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RE: Gardening Community Forum 1 : Help! My Baby Cherry Trees Are Under Black Aphids' Attack What Should I Do?

in #gardening7 years ago

Cor they are massive blighters!

Don't worry chica! I got your back. Douse the tree in white spirit. Make sure you get all the affected leaves and bracnches and the trunk. Now light the spirit with some matches. Initially the tree will catch fire but dont worry. The flames should go out after ten or so minutes.

The aphids should be gone.



@meesterboom Loooooooooooooooooooooool~~~~
ultra funny ahahahahaha!

thanks! but .. is there any other way - that would not involve putting them on fire?
how about just spraying them with dissolved white spirit?
wouldn't that be enough?
It's cold today but as you can see they're still present - never absent if they were in Steemit - always posting - very very active and thriving!

I have no idea at all. I do the soapy liquid thing if it is indoor plants but no clue how to tackle outdoor ones. I do hope you get an answer because I am quite keen on finding out these things in case I ever need to know!

Active and thriving but the kind you dont want!!

@meesterboom - I haven't had aphids inside - I always check my clothes before I get back inside so haven't had any. I tried the soapy thing - the damn ants just laughed at me I guess and brought back new ones the next day.


You are in for a battle I suspect. I still think fire might be the only answer ;0)

@meesterboom loool again Im off to bed very very heavy eyes - did not nap but made this post instead cause them black aphids are no friends and spreading fast cause leaves are yummy and many to munch now damn black aphids!
I thought where are them hoverflies?
I only saw one hiding from birds on a lavender tsk tsk

Hoverflies are fantastic arent they! Well, they are if they are actually doing their job and eating the little blighters! I need to get my lavender going this year. I have grown it every year but it never lasts the winter well. Hopes ya got a good sleep!

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