Last Night I Dreamt About Chickens: Building the New Chook House

in #ghsc6 years ago (edited)

Yep, in Aussieland we call them chooks. We've re-designed, re-built, and re-cycled our chooks - but we're having an awful time FINDING chickens, so if you have any leads, please give us a squawk! We're pretty happy with the end result, which is far better than the sorry affair we had for our last coop.


The old coop was an A-Frame affair made out of scrap wood, but it was totally imperfect. There was no floor to speak of - just bare dirt, and the nesting boxes were plastic tubs that the chooks never seemed to really love. Even where we had the chook house was a nightmare - you never want to walk through long wet grass on winter mornings, I tell you.

We wanted something fox proof during the day when we were at work but that still gave them room to roam, and cosy for them at night - basic chicken house building 101 methinks.

First step was to make the boxes with old sheets of ply. We were recycling screws from old projects and contemplating just how many screws we have used in our DIY life together! Each box was 12" x 12" x 12", leaving room at the end which is storage for treats, worming and flea stuff, and other things we might need for chickens - saves going to the shed!

We then lined the base of the coop with lino - we had bought a discount roll some time ago to put on the floor of our van and keep finding great uses for it. We overlapped it over the edges and put a door on the other side of the coop, so when it comes to cleaning it, all I have to do is sweep it out and maybe disinfect it once in a while with tea tree oil. As you can see the sides are built of scrap - corrugated iron, old ply and some old shiplap.

We also lined the nesting boxes with lino so we can pull those out and rinse/disinfect and sun dry them when we clean out the boxes.

The coop is snug under the elderberry trees which is the coolest place for the summer. We have a winter coop on a trailer for them to give this area a rest, but for now, this is perfect. It's nice and close to my mini gardening shed and compost area, so I can chat to the chooks as I work, which is the plan - I find them very good for my mental health, which is how I talked J. into getting more chickens in the first place.

The poem below explains a lot about why J. acquiesced to me getting chickens again, and labouring all day at this coop.

Last night I dreamed of chickens,
there were chickens everywhere,
they were standing on my stomach,
they were nesting in my hair,
they were pecking at my pillow,
they were hopping on my head,
they were ruffling up their feathers
as they raced about my bed.

They were on the chairs and tables,
they were on the chandeliers,
they were roosting in the corners,
they were clucking in my ears,
there were chickens, chickens, chickens
for as far as I could see...
when I woke today, I noticed
there were eggs on top of me.

Jack Prelutsky, 1940

This post is dedicated to the unstoppable @senorcoconut, who I really want to get chickens and to try his hand at building a coop, and @nateonsteemit whose daily chickens brighten the days of those of us on Steemit who love our chooks. Plus, they're both supernice dudes who are always enthusiastic about a project, and I love interacting with them here.

Do you have chooks?

What's your set up - do you have a photo for me?


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I loved reading that poem! and hope you find some lovely chicks soon. The chook house is so stylin! I love it!

We are about to "off with their heads" on our remaining gang. It bothers me that we are doing this but they aren't laying anymore and we would like to start with a new flock in the spring without having to deal with the logistics of these old grumpy gals beating up the little ones.

Yeah, good idea! It depends on the breed re: the meanness though, don't you think @mountainjewel? We've had horrid ISA browns and dead chilled Rhode Island Reds. Apparently the plymouths are even more chilled. But totes prepared to off with thier heads. My Dad and uncle were remembering today how they had heaps of chooks as kids. My Nana used to slaughter one a week and put it in boiling water in their outside laundry, and both old men were gaggin over their coffees just THINKING about the smell, which was very vivid for them all those years later. yeah, but, I said - did you enjoy the roast chook? Oh yeah, they said, that was good.

I just love listening to old family tales. My gran used to slaughter them herself as well. She would swiftly kill one and then sit on the door stoop plucking it while singing All things bright and beautiful. My Aunt's tell the best stories about my gran. The stories are so vivid that I can see it happening if I close my eyes. ♥

In our experience, some breeds do seem to have worse temperaments than others but I suppose just like people, there are all ranges of personalities within each breed as well. The Welsummer. Maran, and Barred Rocks have been the loveliest birds we've ever had, while the Ameraucana's can keep their blue/green eggs - we'll never have that breed again because they've all been rotten bullies.

Have you decided what breeds you will have?

ooh, I just read the comments. Excited for you, plymouths are nice birds!

yep! we did this too! plus we didn't want to have to manage them through the winter... birds can be so mean!

You did a really good job with it and it looks like it will be fairly easy to clean. Enjoy your chooks 💚

I like chickens, we had some that use to come visit us in our bus, every time we visited our friends place and park up we'd open the door and some would hop in, they are pretty fearless, don't understand where being called a chicken comes from xx xx

Love it! this is a great resuse DIY ! our chicks never loved their nesting boxes either... i like how simple this one is... Great job, hope they love that spot beneath the elders :) XOX

Guess what, @mountainjewel, found some plymouths, getting them on Saturday, CAN'T WAIT!! J. said I could have four, so I'm getting 6! Yay!

There's a feed store close to home that has chicks for $5. I've been contemplating showing up at home one day with a few more, but I'm pretty sure Melissa would hit me for it...

At the permaculture intro class I attended a few weeks back, there was an austrailian woman with her homeschooled kiddos attending. The guy teaching explained that in Australia y'all call em chooks. Except he said it "chooks" like the same sound as "choo-choo train." She promptly interrupted and corrected him. We all got a kick out of it.

Ha that's a classic!!!! So to call our chooks we say: 'Here, chooky chooky chooky'... now you can speak to yours in Australian!!!! Ive located some Plymouths, fingers crossed

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I'll try that instead of "hey you, with the feathers!" Maybe it'll work better.

Are plymouths the same over there as over here?


Yes, they most definitely are! I have 6 arriving on Saturday, they're only 12 weeks though... but I like getting them as babies.

ahahah - hey you with the feathers!! I'll try to get a sound bite of J. calling the chooks, it's quite lovely and funny too...

Sweet! A three month head start! Though I agree, baby chicks are a lot of fun. My first three were about three months old, then I got babies. Next, I'm gonna let one of the girls raise a few in the spring. Don't tell the wife though, she doesn't want any more.

In my past experience with chickens, the Plymouth Rock breed was a pretty well mannered chicken, as much as any of them are. I think my worst experience with chickens was with Rhode Island Reds, they were just plain mean.
I really like the Buff Orpington also, I had a hen of that breed that would hatch eggs.
I miss having chickens, it's been about 20 years since I had them. I used to live in the country and moved into town, and the town doesn't allow people to keep chickens.

Oh that's a shame. I really wanted Buff Orphington but couldn't find them!!!

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Everytime someone mentions chickens i need to mention the Guineafowl.
A kind of mini turkey that likes to eat grass and lives in herds.
The eggs of the Guineafowl are really an upgrade compared to chicken eggs. As these fowls have a fear more healthy diet then the boring chicken. So they also need a better quaility food (mais for instance) And they also like to turn over the compost heap once a day in search of worms and other critters that live in the compost heap.

Then once getting that first fowl egg, be warned! Do NOT try to crack it open in a glass or ceramic bowl. The egg will crack your fancy bowl and will not even have a crack itself.
No joke, just a simple warning. ;-) Superior eggs all the way. :-D

One small negative, these fowls are LOUD, your neighbors may no longer like you...

Lol. I heard they are bloody noisy bastards. No way. I'm getting plymouths!!


Same pattern though huh?

yeah very close.

If i can find a guineafowl that is a a bit of a lone wolf and doesn't want to live in a herd then it is welcome in my garden. My backyard is not large enough to host a herd.

Not sure if it is cruel to have just one egg-machine... As egg-machines also need a bit of a life.

Guineafowl are really good bug eaters. The will eat all the ticks they can find.
Also, they're really good at letting you know when something comes in the yard, especially if it's a predator, they make a lot of noise...

Oh cool! Wonder if they'd keep the foxes away!!!!

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But maybe even yes.... These guineafows are kinda raw... and behave like a real herd. And they also demand the highest bun to sit on... Chickens have to settle for the lower ranks.... :-)

Even if there is a mouse or a rat they make noise and even go after them..

Learned something new again :) Chooks !! Awesome...

There you go!

Wow great post! Always so thorough and well planned out, I truly enjoy learning about your homestead. I love the location under the tree, looks so cool and snug.

Ok so I'm wondering how many chooks live in this sized space and do hens all lay eggs on a regular? Just so curious about the process, like if you didn't take the eggs would you be overrun with chicks like in the sweet poem? Or what happens in that case, just a balance between more omelettes or more coops?

Anyways, sincerely curious and enjoyed the little chuckle imagining you weeding with them and talking about your next plans for J hahaha.. 😄

Thanks Keni. Your comments are always so attentive and thoughtful. You do know you need a rooster to go with the chickens in order to be overrun with chickens right? He he.

A good layer will lay around 200 eggs a year. We will get 4 to 6 chooks which will be plenty for us.. they will provide food, dig and weed, and make manure for my compost. They are the BEST creatures to have on a small 'homestead'.. though we don't call it that here. I'm not even sure what I would call it... I just say homestead for the Americans.

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Haha! I was born in the year of the Rooster, surprising I know. Yeah my uncle has a cool gang of "Gai" chookin' weeders and bug removers at his place. I've even had the honor of digging up all their great contributions for his incredible compost. Woah 200 eggs a year eh? That's very impressive, thanks for the answers.

Oh and yeah, my uncle's home is just a regular country "Baan" here in Thailand. It's fun to join in with these trendy off-grid, sustainable, home-steady SEO grabbing names though. Once again, great post all round! 👍

Oh my god @kenistyles you are SO a rooster!!!!

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Lol yeah some of my friends just call me a Cock.. smh 🐔

Damn - it has been a Looooog Time since I saw a good ol' Aussie chook house!!! Chickens are everywhere in Asia and sooooo important for the organic scheme of things, from pest control to compost processing to insect management. :) Sweet contribution. :)

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