Learn Something New Every Day Contest. Day 7


Still not quite 100% over this flu yet. I started to feel a little better this morning and then I overworked myself in an attempt to make up for being down for three days, and found out that I am not quite better yet. Definitely over did it today. But enough about me. Let's learn something!

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Contest Day 6

I know, I fall further behind on these every day. Cut me a little slack, I have been really sick. That green text up there is a link to the previous contest. If you go to that link and scroll to the comments at the bottom, you can see the interesting facts that were submitted to the last contest! Maybe you learn something you didn't know yourself? Be sure to Upvote the comments that you learn something from, or laugh at (some of the entries are more comical that informational).

Rules for participation.

Tell me Something I Don't Know.

Leave me a meaningful comment below with a random bit of trivia knowledge (if you don't know what a meaningful comment is, make sure you read the post by @ogochuckwu linked at the bottom of this post). It doesn't have to be the most fantastic bit of knowledge, it just has to be true. If you post something really hard to believe, I may ask you to cite your source or link me to something that backs up your bit of info. If you cannot provide me with SOMETHING (a webpage, a news report, ANYTHING) to back up you claim I will not consider it a valid entry and I will not Upvote your entry. If you say something like "The Queen of England can bench press 900 pounds plus three midgets hanging off the side of the weights", I am probably not going to believe you. Like I said, it just has to be true (and somewhat verifiable).
All entrants will get a small Upvote for participating, (One Entry Per Person Per Day!!!) and my top three favorite will receive a 100% Upvote, a 75% Upvote and a 50% Upvote for teaching me something new that day.
Replies need to be in English or translated to English (If I can't read it, I can't judge it). You have about twenty three hours (give or take an hour depending on what time I get online that day) to make submissions to this post, at which time I will give out rewards and post the new Day's contest. Be sure to check the comments and support the other entrants. I highly encourage engagement in the comments section, and the vast majority of my Upvote power is used on comments. Earning rewards just for talking to each other is my favorite part of the platform, and I highly recommend Upvoting each others entries in the replies to this post! If the first three comments have Upvotes from me (the first one will be about a dollar), then I have already given out prizes for this contest, but the next one will be out shortly!
You must Upvote this post to be considered a "valid entry". This is not because I want the rewards from your vote. This is because I rent delegated Steempower to provide larger Upvotes as prizes to my contests, and your Upvote on this post helps me pay for that delegation, and spread more rewards to more users!

As always, thanks for taking the time to read my post!

Polish Your Posts by checking out this post full of useful tips for newbies about post creation by @ethandsmith!

Learn how to write quality comments that improve your blog by @ogochukwu

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Image from pixabay. Gifs from GIPHY

Remember to follow me so you can catch my different Daily Contests every day!! Upvoting and Resteeming this post helps me spread more rewards to more users!

I'm @gogogadgetupvote and I'm Always On Duty!


Good afternoon @gogogadgetupvote please get well soon. OK to the fact of today, I don't really know if you've found out about this, but it's good to give it a try.

Did you know that Kerosene was invented and patented by Dr. Abraham Gesner.

So a little biography of who he was and how he came about with the invention.
As a young man, Gesner had attempted to start a business exporting horses to the West Indies, but, after being shipwrecked twice, gave it up and went off to Guy's Hospital in London to study medicine.
Returning to Canada, he changed careers yet again and became provincial geologist for New Brunswick.
He then developed a process for extracting an oil from asphalt or similar substances and refining it into a quality illuminating oil. He called this oil "kerosene"—from Keros and elaion, the Greek words, respectively, for "wax" and "oil," altering the elaion to ene, so that his product would sound more like the familiar camphene then used in the United States.
In 1854 he applied for a United States patent for the manufacture of

"a new liquid hydrocarbon, which I denominate Kerosene, and which may be used for illuminating or other purposes."

And that's how kerosene came to be. My sources are the Prize by Daniel Yergin and the society of Petroleum Engineers Question bank for the Petrobowl Competition.

Neat! First prize today!

Thank you very much 😀😀. Get well soonest.

Do you know that Dutch village of "Giethoorn" has no roads, its buildings are connected entirely by canals and footbridges. Now a cycling path was eventually added.

That sounds pretty cool. Got any pictures of this place?

Sounds like a fun place to visit. Second Place!

Yes seems to be a cool place here is the pic
Source image: readers digest
If you want to read more stuff about the place here is the link

Only 3% of bird species have penises. Eagles do not but ducks and swans do. http://phenomena.nationalgeographic.com/2013/06/06/how-chickens-lost-their-penises-ducks-kept-theirs/

Amazing the United States Government (founded by men) would choose a bird without a penis as the National Bird. Third place.

A healthy and viable egg floats when immersed in water while the unhealthy one sinks to the bottom of the water.

Very true I noticed this in fish breeding.

Somebody submitted this fact about healthy eggs floating in one of my previous contests.

There are more fake flamingos in the world than real ones.

Good morning 🤗

I am not really a sausage!!
Ok, now for my serious one, men’s shirt buttons are on the opposite to women’s, because women use to dress men....

P.s I hope you feel much better soon mate.

NO WAY!!! You aren't really a sausage?!?! MIND = BLOWN!
Okay, so I knew women's buttons were opposite of mens buttons, but I never knew why. Any chance you got a source on that?

well it seems i have it half right, and im grateful to be able to correct myself. The buttons are on opposite sides, not because women use to dress men, but because women of stature used to be dressed by their maids, thus making it easier for the maid. So thank you for that @gogogadgetupvote, you have made my day.

Hi again,
Do you know that cockroaches have white blood?

Cockroaches are disgusting. Don't most bugs have that chunky, white goo inside of them?

Maybe. You hate cockroaches? there are not that disgusting compared to frogs. Ack!

If you think roaches are disgusting, how are you going to describe bed bugs? I have heard of people eating roaches but never heard about people eating bed bugs. Now that surely must tell you what is really disgusting . Frogs are nice, they change into princes sometimes!

Haha:D ,maybe I can kiss a frog and wait till he turn into a prince. Well, people think different. Frogs are disgusting! Can we talk about cute animals?

You get a song stuck in your head because your brain interprets the song as an unfinished task, especially if you only remember one part.

I have found a cure for "last song syndrome" (that's what I call it, because usually when I get a song stuck in my head, it is the last song I heard, and usually because I didn't finish listening to the song). The trick is to memorize a song that DOES NOT HAVE A REPEATING CHORUS and that you like. Now, make a mental "track" for that song. Try to memorize every note to the song, every tune, and every word. Make a perfect mental "sound file" of your chosen song that does not have a chorus. Now, when you get another song stuck in your head, like the repeated melody from a commercial or something, call upon your "mental track". Play your song in your head, from start to finish. All of it, every lyric and every tune. When you have finished playing your mental song, the song stuck in your head should be gone. At least it works for me.

This is going to be fun.
Let me go and learn new things I will teach you.
Time to feed the brain.

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