🌺 SteemIt Community Garden Journal Challenge - April (With Steem-Bounty)

What's going on in your (indoor) garden, on your balcony, in your homestead or on your farm this month? Let us take a peek and maybe you'll win one of the prizes

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A Gardener's Dream

This last week, it has been extremely hot and dry in our little country. I spent most of the time outside, in the garden. It is so tempting to start planting already, but the forecast for the next week is not that good, so I have to restrain myself.

Three weeks to go until the last frost date, and there's still so much prepping I need to do. I have to do everything in bits and pieces, because my back is not so happy with all that sudden activity.

Because there is still such a lot to do, I decided to skip most of the sowing part - I will cheat this year and buy seedlings instead.

I will make my tour around the garden and snap some pics after I have published this post, so I will finally be able to write my own garden journal update - I think I haven't yet, this year.

Meanwhile, I'm counting on you to share your garden updates.

Welcome to the SteemIt Community Garden Journal Challenge, which encourages you to share your monthly (indoor) garden/balcony updates with your fellow Steemians and create your own garden journal.


A Shoutout To Our Previous Contributors.

We've had different gardeners joining this challenge in every edition. The participants' base follows the seasons in the different parts of the world.

Last edition, we could enjoy the garden updates of

@ericburgoyne, @plantstoplanks, @rmsbodybuilding, @abitcoinskeptic, @riverflows, @travoved, @fotostef, @sifondeseltz, @shanibeer, @porters, @erikah, @mariannewest, @pastoragus, @walkerland, @akipponn, @cherryng and @frejafri

I’d like to thank them all for entering this challenge, and I'd like to invite them to post a new update.

This challenge is open for everyone who is growing plants or crops - indoors or outdoors.

If you haven’t joined before, feel free to start now. The more the merrier! There are plenty of people who are enjoying to see what's going on in other people's garden, farm or balcony.


The Challenge

The rules are still the same:

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Please also include a link back to this challenge somewhere in your post.

You can include whatever you want in your post, but please remember that the pictures should be the most important aspect of your post.


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Show us how your plants, herbs, flowers, succulents or vegetables are doing. Share what you’ve been doing in your garden, on your farm or on your balcony. Don't forget to let us know if you are dealing with things like fungus, caterpillars, aphids, and - even more important - hów you’re dealing with those.

In short, tell us the story of your garden.


🏆 The Rewards

As always, all entry posts will receive a 100% upvote from my personal account.

As an extra reward, I'll be setting up a @steem-bounty in the comments section. Everyone who posts a comment that includes a link to a valid entry will get a share of that bounty.



🏆 The Winners

When this post reaches payout, I will select the two entries that I liked most.

I’ll reward the top 2 posts with a 3 SBD prize.

Prizes will be given out once I get the winners post up, which will be after this post has reached payout. Make sure you submit your entry before that time.


Grab That Camera

Are you still reading? What are you waiting for? Grab that camera and go make some awesome pics of your (indoor) garden, your balcony or wherever you are growing your plants, herbs, flowers or crops.

Show off your green thumb, or the lack of it, and create another chapter in your very own garden journal for 2019.


I'll can't wait to see your updates!




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Phew... I managed to do the post! With a little Easter Egg at the end for you....


Too much rain today... I hope in weather conditions improvement to be able to take some pictures and prepare the post in the coming days.



Here is my entry, @simplymike! ;)

Rainy photos are good as well, there's nothing more beautiful than raindrops on a lovely flower :)

Rain is always good, things started to grow for me... hehe

I second that. Rain is a must. We're going to have some rainy days in the next couple of days nut it's welcomed.

Good luck for the plants!

Thank you!

Most welcome!

We finally had some rain after almost two weeks of unusually dry weather. I didn't like it, but the plants definitely did. :0)

Yes, water is a fundamental element.
Who knows why generally the rain saddens us?
Is it simply great mental conditioning?

This entry by @zekepickleman came in a couple of days ago:

Since I haven't published the winners' announcement post yet, it is still a valid entry

Yay! So glad I was networked into this great group and community. My garden is a fun pastime for the family. Hopefully I can gain some knowledge rom the experts here and inspire some of the amateurs with my trial and error.

Well met!

Posted using Partiko iOS

After 5 years, everything still is trial and error here... I think that's just a part of it, lol
Maybe because I like to experiment with crops I don't know. Like the luffa (sponge cucumber) a couple of weeks ago. I sowed it way too soon, and it got too big for the propagator, so I put it in the cold frame... and forgot all about it. The poor things died from thirst.

@simplymike has set 8.000 STEEM bounty on this post!

Bounties are a new way you can earn rewards irrespective of you Steem Power. Go here to learn how bounties work.

Earn the bounty by commenting what you think the bounty creator wants to know from you.

Find more bounties here and become a bounty hunter.

Happy Rewards Hunting!

Congratulations to the following winner(s) of the bounty!

thank you so much, every bounty it means a lot to me

Posted using Partiko Android

Hi this is my short entry for April update

Posted using Partiko Android

Muchos gracias, @celinavisaez
Glad to see you join again.

I don't speak Spanish unfortunately, I hope you can understand my comment. You have a wonderful garden, love the portulaca, I had some last year and also planted some seeds last week. Bananas are something we won't have here in the garden.

Gracias por pasar, con el traductor Google me ayudo mucho, besos y abrazos @Erikah.

I'm glad you could translate my message. I understand what you are saying :) Have a nice day.

Thanks @frejafri. Really curious, but I need to get some sleep first, so I can read it when my mind is fresh. First thing on the list tomorrow morning.

What a nice house and garden. Both are lovely, I'd love to have a place like that one day. Looks like the garden is doing well. Great job!

I hope I'm not too late with my entry. My post is called Gardening Report - April 29. 2019 and it show the progress of out garden. Thank you for this amazing opportunity and good luck to the other participants.
I hope this is going to be a regular contest. I believe we need more gardeners and raise awareness of the importance of gardening.

I've been doing this every month since April last year. That reminds me... this was the first anniversary edition :0)

You were in time. The bounty hasn't paid out yet.
I will probably get the winners posts out only tomorrow or the day after, but the steem-bounty is never late. ;0)

Thanks for joining! I really appreciate it. There's something about gardens that can always put a smile on my face...

I'm so glad I'm not late :)
I have to pay more attention to it and organize my time better because this is a contest that I really love. Gardening is a fun way to spend your time, not to mention the results if you're doing it right :)

I know all about organization, lol - at least, the lack of :0)
I love gardening, and I'm trying to find the time to get a post up about my garden for three of four weeks. I never manage. Meanwhile, I need to go out and take new pictures, because everything has grown such a lot, lol

This is the period when plants grow day by day, so i know what you mean :)

I did my first gardenjournal since october :)
Hope you enjoy!

My Gardenjournal 2019 - April:

I'm not a chili fan but I love tomatoes. looks like you have a very nice project going on. Good luck with it :)

Thanks for joining, @exator. I'll check out your post first thing tomorrow. My VP will have recharged, and I will have gotten a much needed night of sleep ;0)

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