirror,

First of all, I wish you good heath. Definitely keep your hope and strength. I think it is good to show the bad some times.

Also, congratulations on your 3rd place win in @moonleesteem's Haiku Contest. I entered it too and saw you in the Winner's Post.

I have also just post Chapter 2, and I hope you enjoy it.


Wow, this is a great post. I know what its like to be in pain and to always downplay it. I've been in pain every single day for more than 20 years now. Its very draining. You are right about choosing to wallow in it or trying to find the positive, its always better if you can focus on the positive and let go of the negative. You are also right about it being okay to have days when you can't put on the brave face and the pain wins, we are only human after all. :D God bless you. :D

Hey there. ♡ Been trying to catch up on your posts. Might be easier to talk on Discord than comment on them.

I also think I may be able to introduce you to something that helps me. It's my favorite band. Helps me cycle through my emotions, enhance if I want to, while also enhancing specific creative moods I might be in.

As you know, I don't hide my gritty side. Such as when we spoke on the phone, I did make it clear that I am actually a very angry person. And not directed at myself (though some of it is, most of it isn't). It's just that I also know that the world needs a lot of love and kindness, and I care just as much about directing that love and kindness where it's needed as I care about directing the anger at where it belongs.

As long as the anger stays directed at the right places, it's harder for some people to see. I also tended to focus mostly on the cutesy stuff because angry stuffis being written as large articles to be posted later. And big projects.

And of course, my vlogging project. Which I'm struggling with getting started with because I am terrified and you know many of the reasons why.


You know you're more than welcome to dump on me whenever. I always have a spoon for you. Always.

I'm good at carrying the weight of others for them. It rarely adds to my own load, I promise. Not even what recently happened to my friend on Cheesecake Day. (Btw, he seems to be doing a lot better.)

I also would like to teach you a silly American Christmas song to teach your kids. It'll get annoying fast, but in the best of ways, I promise. My husband hates the song, but it's one of my favorites. If I had a kid, I'd teach it to them as soon as they could talk.

I hope you're feeling even a little better.

I love you. ♡

Take care.

I look forward to learning the song 😂 You know me well brother. Nothing better than an annoying repetitive Christmas song.

Just drop me a message or call when you feel up to it. You can call using wifi using Discord or Facebook Messenger as well. I think you can use Facebook to call my phone numbers using wifi. I also use a messaging app called Line, which allows for texting and phone calls via wifi as well, my ID there is NovaAteBatman, but you can also add me using my phone number (my cell, not my house, so not the one you called me at).

I'll leave the contacting up to you for this one, I know it's been rough. So when you have a little spoon, go for it.

The annoying little Christmas song has an oddly weird sort of spoon-regenerative quality to it. It's so upbeat and ridiculous.

You just reminded me of a song I sang a a friend at a house party, until things got... A little out of hand.
I have never known when I've overstepped until....









I spent many an hour in endurance circles singing that as a teenager and very early adulthood. It was especially fun late at night back when I could manage to go to anime conventions. A circle of already exhausted but happy con goers in cosplay, singing this for hours in a hotel/convention center in the wee morning hours...

Sorry if that's not actually the video you linked. On my phone and tired and wifi is being fussy with videos right now. Don't like watching videos using data if I can help it. Hope you understand. ^^;;

Completely understand. And yes it is the song. Yep late night, didn't actually go to the party, party. You are my soul brother for sure.

find your tribe. 150 max. be with them. empower each other, allow the edge/fringe people to care for themselves. keep humble and always have gratitude and you'll be absolutely fine through thick and thin of times.

your concept is absolutely very momentus i think you are great person i realize that...thanks for your valuable content..carry on your working my dear friend...i wish you overcome your working situation..resteemit

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Thank you. I wasn't at all confident about the content or more specifically where I want to take the idea. I appreciate the feedback and thanks for the resteem.
Your resteem idea looks cool. Following

Thanks for following. Look forward to seeing you use my resteem service. Cheers!

Suffering from depression is a major issue that affects one's state of mind and how you relate with other people.....i really commend ur courage on ur active vibe Here on steemit despite ur state of Heath.You are indeed a strong Woman.

I have resteemed, for I treasure lives of quiet courage. I hope you do not feel I am presuming when I add, the fact that you still feel loved, I guess is to some degree because of your husband, which shows he too has the same precious courage.

I wish the best for both of you.

Exposing the less shiny side of things needs to happen more. I posted my first sort of soul - baring blog today. It feels a little like you're standing naked at the back of a crowd and hoping no one notices you. I do know that I could never have posted that on my Facebook. No one wants to hear about your anxiety or your struggle, just #prayers. 😔

Thats all right

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