Street Art #201 Mc Baldassari & Raphael Dairon, Montreal (Canada)
Always for 2019 Under Pressure
On rue Sainte Catherine, Montreal.
Position on Google Maps
Mc Baldassari
Born in France and now based on Montreal, MC Baldassari is a visual artist and an illustrator graduated in Industrial Design in 2010. Her work is influenced by her experience in her studies and strongly inspired by ancient images and objects.Just for information, MC stands for Marie-Clémentine, her first name (faster to write)
Beautiful floral pattern with the logo of Montreal
Raphael Dairon
Raphaël Dairon is also a French illustrator now living in Montreal graduated from the École Supérieure d’Arts Graphiques et d’Architecture Intérieure (Paris) in Art Direction and Graphic Design.
MC Baldassari
Street Art #105
Raphaël Dairon
Street Art #080
For 2018 Under Pressure, he painted the same garage door... street art is an endlessly cycle (éternel recommencement in French).
- 2019.
Under Pressure
Raphaël Dairon
MC Baldassari
My Old Posts about Street Art
#201 Crazy Apes Crew, Montreal (2019 Under Pressure)
#199 Melsa Montagne, Montreal
#198 Most Known, Porto
#197 Starchild Stela, Montreal
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