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RE: Chemtrails Aren't the Geoengineering Debate We Should Be Having

I am a huge skeptic. I am skeptical of chemtrails, and I am even more skeptical of chemtrail debunkers. The information is slim, speculative, and the AGW (anthropogenic global warming) conspiracy theory is so full of holes it makes me angry.

All that being said, I remember once as a child, in the '60s, asking someone I considered authoritative on the matter about why some contrails faded right away, some persisted for some time, and some seemed to persist for as long as it took for them to simply be diluted.

The answer regarding temperature and ice crystal formation seemed reasonable, but didn't explain the difference between contrails between different planes at the same altitude separated only by minutes, as some of those contrails persisted, and some did not.

I remember looking at the sky with a jaundiced eye and thinking the authoritative source I was questioning was not so authoritative at all.

That remains my position today, over 50 years later.

AGW is a hoax. It's (as far as I can tell) a suite of lies to potentiate a global carbon tax, which makes banksters salivate. We're barely above the CO2 levels at which plants begin to starve to death for lack of it, and about 20kya, it was at the lowest point in the history of life on Earth.

I want to pump massive amounts of CO2 into the atmosphere to feed plants sumptuously, so we can have lots of them to eat. But that's besides the point.

From Morgellon's Disease, to hair and fingernail taggants, to communications/DEW foci, I have heard many speculative claims for why (other than AGW, which is total BS) chemtrails may be essayed. None of these seems particularly convincing to me, although I don't write any of them off, and reckon there may be combinations of these reasons for doing such things.

Are there other good reasons for spraying barium and other crap in the sky?


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