GohanPower #5: Let's brush teeth! / 歯を磨こう

in #gohanpower6 years ago (edited)

It's Wednesday, for me it means once a week Gohan Power day to post about a topic related to food education :)

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This time it's about brushing teeth. It's as much as important to get to know food. UN World Health Organization says:

Prevention is better than treatment.

That's right. Oral condition can affect one's life. Chewing food with strong teeth has several benefits such as increasing amount of saliva that contributes to keep clean inside one's mouth and helps digestion, and feeling satisfied with modest amount of food, a document on Japanese Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare's website says. Talking about chewing food, in Japanese school we were taught to chew food 30 times a bite (of course our mouth closed!). How do you think about it?

Coming back to brushing teeth, in my family I use a toothbrush in the morning and three to four tools before going to bed (interdental brush, floss, a slim brush and a regular toothbrush), my partner use an electric toothbrush, and kids brush plus a finishing fabric brush for my daughter. I'm carefully brushing my teeth as unfortunately mine is not much strong. What kind of tools do you use?


Regardless to the tools we use, brushing teeth is something valuable we can teach to the next generation. It is no exaggeration to say that it'll be a life long asset.

I wish this post reminds you to take a bit more time for brushing teeth after you enjoy eating dinner tonight. And also don't forget to have periodical checks at dentist :)

About Gohan Power

Gohan Power was started with the support from Social Impact Lab Leipzig in 2016 as a project to design a subscription box to inspire family with 5-7 years old kids to get to know food and nutrition more. We are now remodeling the project and in the meanwhile I write posts related to food education here on Steemit. For more detail I wrote about the project here.

Previous Gohan Power posts


水曜日ということで、食育プロジェクト Gohan Power の投稿です :)

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Prevention is better than treatment.




国も高齢化にともなって医療費が膨らむ中、予防医療に徹して医療費を削減したいのだと思います。痛い治療にお金を使うなら日々よく磨いておいしいものにお金を使いたいです ;)

私の家族は私が手磨き派、お父ちゃんが電動ブラシ派、子供は自分で磨いてわれわれ親が仕上げ磨きをガーゼでしています。私の歯は残念ながらあまり強くなくて、朝は普通の歯ブラシ、夜は歯間ブラシ(and/or フロス)、タフトブラシ、普通の歯ブラシを使って念入りに磨いています。



この投稿が読んでくれた方や家族の方が次の歯磨きをちょっとだけていねいにするきっかけになったらいいなと思います。そして日々の歯磨きと合わせて定期的に歯医者さんに診てもらうのもお忘れなく :)

Gohan Power について

Gohan Power は2016年に Social Impact Lab Leipzig のサポートで始めたプロジェクトで今デザインしなおしているところです・・・という詳細はこちら! #gohanpower タグのついた食育関連トピックお待ちしています。

これまでの Gohan Power の投稿





思い切って行っちゃいましょう 😄

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