Who Wants to Buy This Town with Me? 5 Reasons why.....

in #gold6 years ago (edited)

^ @ironshield

I know its scary to commit to a 1 minute video but to understand this blog you will have to read this article or watch the video in it...


To recap, there is a whole town for sale in California, it is an abandoned ghost town covering about 300 acres. It is an old silver mining town with 22 intact structures.

I’m kind of joking about buying it, but I’m kind of not.

Who would want to buy this town with me?

5 reasons why....

1.The town provides total isolation from distractions. It requires a 8 mile drive on a steep dirt road to get to. This means only one thing. 24 HOUR BLOGGING FOR STEEMIT. This is a special kind of quiet. How many Steemit posts a day could someone produce here:


2.Security. Are you preoccupied with the Zombie Apocalypse? I am. Read about that here: https://steemit.com/zombie/@goldmatters/mene-also-great-for-the-zombie-apocalypse . Without any people, you can’t have any zombies. Even if there are ghosts to deal with, at least ghosts don’t turn into zombies. With only ghosts around, you can walk the town confidently wearing 20 of these around your neck like Mr. T with no security concerns:


3.You will almost certainly find out what this 24 karat Mene Key Pendant unlocks:

With 22 structures and all kinds of undiscovered nooks and crannies like this:


undoubtedly one of them will open itself up to you with this Gold Key:


4.Did I mention that the property comes with MINERAL RIGHTS? This means that if you can find any silver or gold, or anything else, you get to keep it! 300 acres is a lot of chances to discover some precious metals, especially when the whole point of this town was to mine it!

It’s not called “Fat Hill” for nothing, I’m thinking your pockets will get fat from all the leftover precious metals you will find:


5.Most importantly is the cool factor. What could be cooler than OWNING YOUR OWN GHOSTTOWN. Maybe its just me, but if I was a 24 7 blogging-safe from zombies - gold key unlocking -precious metals finding Steemian, I would consider myself as about as cool as a Steemian could be!

So who’s in????

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Read more about Goldmoney: https://steemit.com/@goldmatters

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I’d wanna spend all my Morgans at the Saloon!

Ha ha me too



You can't even get a 1900 sq. ft EMPTY LOT around here for that price!

I wish I'd seen this soon enough to upvote @goldfashioned. I'm all in too!!! There has to be a creative way to finance this.

Split among steemians! Maybe get a steemwhale as an investor? Tell them we'll turn into the biggest most epic haunted attraction during Halloween (did you know some haunted houses pull in several million in just one month!???) and then the other times we mine the heck of it and make crazy blog posts about it.

And um maybe we bring a lot of food with us. Our we outsource the mining.

Registered to MENE


Let’s buy it!!

Does it have to be cash only??

We may be able to mine our own precious metals!!

Let’s do it. Asking price $925,000. We can negotiate to ask if they accept STEEM!

If we spend all of our steem we will lose our steem power for blogging purposes! 😂😂

We need to get neoxian in on this also!!

GOOD POINT! I hadn’t thought about that lol

I wonder if there is any silver/gold left there!

Guarenteed yes. At least some tailings for sure

$925,000 worth? Haha

Probably not enough for commercial production but enough to make a couple Steemians happy. 300 acres! Perpetual optionality :)

This is really cool @goldmatters! It almost makes you wonder how much silver or gold could still be their. We would only need to dig up about 50-55 thousand ounces of silver to pay for the property. I think we could do it! Haha!

It could also be an investment for Mene and then they could also carry a line of silver.

Ha ha right?? I’m postive there is a least enough metal left there to pay for the property. The last operators to mine it were using 100 year old plus technology!

That actually makes sense. We need to think outside the box (which you're good at). Creative financing. Use OPM (other people's money).

I never thought I'd want a ghost town before haha

Lol I actually thought of a real idea to finance this back when I wrote this

Of course you did, you little genius. Then what are you waiting for??

I thought of a real idea, too. But it's still in extra-brain storming stages so it's a pretty bad idea.

Offer the owner to mine the land yourself and pay for it with your findings.

Or offer to rent per year for x amount of years until you pay it off. In the meantime, create the world's best Haunted house and pull in at least 2 million in revenue and then make sure to spend on more than 1 million in expenses. Break even or profit the first year.

Did you know some haunted houses literally make several million in just a month?

Or. Talk Mene into investing for the publicity.

Or...idk. I'm sure your idea is perfect. I'm so curious about what it is!

Lol “you little genius” .... that is the funniest line iv’e heard all morning :).....Those are great ideas! Okay this is mine (excuse the pun)....

My idea would be to:

1.Pay the $925,000 for the town.
2.Immediately sell a 2% NSR (Net Smelter Return) to a precious metals streaming and royalty company (real thing) for $925,000

The property has a known mineral deposit and likely has at minimum lots of tailings (material that has already been mined but has residual metal) and for optionality it rests on a large land package with many exploration targets.
A royalty company would easily pay this amount for the long term optionality the land promises, yet it would take decades to develop so we would have many years a peace to blog and Searching for Gold part 2314124 would make us rich providing:

A free fully paid for home

Cool infrastructure

Cash flow with unlimited future content material

^ Dont steal this idea !



WHY WHY did you let the crazy Ryan Holiday type people sweep this out from underneath your feet?!?!

Where's the heartbroken Mene charm...I need it to reflect my current mood lol

Lol you know what they always say... “There will always be another abandoned silver mine\ghost town to buy!”

Thats all I needed to hear! I am down for it. We can change the name to The Mine of Steemit.

I would love to be part owner of that little town. The place looks amazing !

Thats what I like to hear!!

I would like to just walk through that place. I bet there is all sorts of interesting stuff all around that town.

Totally, i would love to just explore it

You are SO on top of your posting game that even though I try to read your stuff, I STILL end up missing it.

I WANT TO BUY THIS WITH YOU! Also kind of joking but also definitely kind of not!

If we can get the other steemians to buy some too, it could be a steem silver town!

I’m all in. I would love to buy this town!!

I wonder if it's snatched up already. If not, why is nobody excited about this?? lol I'm going to go on a rabbit trial of major googling right now. It's just going to happen.

I can safely predict that your ghost town post will cause me to lose at least 1.5 hours of my afternoon. But in the best way possible haha.

Lol!! I’m glad you are resurrecting this one!! How cool would living in this town be??

What is the price they are asking? I like the idea, depending on the price...

One would need ghost rider to survive transportation glitch in ghost town.

I figure that life will be boring over there, don't forget to go with Menē 24k gold dices, they will be useful for entertainment.

That is true! Boring = better than stressful! In this magical land, there will be gold dice for everyone!

I would need to get US citizenship, but aside from that I'm in as well!
Have you heard of Liberland btw Mr Goldmatters?

Liberland, officially the Free Republic of Liberland, is a micronation claiming an uninhabited parcel of disputed land on the western bank of the Danube, between Croatia and Serbia. It was proclaimed on 13 April 2015 by Czech right-libertarian politician and activist Vít Jedlička.
The official website of Liberland states that the nation was created due to the ongoing Croatia–Serbia border dispute, in which some areas to the east of Danube are claimed by both Serbia and Croatia, while some areas to the west, including the area of Liberland, are considered part of Serbia by Croatia, but Serbia does not claim them.
The land in question is 7 km² (2.7 sq mi) wide, or roughly the size of Gibraltar, and has been administered by Croatia since the Croatian War of Independence.

Thats interesting!

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