One Night in The Garden of Eden

in #gardenofeden5 years ago (edited)

Last night, we hosted an Asian Inspired Food Experience at the @gardenofeden.


The food was incredibly delicious, nutritious, AND not a single bite of it or ounce of its preparation supported the global military industrial complex - which is absolutely outstanding given the reality of our modern food supply. None of it was bought at stores, none of it was taxed, the limited amount of packaging was recycled. Plus, the stoves are made out of dirt - hand built by people in love with life and the Earth - and it was all cooked over fire. The wood that we burned was once condemned to the landfill to pollute our planet until we diverted it to a more valuable purpose as fuel in our rocket stoves.

It was cooked by people in love and gratitude and service, and you can absolutely taste the layers upon layer of honor and life force energy in the final product.


These are a few of the reasons why people rave about the food at the @gardenofeden, and it was definitely a highlight of the evening.

But there was something way better, way more profound and incredible about our evening than our super charged, living, vibrant, sustainable meal.

And once again it was the most aware and insightful man I've ever met changing lives, exploring consciousness, and encouraging one and all to embody their own best selves.

@quinneaker invited friends and guests into his home last night and shared his table - as he has done for the past decade.

This is what he wore:


We do not see humans dress like this on a regular basis - that is fact.

On the one hand, style and dress can be considered superficial, and indulging in it can be considered vanity. BUT it is also so much more than that, and Quinn regularly demonstrates the real value of clothing and presentation as an expression of himself, as an art, as true STYLE that illustrates much more than covering up one's nakedness.

It is very enjoyable to look upon and appreciate such beauty - it is a wordless communication of consciousness, it is a living and moving painting, it is an engaging, multi sensory experience. AND because Quinn is already at the top of the style game and has obliterated all the "rules", it opens the door for anyone else to wear anything else they please and truly express their own selves as well - rather than the conformist, generic, slave clothing that many Americans drape themselves in with no thought whatsoever. It is a freedom that by its mere existence reminds others of their own freedom. I could go on and on about that, but it's not my point here.

My point here is the space Quinn held for the company that came to feast on this beautiful evening, and how it was profound and wonderfully intense and we all left as better people for it. It was everything a conversation and human interaction could be - support and love for one another, animated exchange, logical debate, challenge to be real with ourselves and each other rather than "polite" and "appropriate".


One guest from San Francisco said she had never known a group of people to explore such depths as sober as we were - in her experience, people had to be on drugs to acknowledge those levels of consciousness and self-reflection. Yet here we were, doing it together as a group of free humans choosing to do so.

And further, my point is that this is totally standard for Quinn.

His natural flow of thoughts and expression encourage people to really consider themselves and others, to really question their own actions and come to the Truth of their own being. He brings up issues that are sometimes uncomfortable, but all the more valuable and important to address if so.

He challenges people to communicate their ideas and beliefs, and to question those world views. He challenges people to really commit to those ideas and embody them if they are honorable and in support of a great life and great world, and to upgrade them if a better way is known. He challenges people to focus on solutions, to transcend complaining and disempowered victim mentality.

While he is charismatic, passionate, and opinionated, he does not force those opinions on others. He allows one and all to express themselves as they choose, to participate (or not participate) in any discussion however they want, and he truly listens to and considers their responses and contributions. It is vastly different from conversations in which people are just waiting for their turns to talk without actually honoring the opinions and feelings of others around them.

No less than FIVE people - FIVE fucking people!!!! - threw into our conversation the profound impact Quinn has had on their lives. One guest said that Quinn's advice from years ago made his current marriage and the beautiful wife sitting next to him possible. The perspective Quinn shared with that man had inspired such profound shifts in his own power and responsibility that he became happier and more real and chose to follow his own heart to live his most awesome life possible, and his loving relationship spoke for itself in testament to the value of such insight.

The conversation wrapped up and the delicious Asian Food Experience ended. Some of our guests left, but more guests who booked our AirBnB spaces arrived. I watched as a new young man was drawn to Quinn, so Quinn graciously continued hosting. Quinn shared organic homegrown tobacco and craft beer from his fridges with this young man he had never met before, and I overheard snippets of their conversation while I attended other things.

This young man asked about the organic tobacco, and Quinn told him more truth. How the sacred tobacco plant he shared is pure, unadulterated with chemicals intentionally added to processed cigarettes to make people addicted and sick. How industrial cigarettes are nothing like the pure option, how those other things actually support the global military industrial complex. How the tax (and like 90% of the cost of a pack of cigarettes is tax!!!) funds child sex trafficking and the wicked systems that run and enslave this world.

The young man's mind was blown by this light of awareness shined upon something as "simple" as a cigarette. He was amazed that an honorable alternative to industrial cigarettes even existed, and that he could get them here in the @gardenofeden if he wished. I watched that man stumble off to bed dumbfounded a short time later.

And when all the guests were taken care of and the house was in order and the day's business had been attended, Quinn finally laid down for rest and relaxation.

Moments later, one of our residents came storming up the path after a fight with his on again, off again girlfriend. Quinn IMMEDIATELY jumped from the comfy couch to help him.

He sat and talked with that man into the wee hours of the morning, holding him accountable to engaging a dysfunctional relationship that is actually sapping his real power and ability. He pointed out the numerous things this man had volunteered to help with around the property, things that went neglected while he instead engaged in conflict with his lady. And Quinn didn't judge him, didn't tell him he's an asshole or a failure or a jerk, but pointed out to his friend that he has much greater potential and is a great man who is choosing to be less than he can be. Hours later, the man left grateful, inspired, and motivated to be a better person.

This was just one night at the @gardenofeden.

It was a special night in that so many lives were touched and improved, but there was also nothing special about it - this is what Quinn does, unwaveringly, day in and day out. At all hours of the night and day! With no thought of himself or his own comfort or personal reward. He is in true, unrelenting service and honor for all life.

That's just what Quinn does, and it is totally amazing. It deserves to be recognized and honored and appreciated and received and understood - if all humans treated one another like this, if all humans took care of one another with such genuine consideration, the world would be much more awesome.

Quinn is a living inspiration, a truly great Man, a totally different level of consciousness. In the realities of this day and age, thank god we have a reminder and example of how great humans can be!


✨💛✨ Sara!



Like wow Wow WOW!!! So much WOW! 💛💛💛💛💛


OMG! This is the reality lived everyday in the vortex of @quinneaker!! It is astounding how he sees the bigger picture and holds space for everyone to experience the grandness of it! Every single moment of every single day he is dedicated in service to others--profoundly beyond the imagination!

This is an incredible post with just a sip of the depths of Quinn's giving! What a blessing that such a Being exists to set an example of how we all can level up and make this world a better place. All of this one man can do--imagine if we all followed his lead and joined in the magnificence!

Super WOW @saramiller! Super WOW we're living it! Super Duper WOW for Quinn's unwavering dedication!

WHAT a life!!!

Wow! Such a joy to read your post here. I always love to read about Quinn he is such a great inspiration!!!Resteeming with blessings to all @gardenofeden


So glad to share the joy @sallybeth23!!! It's a pleasure to share. Quinn is indeed a great inspiration, and inspiration is so so so awesome!!!

I couldn't agree now!

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Thank you @miti! I appreciate the honor 💛

You're welcome! The pleasure is mine. ;-)

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