in #gardening7 years ago (edited)

Hello Steemians. Today I am going to show you the portion of the 2011 Garden, which was constructed of tires and was in the center of the garden. Previously I showed the Design and Build and Raised Garden, Perimeter, and a Volunteer Honeydew.

As with most gardens, there were successes and failures. The successes of this portion of the garden were the herbs, okra, purple fava beans, and brassicas (which will be discussed in the next post). To reiterate the previous posts, the failures were almost all due to poor soil. At the beginning there was also an overwatering issue because I was not aware that the rate of drip the adjustable drip connectors on the automatic watering system was set for was too long, too many times a day. The overwatering created a fungus problem with these weird mushrooms sprouting in the potted orchard. The other plants had fungus gnats. Earwigs were just about in every planter. That was (not) FUN!! Once the overwatering was corrected and traps set for the pests, things turned around for the better. Additionally, I planted too many things in too small of spaces. You live and learn, right?

Okay, shall we get on with the garden tour?

The tire planter on the raised bed beside the house had herbs. They were shaded from the morning sun and the watering was just right for them. Grown from seed was curly parsely, basil, Genovese basil, chives, oregano, and thyme. Due to overcrowding the chives and oregano didn't grow as big as I'd hoped. The thyme was completely smothered out.

Here is the crop of bush beans. They grew okay, although the crop was not very big. Again, poor soil and planting too many for the area.

Struggling tomatoes, bolted stevia, happily producing beans, and a very happy okra.

The magnificant standard okra plants were just starting to grow like crazy. In that tire 3 plants were grown from seed. The plants could have grown taller, as I think the poor soil was stunting the growth. Planting 3 in the tire did not help, either. The summer heat during the hottest time of the day made the leaves a little droopy, but it always perked back up overnight into the early morning hours.

The 4 tires next to the double stack of large tires took a long time for me to fill. Life. There were old mattress springs laying around from the junk the previous owners left in the yard that was saved with the intention of using for a trellis. That idea was scrapped because of the rust. Here you can see the first okra flower.

In this picture the 4 tires in the center were mostly bare because the seeds hadn't taken off yet. In them marigolds, cilantro, brussel sprounts, and broccoli were planted from seed.

I planted store bought shallots and onions in some of the pots because they started sprouting in the fridge. They never produced onions. I did get wonderful flowers which eventually produced seeds, not knowing at the time that they were biannual plants. That means the first year they produce the bulbs we eat and the second year they produce flowers.

The peach tree on the opposite corner was not doing great, either, with yellowing leaves, likely because it was also overwatered. It ended up having a lot of leaf drop but grew back, later flowering during the beginning of fall. Fall in California is much like spring in temperate climates, such as where I am now in Missouri.

Happy Okra beginning to produce a lot. I ended up picking 3 large gallon bags of chopped okra. Sort of too much for me, honestly. If I would have pickled them I would have eaten them all, but one bag of them retired to the compost.

Obviously, the bush beans began yellowing. I decided to pull them to plant something else. The tomato plants were barely hanging on at this point.

On the West side of the raised garden I had 3 tires along the chain-link fence. I tried growing cucumbers and yellow squash. All three failed miserably. The cucumber did start climbing the trellis, however, it did not produce any full sized cucumbers, as all the small ones turned yellow and fell off. Oh well!

The yellow squash leaves grew fairly well at first but then started turning yellow. I don't remember getting any squash and pulled them to try something else. Another overcrowding situation. I planted 3 of each in an 16" diameter area. Oops.

Overview of the center of the garden mid summer after the bush beans had been pulled to make room for kolrabi. The brussel sprouts, broccoli, marigold, and cilantro, had finally sprouted.

In the corner I tried growing tomatoes in the large terra cotta colored planter and the black one beside it. A few handfuls of yellow pear tomatoes and only 3 patio tomatoes were harvested. However, the 3 patio tomatoes were half eaten by something before being picked.

Between the herbs and the yellow pear tomato was the stevia plant discussed in the last post. You can see how it'd bolted. This picture was before it was chopped and dropped.

One of the 3 brussel sprouts made it, eventually growing fairly well. The kolrahbi in the planter was where the bush beans were previously growing were doing quite well. You can't see the broccoli here, but it was doing well. I will discuss the brassicas in the next post.

The marigold got pulled because it started dying. I thought I planted majoram there. Later, it looked and smelled like oregano so I wasn't sure if I planted the wrong seeds. The Cilantro very quickly bolted from the summer heat. It was flowering and already producing corriander seeds.

After the okra plants were spent I planted the purple fava beans. Did already say that I was just willy-nilly planting things without learning about the plants first? I thought the fava beans were a type of climbing bean which was why I left the okra stalks, rather than chopping them. Nope! They grew straight up. No staking required. I'm not sure why they did so well but they were happy.

Here they have grown as tall as they would get, beginning to produce beans. There are a couple of large purple kohlrabi leaves hanging out in the picture.

To keep off the fungas gnats from the cucumber planters I made a little fruit and vinegar trap between the okra stalks. It took care of the problem.

The purple fava beans were almost ready. That didn't stop me from picking most of them prematurely. They could have stayed on the plants longer to plump up more but not even knowing what the heck a fava bean was, I thought they were getting too big. Nonetheless, they made a nice addition to a rice casserole.

The moral of today's post is don't overwater, don't crowd the plants, and pull sad plants to make room for happy plants.


As a recap:

What I am PLANNING to do is chronicle memories and experiences from childhood through adulthood that will tie all of the elements in life which have molded this convoluted variety in interests into the ultimately cohesive path towards permaculture and homesteading. Concurrently will be a series of Gardening/Sustainability/Homesteading/Permaculture specific posts with tons of pictures documenting my progression from 2011 to 2017. Thank you for sticking around till the end. I hope you will enjoy these short stories.

For reference, here are the previous posts:



2011 GARDEN:



That's all for now. Until the next post... If you found this post enjoyable, please consider upvoting, resteeming, following, and commenting! Thank you kindly for reading.

Phedizzle signature created by @bembelmaniac

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Wow a CAD drawing. Very nice!! Everything looks pretty lush! Glad you found some success with this method ☺️

This experiment had enough success to keep me going. Especially the brassicas. The cad program I'm using now is difficult to work with but I finally got the backyard mapped out. The front yard still needs drawn. It's a lot harder than it looks especially when the program keeps closing lol

Wow yeah that sucks. Very cool final result though. For the last two years I’ve been talking about drawing a map of the gardens, but still keep putting it off! Oh well, it’ll happen when it happens. Glad it’s working well for you!

Thank you! If I had AutoCAD I could translate drawings for you! By the time you draw up a map, maybe I'll have a good cad program. I took several drafting classes throughout the years. Would be nice putting it to good use for someone

that would be cool! <3

Obviously a labor of love. It is good to hear about the setbacks or scrapped plans as much as the successes. It appears to have been worth the effort.

It it was a valuable learning experience. My only wish is that I would have tried gardening earlier. ( : Thanks for the comment!

Your plants are looking a little tired. :D

They hate the heat as much as me. Lol

Thanks for such a descriptive post! What a wonderful way to contain your plants where you want them to grow! You are so organised with that CAD diagram!

thank you! it was a rewarding first try. I love using cad programs. maybe one day I will post the cad designs I did for my school projects. I appreciate the comment!

You are welcome! I found you on Qurator. :-)

Awesome. I owe you a thumbs up then { ;

This is a great post! I love how you reused the tires that would have ended up in a landfill.

And look how lush and healthy all our plants look. Superb job!

Thanks @goldendawne! I'm working my way up to the best posts in this series so there's more on the way! ( :

I like those wide tread tires with almost no sidewalls, those look like they would work better than regular tires, easier to fill with dirt.
Did you run imto any problems with the dirt getting hot in the tire planters and black pots? I ask because 2 years ago, I had a couple tomato plants in large black pots that were sitting out in the sun. The plants weren't doing as well as the others and I couldn't understand why until one day when I noticed that the dirt was really warm from the sun. I started putting boards around the pots to block the sun from heating them up and the tomatoes started to do a lot better.

The black of the tires couldn't have been helping anything. Good soil requires good microorganisms which will die in overly hot soil. Not that the soil I had had any good bacteria anyway lol. But the water was cold and the mulch was good so I think the heat of the tires might have been a factor, yes. Also, tomatoes usually like a little shade. When I eventually get to 2017, there's a volunteer tomato that did amazing but was shaded the last half of the day. Many tomatoes don't like really hot temps, either.

This year we might use some of these tires the neighbor gave but will be wrapping the inside with black plastic (since I've decided if it's edible I don't want it touching the rubber) and painting the tires to make em purdy and less heat sinking.

Did you ever have problems with the heat in general getting your tomatoes?

Well, it rarely gets as hot as 90 degrees here, a hot day is in the upper 80s, so I don't think that's a big factor for the tomatoes here. They seem mostly to like the heat of the greenhouse, as long as I keep up with the watering.

I was wondering if it even got that hot up there. The tomatoes last yr didn't do stellar here in the 95-100 degree heat even with watering, except the ones in the compost bin in the shade. It got less watering there, too. Curious

The partial shade probably caused less evaporation from the leaves, and I'd bet the compost bin stays a bit more moist than the regular growing dirt.
Perhaps rigging something so that the tomatoes have shade in the afternoon when the sun is hottest would be helpful for the tomato plants.

Good idea! The biggest problem last year was planting every late and bugs. That's probably the main reason I didn't get many tomatoes on those plants, actually. They were planted in straw bales. Still figuring it out this year what where and how to plant. I wish I had a farm hand to help me. The volunteer tomatoes grew up from seed all by itself. Sometimes I think about just tossing random seeds everywhere and hoping for the best haha.

Wow what a fun container garden! The use of tires is genius and nice way to repurpose some "trash". The plants look great and tasty! You are making me want to eat some favas and okra right now :)

Thanks! Behind schedule starting seeds but I took your advice and dug up a bucket of creek soil. Now to sift out the poisonous plant roots lol.

Wow I bet there is a lot of silt in there... must be good stuff :) Any new or interesting seeds you are trying out this year?

To be honest, very little has been prepped so far. I'm zone 6a so not technically behind schedule yet. I'm still trying to get indoor seeds started, though. Haven't had very productive years so far as far as how much produce. This year I really want good produce production.

I've seeds and a list I'd like to plant. Potatoes, Jerusalem artichokes, mammoth sunflowers, tomatoes, peppers, melons, squash. My favorite color is black so black potatoes, black popcorn, black bell peppers, black tomatoes, black winter squash. I'm a huge fan of asian long beans. Would like to try cowpeas loufa and Asparagus. Milkweed and butterfly garden. Herb garden. Perennials perennials perennials!

Getting the cuttings of the elderberry, black raspberry, blueberries, blackberries, Meyer lemon, and granny Smith apples to take is in progress. Starting grapes, hazelnuts, and possibly ordering some fruit trees is big on the list. Lack of resources and labor has contributed to the slow pace but I'm trying.

Ooooooo I forgot...I transplanted wild chives and wild softneck purple garlic, too, and threw those random cool weather seed mixes down. They started sprouting but we had a freak sleet thundersnow today. Hopefully theyll make it.

I'm unprepared. Hopefully starting the seeds tomorrow then I'll have 4-6 ish weeks to prep the ground. Figuring out sustainable weed control, not needing to mow/weedwack, and pest control, specifically tabacco hornworms and blister beetles, is a big deal.

Big plans. Will just have to see how everything goes. It's a rolling list every year.

What about you guys? Where are you at now with your plans?

Wow!! That's a great list! I am excited for you about all this food you are getting in the ground and ready to plant :) We are also trying out loufa and Jchokes for the first time this year... a lot of similarities too.. except some of our potatoes are purple. But I do have several black varieties of flint corn to try out :) I have a good feeling for your garlick and chives surviving the snow.. I'm crossing my fingers for you :) We have a lot of little sprouts going on... I'll have to make some update posts soon on what's happening in the garden.. it's still slow but little changes every day. Soon things will pick up speed!

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Hello @phedizzle,

Just wanted to say hi and let you know that your wonderful post have been picked up for the weekly Sustainability Curation Digest in association with Minnow Support Project.

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Thanks for writing awesome content and if you have some time, make sure to check out some of the other posts from this week.

Sustainability Curation Digest #2 🌄🌍🌝 by Carpedimus - MSP

Keep up with the great work :) and thanks for sharing!

Thank you so much! I will check out the post!

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