Graphic Giveaway!

in #giveaway6 years ago (edited)


This post is my way of giving back, and celebrating 4 months on steemit, and all the great people I've met here. I've crossed the 250 follower milestone, which is a big deal for me as I've never been very social, digitally or otherwise. You guys make me want to come back, and steemit is pretty much like an extended circle of awesome friends. Rather than do an obligatory thank you post, I thought it would be great to offer something in return for all the support and inspiration.

Things are a little slow on the homesteading front as our workers are taking a break. I'm preparing to move to the land, but meanwhile I've had more time to spend on my art as you may have noticed on my blog. I was thinking of ways to give back, when it hit me that I could use my art and do a free giveaway through this post.

I've worked on some simple graphics for other steemians when requested through discord.
These are some of the graphics I made.

Banner for @amymya



Banner for @eaglespirit



Badges for @goldendawne's Holler Out Tuesday mentions.


Cover Image for @hendrix22's Good News Gazette


Experimenting with logos for @curie



These were generally well received, and that did a lot to boost my confidence in my artistic abilities. Now as I have some free time, and as a thank you for all you lovely people who drop by, I'm doing a graphic giveaway for anyone who wants one.

So if you want a banner, badge, cover, or maybe just some abstract art, leave a comment telling me what you'd like and I'll do my best to create it for you!

I'd also like to point out that steemit isn't unidirectional, and a few awesome people have returned some graphical love, so I'm going to end this post with their awesome art. I'd also welcome it if more people want to make art for me. Art exchanges are the best.

@bembelmaniac's awesome banner


@pechichemena's amazing cartoon turtle


@soundwavephotons' fractalized sign off



You really have been busy!!! Both on the homestead there and on steemit for graphics!!

Yes, it's been a productive few months. Steemit has also helped hone my creativity and give it some focus.
I'm so glad I stumbled in here.

oooooh love it! and congrats! i'm so glad you keep coming back to steemit as you're one of my favorite contributors ;) !! i would relish the idea of you making @mountainjewel a graphic... not sure exactly what i want/what i would use the most? what do you think/or feel inspired to make?

Congrats on 3 months, you! I agree with @mountainjewel, you're one of my favourite contributors. I'd LOVE to have a banner designed by you. Only if you have time with all the other requests, okay? No rush. Don't want to be too specific in my request because I'm curious to know what you'll interpret my profile like. But vaguely - something that encompasses art, architecture, cities and design.

You're too kind. I have a feeling you're better at graphic design, so you should give banner design a go as well. Meanwhile here's my initial effort at interpreting your blog.


I LOVE it! Thaaaaanks. How do I use it, now? :P

I'm sure you can do some awesome graphics too. Give it a try sometime.
Use this as any other picture though. Save it and then drag and drop it in your posts.

Aw, thanks. I'm glad you think so cause you've been an inspiration too. Well, @mountainjewel is a fairly visual name, so here's something simple to start with.


Aww thank you @soulturtle ✨❤️✨

Big ♡'s for you @soulturtle, of all the banners yours is my fav ♡♡♡ thank you to eternity xo

Aww, thank you! I've never been the most confident with my art, but getting reactions like yours makes it so worthwhile!

Yay my friend is back!!!! BTW, I need an update. Buahahah

I'm not in those groups anymore, maybe we should do a neutral Eagle one like your turtle?

Missed you so much!!!


Eagle UpComm.jpg

Even the one similar to amy where it is upvote|resteem|comment|follow

I never really left, I've just been spending less time online, but yes it's been awhile since we've spoken.
I like your eagle badge, it's really cool. I'll try making something new for you. Eagles are awesome animals to illustrate.

Thanks for dropping by, I've missed you as well!


yeah you said that but when i wrote you i dodnt hear back. i had not seen you post much either.

thanks for liking mu badge! :)

yay Eagles, so glad you will be here more.


Happy 3 months @soulturtle! You make awesome posts and awesome art. Big heart, too. Very generous of you to offer making graphics. I really like how you did @eaglespirit banner incorporating the groups into one main banner. I'd love to have something designed for phesustainable farms by you. Maybe somehow incorporating helpie, msp, qurator, and homesteaders online into one banner so I can shorten my posts some.

Here's my first iteration. Lemme know, if there's any better images you have that would make it more personal.


You're not late seeing this! I haven't been around steemit much myself this week. I responded in dm with an idea I wanted to run by you. A weird idea with the background that came to me this morning with a fresh mind.

It wasn't a weird idea at all. It came out pretty well.


It's wonderful. Thank u so much!

Thanks a bunch. Steemit is rather inspirational when it comes to creating stuff.
Sorry, I'm a bit late in seeing this. I'll get back to you with a banner soonish!

I am still grateful of the synesthesia entry that was really sweet! :)

It was fun doing that, and it also sparked the idea for a post series that I'm going to stick with for awhile. So I'm grateful to you too for being awesome and providing inspiration :)

You should definitely do it to others, it is such a lovely compliment. The idea is beautiful and connecting too

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