OK it is obvious that steem trade is a failure so we are going back to the drawing board.

in #global6 years ago (edited)

Hi again everyone. Even though we had minor success bringing people back to steemit, it is completely obvious now that STEEM TRADE is a failure both in concept and execution. Therefore, we are going to try a different strategy to make STEEM the global social currency that all socal media utilizes.

But in order to attain global adoption, we need to bring in more people to STEEM that have different launguage backgrounds because THEY are the ones who live on the other parts of this big planet.

STEEM TRADE was an initiative to teach trading and investing in crypto. But those people that we were teaching are ALREADY invested in crypto and therefore are not our target audience after all. We need to cater our lessons to those people who HAVE NOT YET INVESTED any money into crypto yet.

Our NEW venture will be to teach people that they NEED TO invest in crypto if they want to be diversified across all asset classes. We were in fact putting the chicken before the egg so to speak. So what we are now going to do is teach people why the egg is precious and that we as people should not put all our eggs into 1 basket.

We will be initiating this initiative very soon, so please be patient while we implement the necessary changes before we roll out the new format.

Thanks again for following, but our new mind set needs to be how to persuade others to value diversifying at least a small percentage of wealth into an asset class that has a finite amount. Earth estate and gold have what seems to be relatively stable supplies, but they do in fact change slightly over time and sometimes drastically. And even though real estate seems like a relatively finite-enough asset class, you need to remember that the quality of real estate can change drastically even in a single lifetime.

This next venture will be more challenging but also more rewarding.


Welcome back @dimimp ...it's been a while we saw you here. And ofcourse the only way to grow Steem is by connecting and having one mindset towards our goals and diversities, we cannot make it if we try to do it alone...ones more welcome back.

Hmmm... Another wise words here

For the steem.
Great to have you back man.

Welcome back Sir

Thank you friend. Let us spread STEEM freely.

Yes please. I'm part of the target audience. Ready anytime. Thanks for your good works @dimimp i'll stay alert for updates. Cheers!

if you are human than you are indeed STEEM's audience

Thank you so much. I'll tell others to stay tuned. I appreciate your generosity.

Every person that lives on Earth should know of steem and steemit

A very strong target and meme you have there. STEEM known by every man on earth. If we can make STEEM easy to use and obtain, then all we need to do is teach effectively.

Yeah. We will teach the world the benefit of steem. Steem outreach

Yes we need to make steemit welcoming to the new users, we need to build platform's, empire's, we need to form group's and go out there and preach the word.

This is very possible, Steem is a vehicle of change, and that's all we have to show them, tell them how positively our lives have been imparted by steemit.

The best advert steem can have is us.

Indeed... Lets just take over the planet while we are at it

It's good to see that you admit it didn't work. Now you can work on the mistakes and make it even better :)

Acceptance of failure is the first step for success

But sadly nowadays most people won't admit to failing @penking

Just like our CEO just did. I hope that you are right!

True talk

I'm very dim, but admitting that you messed up is WHY we learn.

Exactly :)

Yeah falling is not the issue but we should come peace with our selves and get back up. Never a failure but always a lesson

That's right

welcome back @dimimp , hope everything is fine @kingslanding.

i tink your idea of puting the egg first is a very good idea as,this will really fetch mire people to invest more in d steem currency. welcome back once again.

Yes, sometimes the chicken b4 the egg works, and sometimes the other approach is best. I guess we had a 50% chance of getting it right first, and so now at least we know HOW to steem

At least we know how to steem.

Welcome back @dimimp..
☺ ☺

Can't wait for the new initiatives...lets make steem great

Sure. I'm also waiting too. Anything to make steem great is very much appreciated and welcome by me

Not only new initiatives but a vibrant and positive mindset too else when opportunity meets unpreparedness nothing still works!! @edikanefanga

I think I have a plan, but it's going to take a few days

I believe the wait will be worth it.
Just go ahead and key us in when you need us, we here.

It's been a few days already 😃 Anyway, we are waiting to have the cat out of the bag.

I've actually observed that the best way to grow on steemit is by investing both in time and finance, at times when I invite people to join, I don't paint it all rosy, I give them the impression that some work is also required to earn and that's commitment and investment
So welcome back @dimimp, haven't read from you in a while

Yea, we have to tell people just as it is. So they come in here with wild thought. They know they have to work for their reward.

I agree, life is not easy when you don't have anything to start with and neither is steeming. Nothing is easy, especially teaching the world how to STEEM which is the goal of steemjet and is very daunting. I am preparing brainstorming the first lesson for steemjet and it is going to be generally informative to establish a common understanding that translates globally. From there we get into the specifics. This is going to be tough but fun.

Fun, I love having fun.

Wow...already anticipating the lessons.

Truth. The main reason some people run out of Steemit as soon as they mean in, is over hyping. Wrong introduction! The introducer sometimes makes it look like the user will not work at all and Dollars will be poring in. When the poor newbie comes in to see so!etching different, he tissues. We can solve this by giving our introducees a proper orientation before the start blogging here

One of my ideas is a vote bot that upvotes ONLY 1st posts with a steem selfie. This would be like a way to advertise free money for signing up, but the amount of money you would get would vary based on how much steem power is left in the account. But I cannot program, or even know how to use bots

One of my ideas is a vote bot that upvotes ONLY 1st posts with a steem selfie. This would be like a way to advertise free money for signing up, but the amount of money you would get would vary based on how much steem power is left in the account. But I cannot program, or even know how to use bots.

Ok. I bet this bot will be simple to create but it needs some tweaking.

For example, how will the first post to upvote be determined? Is it by searching for a particular tag - like the introduceyourself tag?

And then, how will you determine that a the post has a steem selfie on it? Is the bot going to use AI (artificial intelligence) for that?

Or will you have curators instead who uses sql queries to search the blockchain for "this type of post", using this "particular tag" and then submit them for curation or outrightly upvote them?

So many questions I wanna ask. But I must say that you've got great ideas.

Hoping to see your reply soon

We can work on this, there are some programmers on here

I suggest you source for one. I believe there are multitudes of programmers who would love to work for you as a good man that you are.

Time is money because time is our most valuable asset, and earning financial freedom through hard work is how you purchase your freedom from future financial liability

Time is everything. Every second spent on here is investment, buying into the future

I am so impressed by the mentality of the young people around me. These ones have stripped off mediocrity in their life and have resolved to work tooth and nail to afford themselves financial freedom. Nobody deserves to suffer financial liability

We are seriously working towards bringing in thousands of people into steemit. If you have been following the trends well, you will see lots of promo steem going on with a lot of steem meet ups where we strategize on how to reach out to more people .

But the real problem isn't bringing in New participants but bringing in people who will invest in the systen and not people who will just come in to cash out and go. That's where the real work is and since we already know who our real targets are, it meake out Jobs easier .

I'm not sure how long that steem will inflate but it should have constant inflation to keep people flocking continuously for that $TEEM GRAVY. As long as the persuasive power of the financial geyser is flowing, then we will have no problem attracting all types of people. We want them ALL, the good AND the bad, so let them be lazy, who cares, I can't change that. Some people are broke and need the money. Before steem, I was net negative net worth. Tough paradox. How much annual inflation? But one thing is certain. With a constant rate of inflation is better than a decreasing rate because you are making your employees suffer an annual pay cut. The constant inflation makes STEEM more of a currency that flows and makes people work hard for it NOW and not for investors who want to buy and HODL without participating NOW. Do we have an emission curve or constant STEEM inflation of currency units? I can't believe I invested in this without knowing this. Truly dim.

There should be a curve for the steem inflation of currency units, but I haven't seen any around, I will do some research.

The ability of the STEEM community to remain united while disagreeing is a great strength. Please disagree with me whenever possible. I love to learn and see different perspectives. I need continuous ctriticism or else I cannot gauge my progress!

I love this!!

I think this is not what the system needs atall. Maybe there could be some regulatory mechanisms

The ability of the STEEM community to remain united while disagreeing is a great strength. Please disagree with me whenever possible. I love to learn and see different perspectives. I need continuous ctriticism or else I cannot gauge my progress!

Yeah, I've seen so much that you and your crew are doing especially the project-atlas project, trying to promote steemit across different social media channels. Big ups.

@dimimp I wonder how people comment in seconds a post is published. A post that will take hours to structure, edit and post.
I'm not sure people read what you write @dimimp.
Jeez they are playing with flag😕

Are you saying that there are bots in here? I will make it worth your while if you can tell me who they are. Thanks in advance

@dimimp they ain't a bot here. People just comment in seconds.
There is this comment I came across today.
The screenshot speaks better then when typed. I'm suspecting it's a phishing trap! What a spam!
That free upvote link looks like a phishing linking.
@dimimp do make it worth while

Thanks for what you said about the inability to engage in deep discussion due to time constraints. comment will have a positive impact on the effectiveness of my lessons as I structure my lessons with this very important logical physical limitation in mind. Speaking of robot comments. I only upvote what I find useful for getting steemjet up and running so that STEEM will be the most widely distrubeted zero transaction fee currency on earth, and if for some reason a bot gives me a fortune cookie that helps me fly steemjet faster then I can't tell. I am not a computer man so I do not understand all this fear of bots. I thoguht that the internet of things allows bots to trade money with each other was a good thing. If I get annoyed by a post then I will ignore them weather they are a bot or human. Either could be a spammer. I just asked who is a abot because I am curious because like I said, I am not much of a computer so I would be interested to know how much time I spend talking to bots! Because that would be funny to me.

@dimimp I'm replying this comment late due to my bandwidth shit, I was tied down by bandwidth.

I only upvote what I find useful for getting steemjet up and running so that STEEM will be the most widely distrubeted zero transaction fee currency on earth.

This lines, you are too kind.

The word steemjet is overwhelming.

Lemme spice it with mine.
I'm of thinking.......... Of a motto for you

@dimimp steemjet his blog💯🐋✔
@dimimp steemifies⚡ his followers👪

I hope you like it


Not on this page but they are sure here

Thanks for the answer. Let me know if you see any around here.

But how the thing take dey worry you now?

No dey show ur sef too much abeg. Na advice oo

@enolife, what's your native language. Maybe we will start there.

Hi @dimimp, that's African pidgin and looks more like English language if you try to follow it carefully.

I'm glad it picked your attention. I can teach you if you want to lol

But then, I wanted to give out an encrypted advice (only pidgin speakers could decipher it) across to @udezee - he's my brother from another mother and we've known ourselves for sometime now.

The advice is me telling him that being an activist or a watchdog on steemit sometimes attract enemies and that it could be cool if he ignores something that happens. It's just a brotherly advise and I decided to give it out cus I've seen some people becoming sworn enemies cus they told another "hey don't comment like that" "hey you're out of topic" "hey you're commenting too much" etc. and I don't want that to happen to him.

I hope you understand?

Hello @dimimp
I truly believe in every word in your post.
The important of diversity cannot be overemphasized.
It is important because it will help in building a great reputation for Steemit, leading to increased profitability and opportunities.

A lot of people all over the world are ignorant about cryptocurrency and everything relating to it. I believe within this set of people are individuals who can add value to this community if properly nurtured.

Thank you for this. It is a wonderful initiative and highly welcomed.

Your post reflects my new idea MOST so far. We are connected

Am happy to share in your philosophy.

You spoke my mind

A lot of people all over the world are ignorant about cryptocurrency and everything relating to it.>

Information is power and I feel this is all these ones need.

But yet again "not everyone" were meant to fish from the same pond so if people are still doubting/ignorant of crypto then they could function well in a coffee shop. @shuta

But then... what is our goal?
Isn't it to bring in this kind of people and enlighten them. @peterakpan :)

Well for me I think someone must show interest first before anything.... You know the saying "you can take a horse to a river but you can't force it to drink water "

True, now the initiative have been set up, we should need concrete ideas that will move this forward

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