Chemtrails Aren't the Geoengineering Debate We Should Be Having

in #geoengineering6 years ago (edited)

From the Office of Harvard's Geoengineering Program – The Keith Group

I have been looking over the latest article released by Gernot Wagner on April 11, 2018. I am always happy to see them come out with these public documents that are here to address my concerns pertaining to some of the things I see in the sky. It always gives me such a warm feeling of contentment when Mr. Keith's office sets aside a little time to reassure me that I have nothing at all to be concerned with and in reality it is quite silly for me to even consider any of my own thoughts and observations. There was such a weight lifted from me when I finally came to the realization that Harvard has my best interests in mind and I can just go on with my lackadaisical lifestyle and.... ummm, actually no, that's not at all how I feel.

Mr. Wagner I am sorry but your paper did little to reassure me or give me any feeling of comfort but I do look forward to your next attempt so please never give up! I will give up when I receive a sound answer to my simple questions that you will find below. I am not going to give an in-depth breakdown of your article as it is really just a lot of the same thing that Harvard has been pushing out for a decade now. Perhaps for your next article you will share more credible data rather than simply sharing other people's opinions. You guys really need to step up your game over there in your Harvard Think Tank because it is becoming increasingly obvious to me that you are letting yourselves get backed into a small corner as you try to maintain your narrative.


Geoengineering- Now that is a huge topic with plenty of rabbit holes for you to jump down should you ever be inclined. The simplest understanding of Geoengineering is any man made activity that has an impact on Earth's normal Physical/Biological patterns. What has always seemed a major concern for the entirety of my lifetime has been the buildup of CO2 in our atmosphere. Sadly when the data was coming in during the late 60's and early 70's little was done to openly address the concern. Behind the scenes however there was a growing list of patents and techniques being developed and deployed with the largest percentage of those falling under the Weather Modification category. When we use the term Geoengineering we have to keep in mind the full scope of what that term means. Weather modification is Geoengineering and this global program has been openly admitted to and well documented for generations now. Weather Modification is not usually where we get the Push-Back from our beloved friends in academic and scientific societies. Normally their debunking efforts are centered around the Solar Radiation Management and Carbon Management programs which are two distinctly different fields but both still focusing on the same issue; the 50 plus year concern of the rapid buildup of CO2 in our atmosphere. Luckily for Harvard the only real thing they need to address falls under the SRM category and they are able to focus that lens in even smaller to simply address the ever popular and growing belief that some of the condensation trails left by aircraft we see in the sky don't really seem to be condensation. I am most definitely on the growing list of skeptics and my skepticism is not rooted in an online video I saw once but rather it comes from my own observance of a condensation trail expelled from aircraft engine lingering in the sky for hours and spreading to more than one kilometer wide. That's still critical in scientific method right; to observe?


You have to understand they try to reel us in on what they obviously see as an issue that needs to be dealt with by giving us a look into their research of Solar Radiation Management; that is the main Geoengineering program that Harvard is overseeing and consists of different theories as to how they can reflect a portion of the suns radiation back into space to combat global warming. What Harvard says is that we do not posses the technology to have an effective SRM program as we would need to inject reflective particles much higher into the stratosphere than we are currently able. Then based on that logic, which truly is sound logic in my opinion, we are told that the Chemtrail Conspiracy is therefor not valid. Why would they be spraying reflective particulates in an area of the atmosphere that would have little impact in reflecting a portion of the sunlight back into space? I totally agree with them as based on sound scientific theory they would indeed need to be injecting these reflective particulates higher into the stratosphere around 60-70K feet for the program to have any degree of efficiency. To inject reflective particles at the level most commercial aircraft fly would be extremely inefficient in regards to SRM as the reflective particles would have to be injected at an almost constant basis to have any real impact on managing solar radiation. So then I suppose that should take all of my concerns over these persistent contrails, that I see on almost a constant basis, off the table because I truly am not able to give them an answer as to why then they would be doing this.

I have said this before but I will continue to do so for as long as it is valid to do so. To whatever science, academic or government body that wants to hear this please hear me clearly: I am in no way, shape or form bound to first have to give you an irrefutable answer to the question “Why you would be doing this” before I have the right to have my general questions about persistent condensation trails addressed. Let's take the whole SRM program off the table for a minute and have The Keith Group simply give me a breakdown of how today's modern jet engine, that if my research is valid is on almost every commercial aircraft flying in the skies today, can produce one of these persistent vapor trails.


I have seen plenty of sound evidence that indeed a Hi-bypass engine can produce condensation and just to give an example of this you can find a good explanation here but this still seems a bit diversionary in regards to my question. I am not asking if a contrail can be formed by today's modern jet engine, my question is how do a portion of these condensation trails linger in the sky for hours, grow to a great many times their original size, at times combine with other of these condensation trails and together completely haze out the sky from horizon to horizon- While at the same time other aircraft with the same type of engine are flying through this implied Ice Crystal Haze and leave a quickly dispersing trail of condensation or even leave no evidence of condensation at all?

When you hear from people that research these persistent condensation trails or “Chemtrails” it is common to hear how they relate them to the Solar Radiation Management program. It's not that I disagree with this theory but I just feel it allows people like David Keith and The Keith Group to only have to focus in on that one area in their debunking efforts. These persistent vapor trails may have nothing to do with a SRM program at all and could be just a part of the widely accepted and admitted Weather Modification Campaign. They may be using these for any number of reasons but I am done with being made to feel like I have to have a valid reason as to “Why” they are up there before my completely valid argument can be addressed.

I'll be honest and say that the efforts made to debunk the “Chemtrail Conspiracy” can be overwhelming to someone earnestly seeking after the truth. I have not addressed much about the article that is listed at the top of this blog as I really have been trying to keep this as short as possible. I am not trying to emphatically debunk their debunking but I do want to reiterate something that is common in some of my other articles here on Steemit and that is to point out the fact that the reason they keep trying to debunk our theories is because we are being effective in getting our observations out there. More people are listening to us and are indeed asking questions of their own. The article states that 60 percent of all social media discourse on geoengineering is conspiratorial and that is where I am finding some reassurance that our efforts are not in vain. We simply have to stay the course and continue to keep being diligent on getting our perspective and our observations out there. I am only about halfway through the latest from the Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News radio broadcast and I am still on the high I got from last week's broadcast where Dane talks about hitting that Critical Mass of people and we are getting there.

I will say it again,
WE ARE GETTING THERE! Please, don't you doubt it for a moment.

Consistently and effectively sharing credible data is key and one day, whatever these persistent vapor trails are hinged on, they will finally be unable to maintain the lie that this is simply condensation. No one has the right to make you feel obligated to know all the reasons why before you can start asking your questions.

Please never stop asking your questions,



I agree on putting out information and trying to wake people up. However, the even bigger problem is that the have been spraying us for probably a decade now. This shit IS ALREADY inside us and our environment and this cannot be reversed easily, at least not in my lifetime. I personally have symptoms of fibromyalgia. I can manage my pain with turmeric, but I am afraid that most of the damage is already done. Bees and birds are disappearing, trees are dying right now. Waking enough people up will take probably another ten years...

I really enjoy reading your posts and comments even though the things you say make uncomfortable reading. I still have a little bit of hope left that things might change but when I take a step back and take a look at what is has happened, is happening and then what probably will happen based on past and present, hope really doesn't seem to be enough. I keep trying to think of ways of making things better but like you said people aren't waking up fast enough.

I'm stuck in the system, earning enough to maintain a comfortable lifestyle for myself and my family but not enough to escape. If I had my way I would be growing all of my own fruit and vegetables hydroponically under LED lights in my lofts, filtering the air and water and using only organic feed but I simply don't have the capital to fund such a thing.

I have an allotment plot but even the enjoyment of that is spoiled by the fact that the soil is almost certainly contaminated thanks to the rain that falls being filled with whatever is in the shit they are spraying above our heads that is slowly killing us.

It's my children I worry about. Their future has been stolen thanks to the complacency and ignorance of the generation that came before them and by the time they get old enough to do something about it, they probably won't be equipped to do anything thanks to the an education system that is set up to fail them and ensure that most won't be aware of what is going on and those that are won't have the skills or abilities to be able to do anything.

As things get worse, perhaps I might just bite the bullet and take a chance and do something different, but for now I'm stuck in my comfortable life while society collapses and gets weaker around me.

5g is coming soon too !!!

We are on the same page my friend! I daydream sometimes about moving to Paraguay and grow my own food in a sane environment, but I am too old, to weak and too burnt out to actually make this a reality.
I don't have children, so I guess I am lucky in a sense that I have one thing less to worry about.
But here is a thought: For a new generation, any situation is "normal". They don't know any better, they don't know how it could be. To them the sky was always gray. They will adjust to their reality the same way we did with ours. We don't know what reality would have been possible for us, either. We also grew up in the illusion, that constant wars are "normal" and necessary for example. Only old people are aware of what is being lost. I remember dismissing all concerns about the deterioration of society from my grandparents as old-fashioned and exaggerated myself and experienced the "modern" way of life much better and more advanced than the old way. Guess that's just life. It is just the incredible speed of how our reality changes right now that makes it difficult to deal with.

They have possibly been spraying us for more than 10 years and yes our whole biosphere seems close to collapse. It is a struggle to push out the futile feelings I get sometimes- a lot of times.

I don't know what else to do but keep doing all I know to do. I took off today cause it was snowing here and I just didn't want to deal with the cold weather again. I am looking though some of the latest mass animal deaths and sure doesn't give me much comfort.

Sorry about your illness but happy to see you are going the natural route. It would be a very low chance though for even the turmeric to not contain a mix of heavy metals. I do not like Mike Adam's political views (not sure I like anyone's political views) but he does offer good natural medical advice. @healthranger on steemit

At this point I don't really care if something is natural or not. There is no way to escape the toxins anyway. I would take ANYTHING to combat pain because I am a Sissy and don't like to suffer. But Turmeric seems to work. Good enough for me. Honestly I don't have much desire to get healthy anyway, I have no desire to live in this madhouse longer than absolutely necessary. I am tired of all this crap. As long as I don't suffer pain, I am cool with it. I'm ready to go...

I really hate it for you but we need you in this madhouse. I am ready to go too but I read something once about enduring to the end and it just stuck with me.

For me a shadow of hope is still hope. We may very well be nearing that final push through the nonsense (much more than just chemtrails) and I am not sure who all is gonna make it to the other side but mildly old fuckers like us simply need to keep on pushing.

-and enjoy a tankard of fine ale with friends whenever the opportunity should arise

LOL. Right. The fat lady has not sung yet :)

Great post full of lots of info and some great points made. You're right, more and more people are starting to notice that something isn't right and I also find it encouraging that more effort appears to being made to write hit pieces and reports to discourage people from looking further into the topic of Geoengineering.

Keep up the good work. Upvoted and resteemed.

Thank you friend.

Hey I have tried to resteem an article before and it didn't go though for me. Was looking through you blog and didn't notice mine so may have glitched on you. No biggie just wanted to let you know

Apologies. You're right. I thought I had done it but I have definitely done it now. Thanks for letting me know.

I am a huge skeptic. I am skeptical of chemtrails, and I am even more skeptical of chemtrail debunkers. The information is slim, speculative, and the AGW (anthropogenic global warming) conspiracy theory is so full of holes it makes me angry.

All that being said, I remember once as a child, in the '60s, asking someone I considered authoritative on the matter about why some contrails faded right away, some persisted for some time, and some seemed to persist for as long as it took for them to simply be diluted.

The answer regarding temperature and ice crystal formation seemed reasonable, but didn't explain the difference between contrails between different planes at the same altitude separated only by minutes, as some of those contrails persisted, and some did not.

I remember looking at the sky with a jaundiced eye and thinking the authoritative source I was questioning was not so authoritative at all.

That remains my position today, over 50 years later.

AGW is a hoax. It's (as far as I can tell) a suite of lies to potentiate a global carbon tax, which makes banksters salivate. We're barely above the CO2 levels at which plants begin to starve to death for lack of it, and about 20kya, it was at the lowest point in the history of life on Earth.

I want to pump massive amounts of CO2 into the atmosphere to feed plants sumptuously, so we can have lots of them to eat. But that's besides the point.

From Morgellon's Disease, to hair and fingernail taggants, to communications/DEW foci, I have heard many speculative claims for why (other than AGW, which is total BS) chemtrails may be essayed. None of these seems particularly convincing to me, although I don't write any of them off, and reckon there may be combinations of these reasons for doing such things.

Are there other good reasons for spraying barium and other crap in the sky?


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