
@meesterboom thanks! yes we have the same weather !

YOU CAN! just find a fruit to eat and deseed then soak in water for 24 hours - get rid of all that floats and plant the ones that sank.
Plant on loam soil and put on a sunny place on top of your heating and you'll have it pretty soon. Now is the time to plant - but you'll have to wait a year or two depends on the variety you have before it could bear you flowers :)

HA! That is utterly fantastic. I;m doing it. I have a fantastic passion fruit cheescake that I am going to get some fruits for this weekend so can save the seeds and love the tips, that will be useful for the planting!!

Yeehaw. I love special things for the garden. Those really stand out so I can bide my time and wait!

@meesterboom I wish you good luck!
It takes one to three weeks to germinate - that easy - it all depends on the heat it gets it's freaking easy.

Oops and I meant o say that with your gardening skills I think it will bounce back and give you more fruit this year!

@meesterboom haha thanks a lot - I hope it does .. sometimes plants could feel bad and sulk like people do when abused ;)

I'm worried it would feel abused but I think it also knows I was doing it for its own good. Crossing fingers for the regrow.

Lol!! ;O)

Yeah I know that plant sulk. I have offended many a plant in my garden with over zealous pruning or even repotting.

@meesterboom they're like people too yes - we could err and unconsciously abuse them - they do sulk. One of my oranges did sulk I had to talk to it every morning last year till it started sprouting in late summer so am worried history repeated itself on the passion plant haha.. the good thing about plants is that we won't get any complains or drama when abused. They just are quiet and don't grow - I hurt and suffer the consequences more lol

Nesting limit
No complaints or drama, my goodness. That must be an odd thing? How on earth do you cope! :O)

@meesterboom - how do I cope - I have to make up with much love and talk to it like its my child haha
seriously I do that to my plants - talk .. they do respond you know
I have to talk with the one I cut so short probably - talk not nag only talk - sweet talk haha

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