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RE: Chemtrails Aren't the Geoengineering Debate We Should Be Having

in #geoengineering6 years ago (edited)

I really enjoy reading your posts and comments even though the things you say make uncomfortable reading. I still have a little bit of hope left that things might change but when I take a step back and take a look at what is has happened, is happening and then what probably will happen based on past and present, hope really doesn't seem to be enough. I keep trying to think of ways of making things better but like you said people aren't waking up fast enough.

I'm stuck in the system, earning enough to maintain a comfortable lifestyle for myself and my family but not enough to escape. If I had my way I would be growing all of my own fruit and vegetables hydroponically under LED lights in my lofts, filtering the air and water and using only organic feed but I simply don't have the capital to fund such a thing.

I have an allotment plot but even the enjoyment of that is spoiled by the fact that the soil is almost certainly contaminated thanks to the rain that falls being filled with whatever is in the shit they are spraying above our heads that is slowly killing us.

It's my children I worry about. Their future has been stolen thanks to the complacency and ignorance of the generation that came before them and by the time they get old enough to do something about it, they probably won't be equipped to do anything thanks to the an education system that is set up to fail them and ensure that most won't be aware of what is going on and those that are won't have the skills or abilities to be able to do anything.

As things get worse, perhaps I might just bite the bullet and take a chance and do something different, but for now I'm stuck in my comfortable life while society collapses and gets weaker around me.

5g is coming soon too !!!


We are on the same page my friend! I daydream sometimes about moving to Paraguay and grow my own food in a sane environment, but I am too old, to weak and too burnt out to actually make this a reality.
I don't have children, so I guess I am lucky in a sense that I have one thing less to worry about.
But here is a thought: For a new generation, any situation is "normal". They don't know any better, they don't know how it could be. To them the sky was always gray. They will adjust to their reality the same way we did with ours. We don't know what reality would have been possible for us, either. We also grew up in the illusion, that constant wars are "normal" and necessary for example. Only old people are aware of what is being lost. I remember dismissing all concerns about the deterioration of society from my grandparents as old-fashioned and exaggerated myself and experienced the "modern" way of life much better and more advanced than the old way. Guess that's just life. It is just the incredible speed of how our reality changes right now that makes it difficult to deal with.

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