in #gardening6 years ago

It's a good question when starting a garden.

Choosing whether to transplant seedlings or direct sow can be difficult. Direct sowing can save the plants from going through the shock of transplanting, but seedlings will allow you start off with larger plants than direct sowing seeds.

Depending on your climate and growing zone, the answers to this question may vary. For me, there are some plants, like beans, gourds, kiwanos, squash, and corn, that are definitely direct sow, and they may be for you too. Others though, like tomatoes or peppers, are ones that I'll personally always be starting as seedlings first.

This year, I even plan on making a list to keep with my seeds that'll help me remember which ones to start indoors and which ones to direct sow.


As always, I'm @papa-pepper and here's the proof:


Until next time…

GIF provided by @anzirpasai

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I like direct sowing. It's best for the taproot. Even in Wisconsin I could get tomato plant's to grow back as volunteers. At the end of the season. Chop and drop. Cover the garden with leaves and compost. And plant winter wheat in the bedding. Then in the spring remove the covering after the last frost. Then be surprised. I left carrots that were too small to harvest. And they survived the winter and started growing. Here is a pic of my overwinter carrots in Wisconsin June 10th.


Do you let the overwintered carrots go to seed?

Unfortunately I was moving so I had to harvest them.

Wow! Very nice! You make me miss Wisconsin... a little.

Everything in Life is a Learning Process and because of you @papa-pepper we can all Learn so Much................The Big Bonus also is for Parents to see how you share with your @little-peppers so they can learn how to be better people when they grow up.................

Oh on this one, I would prefer you should do transplant seedlings. I have my practical reasons for saying this.

  1. When you do transplant seedlings there are more nutrients transported into the new soil.

  2. You have a quick and wide spread of leaves when you transplant seedlings.

  3. You are less prone to insect pest when you transplant seedlings than when you sow directly.

  4. When you transplant seedlings you introduce it into a new environment and less prone to environmental hazard.

Posted using Partiko Android

Tomatoes and peppers seem popular plants to start indoors. I've heard that birds particularly love to eat their sprouts, though I have no experience with it, as I'm new here.

I'll be starting tomatoes indoors for sure, and not sure what else as I'm not sure what all I'll be planting yet. We're getting close to the time to decide all that.

If you start seedlings in a greenhouse, you can plant a whole month early.

Another deciding factor is what kinds of bugs and critters you got that will eat them.

Lettuce is easy to direct plant, unless you got too many long eared rodents. They will mow down the entire field of little lettuces.

If the locusts are coming through, direct planting will often end in nothing but plant stumps.

In these cases, starting them in a greenhouse or a screened box is essential. Get them big enough so they can survive some nibbling.

And tomatoes, I just throw them in the worm bin, and they plant themselves for next season.

Hey @papa-pepper, thanks for posting here on another passion! As for me I have no particular "root" for one over the other

Have direct sowed and transplanted both.

Direct seed method you have to be more soil minded. But you can't be dirty minded 🤣.

Transplants depends on the source. Box stores...not so sure of. We love our neighborhood Ace hardware. We know the master gardener and support local.

Posted using Partiko Android

Why don't you do it right away

Posted using Partiko Android

You should transplant, I think. It would much better.

It will depend on the plant, the tap root, carrots, parsnips etc, are reluctant to bare root transplant, cabbages, cauliflower will accept bare root transplanting well.
Most will cell [like the top photo] transplant with little or no setback.
basically, the further apart the plants grow the more likely they will transplant.
You have the ideal toy to play with to do the cell seeding.

So well posted I liked it very much. Thank you

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