Geoengineering & Chemtrails. Are the 'Truthers' being led astray or am I?

in #geoengineering6 years ago (edited)

As anyone who has been following me for a while will know, I have a problem with the weather in that I believe it is being engineered without our consent. In fact, my first ever post on Steemit nearly two years ago was about Geoengineering and for the past 6 or 7 years, not a day has gone by without me getting frustrated at what is happening in the skies above our heads in the form of man-made cloud and haze that blocks the sun and lightens the sky.

I've watched hundreds of hours of videos, spent countless hours on Twitter posting photos and comments, taken over 1200 photos (and counting) of the haze filled skies and turned into the office 'conspiracy theorist', but where has it gotten me?

Am I any closer to the 'truth' now than I was seven years ago? Even if I think I am, am I really? Are people like Dane Wiggington and other charismatic speakers/leaders really on our side or are they there to distract us and keep us searching for answers while they impress us with their likeability, charisma, oratorial skills and apparent dedication to the cause?

@kafkanarchy84 has posted a couple of times recently about how people seem to be drawn to a cause or a leader and also what happens when said leaders views or ideas are challenged. He has experienced it himself and gives many examples of others who have too. I'd recommend checking out his last couple of posts to see what I mean. His most recent post is all in CAPS so you know he's getting pissed about it !!

There is a growing number of people on Steemit who are concerned about Geoengineering, some like @jamesc use their considerable stake in the platform to reward and encourage those that speak out on the issue including myself and this is great, but I also notice that a lot of the who are passionate about the topic also believe the official line on global warming and follow people like Dane Wiggington who is probably the most well-known of those 'exposing' geoengineering.

It took me at least five years of reading and searching for information about Geoengineering before I even came across the YouTube page of WeatherWar101 and even then I came across it by accident, but when I read and watched what he had to say it blew my mind. It was only after I had got my head around the information and visited his/her website at that I discovered that he and others had been attacked by Dane Wiggington even though they were all supposedly fighting the same fight.

Some of the information about the attacks on WeatherWar101 and others can be found at including videos and links to documentation that suggest that Dane might not be everything he says he is.

To summerise the position of the author of the WeatherWar101 site on what is going on above our heads, I copy a portion of the page linked above from his website.

As anyone familiar with my work is well aware, and I urge everyone here to get familiar with it (and pass it on), the facts are very simple. They will sound fantastical or ridiculous or too huge to be possible, but I’ve spent two decades researching it (adhering to my engineering requirements stated above), I understand it’s functioning as clearly as I understand the combustion engine, it is observable daily without fail, and I have 200+ that prove it – for anyone who takes the time to look.

  1. All severe weather on this planet (flash floods, tornado swarms, hurricanes, etc.) is manufactured, and has been for at least 50 years.
  2. The global geoengineering grid was devised and constructed (over the last 100 years) to compensate for atmospheric damage and the collapse of the water vapor cycle.
  3. These systems were built in and alongside the primary cause of climate collapse in the first place – that being the 62,500 power plants around the globe.
  4. As terrifying as all of that is – the most terrifying reality is that without this system of Massive Water Vapor Generation billowing out trillions of gallons of water, it wouldn’t be raining at all.
  5. Not only is Global Warming (Global Burning) and Climate Change (Climate Collapse) very real, it already happened a half a century ago.

I strongly urge anyone with an interest in Geoengineering to spend a bit of time on the website so they can decide for themselves whether what he is suggesting might be true, because I believe that there is a chance that a lot of people who genuinely want to get to the bottom of what is happening in the skies above this planet are victims of a huge psyop that will keep them chasing their tails while the truth remains hidden.

It is of course also possible that I am being duped by whoever is behind the WeatherWar101 site and all the people that have been smeared by Dane Wiggington are plants and fair game, but ask yourself, how long did it take in your research on Geoengineering before you stumbled on Dane Wiggington and Geoengineering Watch? How many of you were aware of the existence of or the information being presented therein before you read this?

The levels to which scum that infest and control this planet will go to ensure that their plans to enslave us all come to fruition should never be underestimated. They have unlimited money and resources and they know that as soon as enough people get wise to their bullshit their game is over.

I know it's hard for some to even contemplate but even the supposed heroes of freedom like Julian Assange, Edward Snowden or Bradley Manning could be limited hangouts or psyops and in my view probably are, but that is for another post which I probably won't write because I've seen how passionate and protective people get about their 'heroes'

Thanks for reading

Stay safe



The last post I wrote was on this subject and it’s surprising how many people were unaware, worse still are those who aren’t willing to accept that something is going on and will flag the content.
Dane Wiggington has done great work for years now and is helping the subject go mainstream.
I had a conversation with a friend recently who when challenged on this subject said that if it was happening it was for a reason as the ‘authorities’ know what they’re doing.....
I don’t think they have the first clue what they’re doing and it won’t end well for many, you can’t mess with Mother Nature she just fucks you up at a later date.

Hey TP. Thanks for dropping by. The people that flag the content really piss me off, especially when they work for Steemit !!

It's plainly obvious to me that at 40 years old that the skies don't look like they used to, and they certainly aren't as blue as they once were, but for most people, the idea that there might be anything other than hot H2O coming out of the back of the planes is too much. Chemtrails are a 'conspiracy' !!!!

I agree that Dane Wiggington has helped the subject go mainstream and the public needs to be more aware, but I just found it concerning/strange the way he behaved towards the author of the WeatherWar site and others that he should have been supporting in my view.

"I had a conversation with a friend recently who when challenged on this subject said that if it was happening it was for a reason as the ‘authorities’ know what they’re doing.....

Geez indeed !!

If WeatherWar101 is correct, mother nature has been fucked for 50 years and it if wasn't for the artificial clouds there would be virtually no natural rain at all.

Take it easy.


Hey @jimbobbill it would seem strange to me that as they are spending billions in an attempt to impress the validity of global warming and silence critic's .. they are also hiding the effect of what is happening? .. that doesn't sit right with me. You know my thoughts on the ionisation of our atmosphere and how these particulates would make it more conductive so I won't go into it, but from my perspective, the world is gradually entering a cooling period. I wrote a post last year that went into how the ancients monitored these sun, solar and vast cosmological cycles and how volcanic eruptions/seismic activity appear to be linked to grand solar minimums and these activities have certainly been increasing as we approach the 2030 minimum. I guess we shall see .. but chemtrails and weather manipulation to hide the damage global warming is causing seems strange, especially when if they were to reveal such valid and irrefutable evidence of the effect it was having, they would have the entire planet behind them and a blank cheque to sort it out. I guess we shall see how it plays out over the next few years

Thanks for dropping by @perceptualflaws. I always enjoy your inciteful comments.

I apologise because after reading your comment and re-reading my post I think I misrepresented my views slightly.

I think the chemtrail programmes are separate (and real) from what is being claimed by weatherwar101 and not an attempt to conceal the information he/she is disseminating. I find your thoughts on the ionisation of our atmosphere compelling, and like you believe the planet is entering a cooling period, but water vapour is a greenhouse gas and if massive amounts of water are being pumped into the atmosphere by a global network of power stations and aircraft, wouldn't that negate the effects of the solar minimum by keeping the solar radiation that is reaching us from escaping?

What I should have said in my post is that global warming might be a result of a decision that wasn't taken around 50 years ago, when it was discovered that the pollution being released by coal-fired power stations and other pollution sources around the world had started to collapse the earth's natural weather cycles (less rain was falling). Rather than take action, the people that run the show decided to double down on fossil fuels instead of investing in alternatives and today the global network of power stations, instead of being obsolete because of a technological leap (or perhaps free energy technology would have been revealed) are now used to create the weather and rain that would not fall otherwise.

From being a climate change skeptic, I now find myself a believer, but not in the way most other people seem to see it.

THE Man is to blame, not mankind. In my opinion, man has being duped. Again.

Take it easy.


"...if massive amounts of water are being pumped into the atmosphere by a global network of power stations and aircraft, wouldn't that negate the effects of the solar minimum by keeping the solar radiation that is reaching us from escaping?"

This is absolutely true. Water vapor is by far the most potent greenhouse 'gas' in the atmosphere, because of how much there is of it. Perhaps I should reconsider Weatherwars in that light, as pumping massive amounts of water vapor into the atmosphere would help to prevent global cooling, and be exactly the most profitable course for banksters to fund.

However, that does not explain at all why the effort has remained covert, as @perceptualflaws points out, they'd have ubiquitous support and massive funding were it overt.

I remain highly skeptical of 'free energy' tech I've seen discussed. More efficient, less polluting, sure. But free energy is simply contrary to physics, and the entirety of all physical sciences and research of which I am aware. It don't pencil out, and such claims I have seen are all pretty scammy.

Regarding the claim that the hydrological cycle has been disrupted by human industry, that is so highly unlikely that I find it actually preposterous. Consider the energy delivered as insolation to the seas, and how much evaporation that causes. Even a million power plants would hardly be a fraction of the impact of insolation, and all the power plants in the world don't amount to the effect one good volcano has.

I see no mechanism whereby industrialization has any potential for centuries to impact hydrological cycles.


I have to agree with the latter part of your comment about the proof of warming. It is apparent to me that there is an underlying driver from the owners of the enemedia that practically salivates at the prospect of a global carbon tax.

I have much confidence that they would gladly fight a war to institute such a global tax. I have far higher confidence, approaching certainty, that if they actually were fighting to prevent catastrophic anthropogenic global warming that proof they possessed it was happening would not be cryptic.

It would be all over the headlines daily.


Curated for #informationwar (by @wakeupnd)
Relevance: Questioning known liars.

Hey, of the original truthers here (on this topic and many others.) Just by way of establishing my "anti-officialdom cred" to you, right off the bat, I was the FIRST guy interviewed by Alex Jones about the 911 false flag (March or April on 2022--I forget which month, and he has scrubbed it from his archives.) I was supposed to be on for one hour, but he extended to three because the phones were absolutely blown up. He never talked to me after that, because he stole a lot of my research that came out just before my appearance and became "Mr. 911 truth" in many people's minds.

That having been said, I began writing about chemtrailing around the year 2000 and never heard of this Wigington character until about four months ago when his name came up on another forum. If he "blew up" so fast that he is ubiquitous now, yes, I would be suspicious. I also had many chemtrail-related shows during the four years 2009-2013 that I had a daily AM radio show (Google: Aroostook Watchmen) here in northern Maine. Nobody had ever mentioned "Wigington" among the guests I had on during that time either.

My greatest fear is not what is currently in the chemtrails, but the "so what" effect most young people have who have never known clear skies and normal contrails. That lackadaisical attitude could allow them to one day just "flip the switch" (ala the popular Swedish Netflix series "Rain") and poison billions one day who will have no idea that today's chemtrails are deadlier than ever before.

Thanks for your good work in this fight. Keep it up, brother. FOLLOWING.

Thanks for taking the time to read and comment brother. You sound like the sort of chap I could spend hours interrogating (in a polite way, over tea or gin, or both;-)

"My greatest fear is not what is currently in the chemtrails, but the "so what" effect most young people have who have never known clear skies and normal contrails. That lackadaisical attitude could allow them to one day just "flip the switch" (ala the popular Swedish Netflix series "Rain") and poison billions one day who will have no idea that today's chemtrails are deadlier than ever before."

I think about this often. Trails are everywhere, not just in the skies but on the TV, in movies, cartoons and video games. Most people don't notice and those that do aren't particularly concerned. I've not seen the series "Rain", I'll look it up on IMDB.

Are you on Discord? There is a room called #truth-politics-conspiracy that you might like. Some great people on there.

Follow reciprocated.


Thanks, Jim. Discord hasn't been too good for me. It keeps saying I need to "claim" in order to post, and I had already "claimed" before but it never moves past that screen so I can actually do anything. I will try to get on later. However, at present I am being hammered by some race baiters here. Any suggestions for me?:

I just read the post and all the comments. You responded well to some pretty strong comments, good work !

Sometimes it's like people are looking for reasons to be offended.

Thanks, Jim. Indeed they are! There is ZERO doubt about that. Just tried to make contact on Discord with you but with no luck. Still wants me to "claim" and then when I do it says the account is already registered and asks me to "claim." I also got on by dowloading the app but don't see where to even enter the link you gave me on that version. I did leave a DM for r0nd0n and a friend Iamstan'll see.

r0nd0n should be able to help you I've seen him in the PAL server before. I've not heard of having to 'claim' before so can't help you. When/if you do get on there. Look me up. Same username as on Steemit.

I'll go try now on my desk top...

Entered: jimbobbill in both versions' search boxes. No results.

OK...think I did manage to send you a DM.

I agree with you from my own research and talking to others. Reminds me today when I looked briefly at the news there is a hurricane/cyclone heading to Yeman, just a coincidence.

It's only a coincidence until you watch them form and be steered using satellite imagery. There are literally hundreds of videos of it happening. Storms forming from huge plumes of rapidly evaporating water coming up from the ground. Looks bizarre and then you visible signs of the microwave pulses.

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