The Sky's The Limit? Hard Times For Drone Pilots || Before Flying A Drone You Should Be Aware Of The Legel Requirements - Especially If You're Planning To Monetize Your Drone Shots!

in #government7 years ago (edited)
People developed planes first and then took care of flight safety. If people were focused on safety first, no one would ever have built a plane. - Mark Zuckerberg

I guess when people started to develop drones, they had no idea of the further impact.

After several incidents with drones and to avert further danger, governments have enacted strict laws for drone pilots. In the US for instance, breaking these laws is avenged with extremely high fines up to USD 250,000 or even imprisonment of three years.

This is not just a toy.

Before flying your drone you'd be better aware of the prevailing laws.

Merry Christmas to me! I gave myself a DJI Mavic Pro for Christmas but haven't used it yet since I need to do my pilot licence first

Safety first!

Drones are regulated by the responsible air traffic safety institution.

In Spain (where I live), drones are subject to the rules of the Agencia Española de Seguridad Aérea (AESA); in the US you need to be aware of the regulations that the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has put in place for flying drones.

Independently from your home country, nowadays there may be few places on Earth where you can fly a drone wherever you want. In my country it's absolutely illegal to fly a drone in urban areas or above public places like parks, beaches, concerts, weddings or any similar manifestation.

In general the law differentiates between commercial and non-commercial use. First of all you need to decide whether you're going to fly for fun or fly for money.

The Spanish law for instance explicitly defines drone shots that are published on YouTube as commercially used content. So if you planned to monetize your drone videos - e.g. on Steemit or Dtube - the restrictions would increase considerably. Then you'd need:

  1. A special medical certificate.
  2. Have an official drone pilot licence. In the US: Pass the FAA test and receive Part 107 certification.
  3. Being officially registered as a drone pilote or member of an already registered company.
  4. An official badge that identifies your drone.
  5. A personal liability insurance including damages caused by drones.

Now guess why I haven't published some fancy drone shots on Dtube yet :-)

One of today's most popular Christmas presents comes with a lot of regulation.

Before investing a huge amount of money in something you won't be able to use right away, you'd better study the according law in your home country.

On my island for instance I can't do the drone pilot's training. There is no school offering these services. I'll need to travel to another Canary Island for that purpose.

But hey: the sky is the limit - right? I'll keep you posted on the progress :-)

Safe flights, steemians!

Marly -

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Original content. Quote found on


Sehr vernünftig, dass du erst deinen Pilotenschein machst! Und passe beim Fliegenlassen auf, dass du nicht wieder aufs Knie fällst vor lauter in-die-Luft-Kucken.
Mit einer leistungsstarken Drohne könnte man vielleicht ein "droneboard" bauen. In München wäre das beim alltäglichen Verkehrsstau sehr praktisch.
A guads Neis! Und natürlich viel Spaß mit deinem UFO.

Man muss ja sogar ein spezielles medizinisches Gutachten vorlegen. Wenn ich all diese Auflagen erfülle, bin ich vermutlich eine vollständig ausgebildete Pilotin. Dann steige ich von der Drohne direkt um auf Lufthansa Jumbo Jets! Yeah!
Wenn es nicht so albern wäre, würde ich mich extrem aufregen. Vermutlich kann ich den Pilotenschein nicht vor Sommer machen, weil ich bis dahin keine Zeit dafür habe. Da liegt sie nun, schön eingepackt, die 1.000 Euro Drohne... oh man! Aber Tim @timsaid hat mich gewarnt, er hat mir genau das in Lissabon prophezeit. Man sollte mehr auf andere Leute hören :-)

Rutsch gut rüber! Ich werde Knieschoner tragen. Eh klar! :-))

Spannend! Zum Glück hab ich sowas nicht und bin glücklich mein smartphone einigermaßen bedienen zu können. Upvoted und Resteemed. Wunsch dir nen guten und nicht zu feuchten Rutsch meine Liebe!

Haha, vlt hätte ich es auch beim Telefon belassen sollen. Ganz schön viel Drama um so einen kleinen Flattermann. Aber gut, nun ist er da... Wenn ich mal wieder etwas mehr Zeit habe, fliege ich nach Teneriffa oder Gran Canaria und mache diesen Pilotenschein. Schon irre, wenn man bedenkt, dass ich die Drohne ja per se nicht in bewohntem Gebiet fliegen würde. Aber bevor ich eine Strafe von 200.000 EUR bekomme, mache ich lieber einen Kurs für 850 😎

Rutsch gut rüber, lieber Uwe!!! Vlt. sitzt Du gerade auf einem Schlitten und tust es sogar wortwörtlich.
Danke für Vote und Share 😘

Schon irritierend was alles für Regeln gibt - nix Schlitten, musste grad wieder auf Polizei weil die Holde intelligenterweise ihren Geldbeutel mit allen Karten und dem Geld zu Weihnachten liegen hat lassen, natürlich weg - heisst ich muss 10 mal am Tag posten um ansatzweise Geld reinzuholen lol.....

Oh je! Na dann mal Ärmel hoch krempeln und los posten. Die erste Story hast Du ja somit bereits :-)

DIE Story vermeide ich mal

I've never considered buying a drone but I do think that fee's associated with anything these days are just taxes really? Is a drone, minus one that can shoot or photograph things it shouldn't , any more dangerous than a remote controlled airplane? I would think safer due to the fact that it can hover where a plane cannot? I don't know......... I just don't know.......

From my point of view it's absolutely overregulated. No doubt about that!
Why do people buy a drone? I mean 90% will publish their shots on YouTube or somewhere else, which means that most of them will be part of the 'commercial target group'.
Probably you're right: there is an extremely high demand for the product, so it's definitely interesting from a fiscal point of view!

RIGHT- sky is the limit:). I hate all this restrictions and regulations, safety is important, but in some sense they taking your freedom.

To be honest, I think this specific case is overregulated. I mean: seriously? I need a licence, insurance and badge which - in total - are more expensive than the drone itself?
I completely understand the danger, specifically close to airports. But hey, if I flew my drone over an abandoned piece of desert, who'd care?

Why would you want a drone when you have a surf cam? 🤔

Excellent question! I have no idea, haha!
Perhaps because I have a 'toy problem' 😆

oh wow thats good to know, I'm still in the process of deciding about getting a drone! but I guess I need to do more research, thanks @surfermarly for bringing up this topic!

You're more than welcome!
Well actually you can purchase and even fly a drone whenever and wherever you want, but you need to be aware of the eventual consequences :-)

People developed planes first and then took care of flight safety. If people were focused on safety first, no one would ever have built a plane. THIS LINE IS SO TRUE


Well you may not like everything about Facebook, but Mark Zuckerberg is definitely a smart guy :-)
Thanks for the vote!

Thank you for this, I do have a drone it needs to be use in an open area which doesn't have any vehicles. And also needs to be responsible in operating the machine.

If you monetize the content, it doesn't matter where the shots were taken. You'd need a licence in any case. Where are you located?

Im in the philippines. I dont have a license for my drone. Its a gift from my big brother.

If I were you, I'd check the local regulation first. You better be aware, otherwise it could get quite expensive :-)

In our area the use of drone is totally forbidden ... so that I can't use it anymore....shhh. ...

Uff, that's too bad. I'm glad we're allowed to use them here, but still I need to do the licence first.

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