Chemtrails & Geoengineering Massive Global Assault: Why are the masses so dormant?steemCreated with Sketch.

in #geoengineering6 years ago (edited)

Dane’s latest video entitled Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, July 28, 2018, #155

With all the nefarious activities going on in today’s world – from mass censorship by social media giants, especially of health related websites, – to the implementation of extremely harmful 5G Networks, and the attacks on precious metals and cryptocurrencies, we are basically getting assaulted by all sides by the extremely evil and immoral Deep State and International Banking Cabal.

The following video from a true hero – Dane Wigington – from remains highly underwatched.

The masses today, are so zombified and distracted by their dumbphones that they can’t even look up in the sky to even notice massive chemtrail spraying.

The spraying of these extremely toxic chemicals (which include aluminum, barium and many others) make it all the way to the ground level as micro-particles and into our lungs. And since these nanoparticles are so small, they are able to penetrate our blood-brain barrier – just like vaccines tainted with such particles also do.

These nefarious agendas are spearheaded by the Deep State and International Banking Cabal and implemented by their Globalist puppets – particularly from G20 powerhouses including the US, Germany, and even China.

I mention China because I’ve lived in the southern metropolis of Shenzhen. And since April of this year (2018) I’ve been documenting (at least 27 days of spraying in 4 months) the massive chemtrail spraying in this city and also in other large cities like Wuhan.

Even today (an addendum to this post on July 30) they sprayed once again and after it had rained hard I could smell the metals in the moisture in the air; it was so obvious. Disgusting. And in the early evening I noticed several dark gray chemtrails and after-clouds they produced; I had never seen these before and makes it all even more worrisome. Wish I had brought my camera to take a few snapshots. I am hoping it could have been just an optical illusion because of the time of day. But if not, this makes me wonder what (even more) toxic chemicals would have been included there. Have any of you ever seen these dark chemtrails and clouds?

Here a but a few of the hundreds of photos I have taken in Shenzhen over the last months:


Chemtrail criss-cross right above Kingkey Tower in the heart of the city


A completely tainted sky all over Futian district with Ping An tower, the city's largest


Ant eye's view of the same Ping An tower from ground level on the same day right above Coco Park


Also in Coco Park admiring the toxic sky amongst a bilboard promoting socialist values. (I guess poisoning its population is considered a "socialist" value...)


Diwang building is the iconic landmark of Shenzhen, now with a sky tainted in swirl toxic clouds


Intensifying efforts over residential areas where many families roam and play outside, completely oblivious

A video of this madness:


Not letting up one bit, no expense is to be spared buying these toxic chemicals and poisoning millions

As you can see I am quite pissed off about this and mostly due to my limited ability in doing something about it. If I try to raise a ruckus I won't be welcome here much longer.

Although I try to inform people, sadly, the large majority of citizens just don’t seem to care. Case in point, last month I posted an entry on ChinaDaily Blog which got over 18,000 views, yet only a mere 5 people commented on the matter.

This goes to show that the masses just don’t give a you know what. The mindset seems to be systemic worldwide. What have we become?

So what to do?

Any suggestions? I am sure many of you also scream on the rooftops only to be met with a deafening silence by indifferent and ignorant souls.

How long will we put up with this?

In Peace & Liberty,


P.S.: What little more I can do...I am trying to do my part to help awaken the masses with my online free courses from the Liberty Academy (direct link: with courses such as Plato's Allegory of the Cave. Little response and sign-ups thus far. But I remain optimistic that people will one day seek truth and enlightenment, as to free themselves from the chains that bind and rob them.


concerning Dane Wigington (may watch at 1,25 speed)

Firstly, thanks for engaging and your comment.

Secondly, don't know what you mean by watch at "1,25" speed, as this makes no sense to me.

Sorry, just watched a bit of this video and this guy Jim Lee really doesn't seem to know what the heck he is talking about. Look at his YouTube profile - not only does he have very little followers compared to Dane Wigington, but you have to wonder about his sincerity in the cause. Why would he blast a fellow person who is fighting this cause? You have to ask yourself that my friend. And question if he is doing it for disinformation purposes or if someone else (or another entity) is behind him in doing this, or if he is simply jealous of his lower view counts. What is it?

Moreover, what are this guy's credentials? I can't see any listed on his website. Dane has much more credibility and provides a heck of a lot more official reports, accounts, and facts on his website than this other guy does. Furthermore, he is involved in some legal actions against these wrongdoers. If this Jim Lee guy doing so?

Point is, if this guy were sincere, he would be teaming with or supporting a fellow organizations like rather than blasting them; don't you think?


Keep trying - that is one of the best chemtrail posts I've seen on Steemit - 10 years ago nobody believed this was happening

Thanks. This photo you posted is staggering. How can people not notice or question. Have the powers that be almost completely took over their thinking and reasoning capabilities? If so, they've done an outstanding job, sadly.

Thanks. I've started to read the article (great opening by Caitlin Johnstone!) and look forward to reading the rest. I had proposed two of my own solutions to this dilemma of how to get rid of the Deep State (hereunder). I really think if people would follow them, it would work; but unfortunately, I think people enjoy being slaves and owned & controlled by others, or at the very least don't care as they are accepting of their victim-hood.


Peace my friend.

Going to bed soon - I'll read your articles tomorrow ;)

And yeah:

(Not really blaming people though, considering how fucked up the world is and everything.)

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Great post!!....


We have the same skies in the UK ... I keep on looking up for now, but something needs to be done eh? ...

Let's start by at least waking as many of our friends, family, and acquaintances as possible.

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