Time For Some Golf! Surfer Taking Over The Driving Range ⛳

in #golf7 years ago

'Golf is the closest game to the game we call life. You get bad breaks from good shots; you get good breaks from bad shots - but you have to play the ball where it lies.' - Bobby Jones 

I couldn't agree more, Bobby!

To me the single most interesting thing about golf is that you need to be able to put all your knowledge, training, concentration, self-confidence and focus into one single shot. 

Golf is for old men? Ha! You bet :-)

Unpacking My Golfbag After 6 Years

I started playing golf about 10 years ago. 

As often in life I accidentally came to golf. My boss used to hit some balls on the driving range after long working days. One day he took me with him. 

With golf it's like with any other sports: or it's made for you - or not.

It was definitely made for me :-)

From that time on I went to the driving range as often as I could. After some weeks I decided to do an official golf training course in order to achieve the proficiency certificate (it's like the "driving licence for golfers" that allows you to play on golf courses).

A couple of weeks later I held the certificate in my hands and started playing golf.

As a newbie you start with a HCP (Handicap) of 54. In golf, the lower your handicap is, the better you are. 

Example: Assume that par for an 18-hole course you're going to play is 72. Imagine that you had an handicap of 20. Then you would be expected to play 18 holes in a total of 92 strokes, 20 more than par. Thus, your handicap is equal to the number of strokes over par you should take to play the corresponding 18-hole course. 

You are able to improve your handicap playing golf tournaments.

On a regular round with your friends you can't do that. It has to be an official event.

Well I practiced a lot after having achieved my licence and then the day had come when I played my very first tournament. 

By chance it was the Club's Championship of my local golf club. So I was surrounded by my golf buddies and friends - the perfect environment to give it a try.

You won't believe it, but I won the tournament :-D

When I called my boyfriend after the competition to let him know what had happened, he didn't believe me. I needed to send him a selfie holding the trophy in my hands, haha! 

So here I am back on track after 6 years!
The evidence: my last golf pass from 2011. 

I finished with an HCP of 22.3 which is actually not too bad.

However, if went on the golf course now I'd hardly play a round 22 over par. But: the idea is to try! I'll have some more sessions at the driving range the next days, and then I'll be back on the course soon. 

Don't ask me when or why that golf fever has come back! It's simply THERE :-)

Golf will even help me to become more focussed surfing. It's actually one of the things I love most about golf: the mix of adrenaline + emotion on one side, and focus + concentration on the other side. 

There are many reasons to play golf.

Another one is the fact that you are outdoors all the time which is key to somebody like me who's addicted to it.

So the next time I'll be on the driving range I'll take the GoPro with me and shoot a video, explaining a bit the basics of golf and giving some insights into technique and rules.

Stay tuned :-)
Marly - 

PS: To the ones that still believe golf is just for old men: come over, do one single golf swing and tell me about your muscle soreness the next day :-)

Muscles Used In Golf - found on pinterest.com
(Waiting For Funny Comments Regarding The Tush Section Now :-))

Today's Album 📷

Nice Ambient | Arrival 

Chipping | Short Distance 

Focussing The Target | Short Distance 

Putting Green | Approaching The German Flag (haha) 


Talisman | Golf Head Cover 

Long Distance Shot | Concentrated Face 

Refreshing My Memory | Checking The Starting Position 

Tired But Happy | See You Tomorrow 

Pictures were all taken by myself (original content).


Well congratulations! Another feather on your cap! :D

Haha, thanks my friend! :) I'm in the flow like Craig-Grant would call it...

Gleich geshared :)
Jetzt muss ich leicht auch wieder anfangen, haha. LG

Haha, hab mir fast gedacht, dass Dich das Golf-Thema anspricht :-)
Danke fürs Teilen!!!

Naja - ich war ja nur zufällig dort.... hab irgendwann auch mal aufgehört vor Jahren. Meine Eltern haben eine fette Villa gemietet und irgendwann nach 3 Tagen Sauwetter bin ich dann nach geflogen. War ein ganzer Stock frei :)

Ah cool! Na, das hört sich ja nach einem ziemlich guten Deal an :-))

Ja in AT wars einfach nicht zum Aushalten, haha.

Schon temperaturtechnisch kann ich das nachvollziehen :-)

ned Golf.... Du natürlich, haha :)

Haha süß :-)) Jetzt check auch auch warum "Angel" in Deinem Profil steht hehe

ja mei :) haha
und sonst gehts eh prächtig wie man sieht?

Ich werde jetzt den tag #liveyourdream wieder einführen. Mit dem hat meine steemit Historie begonnen. Dafür hab ich damals #introduceyourself weggelassen (was total schlau war.. ehm NICHT haha).
Also Verzeihung, Antwort: JA! :)

ja bei mir ists wurscht.... voted eh keiner, egal was für tag :)
Eh schon wissen.... "@hastla der Mann der mit der Arbeit schläft" bzw. seit neuem "der ohne Freunde" - hahaha. Ob #introduceyourself, #liveyourdream od. #nsfw - des wird einfach nix da. lol

Ich hab Dich grad erwähnt ;)


Nur die Ruhe (und Geduld). Bei mir hat's ein halbes Jahr gedauert bis der große "Durchbruch" kam :) Wichtig ist, dass man bei einem Thema bleibt und nicht zu viel mixt. Sonst weiß ja keiner, was er bei Dir bekommt. Ist als wenn McDonalds auf einmal gesundes Essen anbieten würde :-D
Danke für die Erwähnung!!!!!!!

The best sports, like golf, are the ones that look easy, but teach us what muscles we have that we didn't know existed. I love feeling sore in ways I couldn't imagine possible.

And yes, you are right that golf takes a lot of concentration. Good way to learn focus!

I totally agree! And I love the sore for that very reason: you know that you've done something that helped you to improve your fitness level.
Thanks for stopping by :)

Cooler Post! Hab gerade noch gedacht... schon lang nix mehr von surfermarly gehört mal schaun was sie so treibt und schwupsdiwups neuer Post! ;) Cool!

Haha, super Timing also! Danke fürs Vorbeischauen und Kommentieren :-)

Immer wieder gerne! :)

I love the game and you are playing it like a professional even after several years... Amazing!

Hehe, well I'm far away from being a professional golf player! But there was a time when I considered it being more than just a hobby, that's right. Now I've just tried to figure out if it's still there... And surprisingly I was almost able to reproduce my swing :)
Thanks for your compliment and for taking the time to comment here!

Beim Golfen hab ich es nie zur Platzreife geschafft obwohl ich ein guter Minigolfer war, ist aber doch was anderes :-)

Haha, ja das stimmt! Ich bin ein total mieser Minigolfer :-D
Platzreife ist gar nicht so schwer. Man muss halt einmal konzentriert üben und die Theorie gut vorbereiten. Der Rest ist dann wie Fahrradfahren. Danke fürs Vorbeischauen :-)

Someone told me that who plays golf is addicted ... :))


Golf is an easy game to play. Get some clubs and hit the ball until it's in the hole. However, it is incredibly difficult to master. I don't play much because I get too frustrated. Great post. :)

Was that ironic? Haha! I've actually never considered golf being easy. Even a little mistake in your posture can have a huge impact on the swing and its result. That's why I've always adored professional golf players and their ability to reproduce the exact same swing infinite times.
Thanks for stopping by!! :-)

That's right. The mechanics are incredibly important. Tuck your elbow in too far or not far enough, rotate your hips too fast, lift your head too early, and you are screwed! It's an incredibly hard game to be good at. :)

I have that head problem!!! Haha! Tell me about it. And I can totally relate that it's really frustrating sometimes, especially when you can't find that little wrong movement that is disturbing the whole thing. It's emotional!

This is an educating and an interesting post. From surfing to golfing to farming, you are living the life Marly, way to go. 💪🏽

Haha, yeah it's definitely a strange mix :)) But so much fun!!
I'm glad that you enjoyed it.

Are you this kind of golfer?

Hahahaha! You mean a magician? Not even close :-D
But I have fun on the course, and that's pretty much the same :-)

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