Geoengineering Series #2 - Weather Modification Jobs

in #geoengineeringseries7 years ago (edited)


 As the posts with geoengineering and weather modification are not new here, I'd like to present you with a real job opportunity out there in a company named Weather Modification, Inc. That Inc. operates in quite some countries. Right now, they have 8 open vacancies, if you have the qualifications and are interested, you may apply here.  But before you do, you should read this (rather old) case study: Case Orange: Contrail Science, it’s impact on climate and weather manipulation programs conducted by united states and its allies Now, that you see it’s a real deal, we should get some definition of what it is in general. So, we’ll take one provided by HOME/ETC Group, “Geoengineering is the intentional, large-scale intervention in the Earth’s oceans, soils and/or atmosphere, most often discussed in the context of combating climate change.” 

And one provided by prof. John Shepherd that we find in the document  Geoengineering the Climate:  “Geoengineering methods can usefully be divided into two basic ‘classes’: 1) Carbon dioxide removal (CDR) techniques which remove CO2 from the atmosphere; 2) Solar Radiation Management (SRM) techniques that reflect a small percentage of the sun’s light and heat back into space.” SAG- Stratospheric Aerosol Geoengineering is part of SRM - it is usually called chemtrails or cloud seeding.  

Don't get me wrong. I'm not someone in their HR department or any other. I just want to present my outer space - the readers that the weather modification is done all over the planet very intensely for the past 10-15 years. It is not just some local experiments. (If we don’t read Russian, Chinese, or Hindi that doesn’t mean that they aren’t doing it.) It is scheduled, planned and financially well-funded. Before, there was mostly hail prevention. Oh, some armies also tried artificial fog production. I guess the above mentioned is not the only corporation out here, producing this weather catastrophe. Why would anyone want to modify those beautiful cirrus clouds that once used to enjoy our hearts? Or any other of those beautiful clouds up there. I know, the cumulonimbus can look quit threatening, but they are also beautiful. Now, it sometimes looks like the clouds are going to sit right down on the roofs, without turning into fog. 

But, if you'd prefer a job in manipulating with frequencies business, I have one for you, too. Just take a look in here. They didn’t hire me to tell you this, either. I know, we need all those radars and antennas for our TV programs transmission, mobile internet, mobile phones, self-driving cars and who knows what other gadgets ready to enter the market or still in development phase. Hey, for the self-driving cars, there is going to be a 5G antenna on every 12 houses – this is the way how this technology can function. Let alone other novelties that might soon emerge. But do we really need other type of climate on Earth? Nope, we don’t. And, even plants and animals would be grateful, if humankind would stop messing with the climate and the frequencies. 

It is not just H.A.A.R.P. in Alaska they are using for this purpose. Besides in Alaska, these types of antennas are also elsewhere on the planet. It is a global network or a network of different antennas and radars. Some are part of CEDAR iniciative1. There are also in: other parts of USA (Millestone Hill, Massachusetts, Marshall Islands); Canada; Greenland; Arecibo in Puerto Rico; Jicamarca, Peru; Tromso, Norway, Kiruna, Sweden, Sao Luis, Brazil; Randburg, Rauteng, South Africa; Cape Dewi, UK; Kharkov, Ukraine, Dushanabe, Tadjikistan; Exmouth, Australia; Thumba, Gadanki, India; New Zealand; Indonesia; Sura, Russia; China, Japan, Antarctic, South Korea, some think they are also in Izrael, to name a few. But these data were collected in 2009, now they have been found also in some no-name island in the South of Atlantic Ocean, in Indian Ocean, but  also EISCAT, AMISR, JORN, NEXRAD, SuperDARN, ELAT, LOFAR, and Doppler radars are in play. And, most probably some other frequency manipulating devices we don’t even know yet. 


1 CEDAR, the Coupling, Energetics and Dynamics of Atmospheric Regions program, is a US National Science Foundation initiative that provides funding to engineers and scientists investigating the make-up and behavior of the middle and upper atmosphere, which extends 6,000 miles above Earth’s surface. The meridional radar chain extends from Sondre Stromfjord, Greenland through Millstone Hill at mid-latitudes, beyond Arecibo at low latitudes, to the Jicamarca facility at the magnetic equator in Peru.


There is a quotes site including Nikola Tesla quotes; one was about universe: “If one is to find the secrets of the universe, one has to think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration.” So we can conclude that we all reside in universe, just so happens on Earth, together with whoever and whatever is on her. Thus, everyone vibrates with one’s own frequency due to own amount of energy and also the energy received, and the Earth vibrates with her own frequency, as well. So, messing with frequencies can’t do anyone much good. If you disagree, fine, but DNA is also a frequency or has its own frequency. 

Yikes, supposedly Tesla also said, that he’s going to give each nation a weapon so powerful that they won’t dare to go to war with each other again, and he scattered his works among them (former rulers of the nations). He can’t deny the above statement nor can he confirm it, now. And, why do I have such strange impression like he has come straight out of Ramayana or Mahabharata, humph?

Humans have been influencing the weather and the climate since they exist, by construction, warfare, agriculture, pollution and in spiritual ways, but what is being done by atmospheric geoengineering is way beyond reasonable and endurable; it comes close to making of Sahara or what Genghis Khan has done to Afghanistan or if they combine all of those nowadays new weaponry, maybe even comes close to ancient warfare described in Mahabharata. 

There have been some attempts to prevent this or at least to decrease it, like ENMOD Convention  (1976), UNEP moratorium on large-scale geoengineering (2010), Hands off Mother Earth/ETC Group prevented the execution of project SPICE (2011).  Maybe all of these could be used in an effort to stop this world-wide operation and legislations of particular states.

 UNEP moratorium on geoengineering (Oct. 2010 UNEP/CBD/COP/10/L.36, Art. 8. (w)), signed by 196 states in Nagoya, 2010, didn’t bring a stop of it. USA didn’t ratify the convention then. 

“that no climate-related geo-engineering activities that may affect biodiversity take place, until there is an adequate scientific basis on which to justify such activities and appropriate consideration of the associated risks for the environment and biodiversity and associated social, economic and cultural impacts, with the exception of small scale scientific research studies that would be conducted in a controlled setting in accordance with Article 3 of the Convention, and only if they are justified by the need to gather specific scientific data and are subject to a thorough prior assessment of the potential impacts on the environment … Without prejudice to future deliberations on the definition of geo-engineering activities, understanding that any technologies that deliberately reduce solar insolation or increase carbon sequestration from the atmosphere on a large scale that may affect biodiversity (excluding carbon capture and storage from fossil fuels when it captures carbon dioxide before it is released into the atmosphere) should be considered as forms of geo-engineering which are relevant to the Convention on Biological Diversity until a more precise definition can be developed. Noting that solar insolation is defined as a measure of solar radiation energy received on a given surface area in a given hour and that carbon sequestration is defined as the process of increasing the carbon content of a reservoir/pool other than the atmosphere.” 

In 2016 UNEP conference reaffirmed paragraph 8, in particular its subparagraph (w), of decision X/33 and decision XI/20, what suggests the countries will agree on further moratorium on large-scale geoengineering. 

The way I see it, is to give the sky and the oceans the official status of a national park where experiments with weather or anything else are not permitted and not-tolerated, including influencing tropospheric rivers by electromagnetic means. But to whom such a motion/demand in a petition form should be delivered to? To the governments within states/federations or to UN, I guess.  

I doubt it would pass or at least not so easily - even though the SPICE project was stopped this way - because it is a huge industry with lots of money pouring in. Some say it is a trillion dollar industry. Besides it’s a military operation, at least partly, and a world-wide one, making everyone a guinea pig in a giant lab – plants and animals included – let’s say as big as the Earth.  

Even if it is already some 100 years or more too late it is still worth a try. At least, anyone can do something, like not getting employed in this kind of jobs. 

This post is part of a series in Geoengineering Series in an effort to present idea that people should start understanding that the sky and the oceans should remain intact, as well as the Earth as a whole, thus also the mainland. But, because humans can’t just dismiss all the industry and construction, and all the rest, we can’t declare the whole Earth a national park, even if we would most probably be way better off by doing so.  


Very informative and well-written post. This is one of the fears of my childhood that is being realized in the present. The case with aluminum + shasta is interesting if you're looking for more!

Yes! That is what I was referring to, thanks for the links :)

Thanks for the information, it looks terryfiying.

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It's a rather scary thought that we now have the power to influence things like the weather. Millenia ago, that's a power reserved only to the gods. Perhaps you're right that we're at that stage in the Mahabharata, where we begin to destroy ourselves which results in the complete obliteration of the planet. Somehow, I think we deserve it anyway. Tesla had it right when he sought to give everyone an even playing field. In an apocalyptic arms raise, no one deserves to have an upperhand against anyone else.

Power to create weather should be reserved to those who create harmony as much as possible and are not willing to create scarcity for all (plants and animals included). I don't think plants and animals deserve to be anihilated. But whether humans take this in consideration of it is yet another thing. They rarely do - or so it looks throughout history.

unfortunately you are 100% correct there

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This is really interesting. I suspect investment in weather altering technology will only increase going forward as well, so perhaps this is just the tip of the iceberg. I don't claim to know where it is all going.

I'll try to tell as much as I understand. Three years ago we had the same high temperatures as this year, but my raspberry plants didn't just dry up in one day like quite some did this year - it became scary. But this is not the only reason why I write this. I know is sounds weird, but to me it feels like we live in a vanishing world (=world as we are used to).

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