My Entry To SteemIt Community Garden Journal Challenge 9 - January By @simplymike

Hello there my friends,

It has been a while when I last posted about my garden. I was tagged by my friend @pastoragus about this garden journal challenge and I immediately search for my photos that I took this January. I am joining this challenge by @simplymike the details of which could be found on this link so please all of you garden enthusiasts I encourage you to join

This January 2019, the weather here in the Philippines is quite colder well I guess most parts of the world experience the same right? Talk about polar vortex. Anyway, some of my friends in Baguio Philippines are complaining about a little bit of frost on their crops which is kind of sad to hear but here in my area we do not have that frost thing and I am thankful as I can continue on with my gardening hobby.
On this photo I have the bitter gourd. It is a vegetable here in the Philippines that is so common and can plant any time of the year. We grow this for its fruit as well as its green leafies. The problem we face are the small insects that suck into the fruit and causing them to dry out or worse rot. We do not use pesticide and the reason why we started this gardening hobby is to avoid consuming pesticide treated crops. The solution we take is wrap the fruits with paper which is a temporary solution but it is ok as it kept away these pests.
Here I am showing the squash. Too bad we harvested the yellow flowers already and forgot to take some photos. We use the leaves, flowers and young tendrils in preparing a local dish. Very delicious and to my regular readers you had already seen those posts from me before hope you still remember.
For the fun part of my post here is a giant plant I am nestled in. I am not sure what this is but it was fun taking a selfie with it.

Hope you like my garden journal. Thank you @simplymike I am glad I found your post through a friend @pastoragus. I had been looking for friends here on Steemit who are into gardening.



Those big leaves made you look small

Your garden sure seem sot be doing so well that last shot is such a fun shot ;)

Those vines are growing very vigorous with strong branches. Looks like this variety is suited really well for your climate.

Your heard in those huge leaves is hilarious. Looks like you are touring Jurassic Park among the dinosaurs. All those huge exotic shade leaves make it look like a tropical paradise.

Thanks for joining.
Wow, you're so lucky. Here in Belgium, I have nothing going on in my garden, except for some garlic and onions. I'm so jealous you can keep on gardening all year long.

Have you ever tried neem oil to keep the bugs away? Or a garlic spray?
Bugs hate the smell of garlic!

I have a very effective recipe against all kinds of bugs on my other account:

If you add a tablespoon of neem oil and a drop of natural soap, you will get rid of those bugs in no time.

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