Wild Gardening&Life Challenge #2

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Remember me?
Yeah, got those seeds I was waiting for, and we are back in business!
Talking about seeds, man this is crazy!
Is not only about seeds, but now I start truly believing that somewhere out there, some tired angel is really proud of his day at work.
Or I should say, last few months.
Why am I saying that?
Since the start of this year, everything I need is coming to me.
Man, I am not joking, I am not making this up!
Whole my life I struggled.
Basically, my life is just a very long list of failures.
Do you know that feeling when everything is finally stable and you've worked it out?
And then Bang!!!
All disappear into nothingness!
Yeah, that feeling. I had it so many times in my life that I stopped counting after the tenth time.

But, now is different. I feel it in my guts :)! Sun is up each day, and I am up as well! Let's get back to the seeds now!

About a week ago I get this comment on one of my posts from @didutza

Hi, I have some seeds from an NGO and I would like to donate them. Let me know if you are interested.

I thought, yeah, why not, and carried on with the day thinking to send a message later regarding those seeds. Keep in mind that:

  • I started gardening this year,
  • the garden is quite big,
  • I had no seeds :P.

So the seeds required it would cost me more than 100 euros. Anyway, the next day, before I had any chance to do anything, I get a DM on Discord in which it was reassuring me the offer is legit. "Well, I am fine with that! Just send me all you can". I replied.

Three days later, there is this cardboard box arriving at my house. While opening the box, I was thinking that the box is really big. I was expecting some seeds.

What I found in the box, it blew my mind!

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There is a ton of all kind of vegetable seeds, enough for 5-7 gardens like mine. But not only that, flowers seeds as well. My wife was in awe! At the bottom, I found colouring books, crayons, even a toy. Special for my son.
At this point, I was overwhelmed! I am not good at saying thank you, so I am going to take this opportunity to do it properly!
@didutza, you have no idea how wonderful your gift is to me, or how much it really means. Thank you from all my heart!

Now, I have no excuse but working hard in order to fill the garden with all I please :). Btw, I took the liberty to donate about half of those seeds to others in need. There was no point in keeping all, as I could not use them.

Got to work, and is a lot of it!


Of course, my son is always around. Doing what daddy is doing

We managed to cover more than half of the garden by now. In the same time I started to put the mulch layer in place


I chose grass cuts for several reasons. It's plenty around and is biodegradable, also I love how it looks :P.

Well, this is for now! This week I am thinking on building a raised bed (I know I said is too much hassle, meh :P), so keep an eye on this.

P.S. Spoiler: It's going to be one of a kind;)!


Hi,@ laurentiu.negrea! You were overwhelmed when you saw what was in the box and now I'm speechless! Believe me, I do not even know how to respond to the fact that you mentioned me in your posting and you thanks me and now all the people aroubd know about.
I'm glad to know that my gift has brought so much joy to you and your family as well as your friends with whom you shared the seeds you received.
You know the Romanian saying: "Dar din Dar se face Rai", " Gift from gift haven is made!"
I wish you to be successful doing gardening and let's look forward to the fruits that will come out of these seeds.

Super viata!
Si eu am muncit putin azi, nu am avut mult timp. Pliculetele alea daca au mai mult de cateva luni nu vor iesi, am si eu inca 20 :)
Sper sa iasa, poate are ceva pamantul meu noroios.

Cu adevărat super 😃! Vor ieși toate, semințele sunt viabile și după zece ani.
Contează și solul într-adevăr, dar nu este singurul factor. Anul trecut, cât am fost acasă, am pus de niște răsaduri într-un solar (bineînțeles, unul improvizat 😋). Semințe tradiționale, mega scumpe. Doar că le-am pus prea adânc și au ieșit cu trei săptămâni mai târziu. Ține cont că în adolescență, am lucrat doi ani în legumicultură(Îi am pe cartea de muncă 😤). Asta include și pregătit solarii, semănat în ele, tot tacâmul. Și tot am dat greș, (acum, eu sunt și ceva mai inventiv, " nu-mi spune mie un plic la ce adâncime să pun semințele"). Ideea este să nu-ți pierzi speranța ✌️!

Ok, o sa imi caut speranta :)) si plicurile cu seminte.

De fapt semintele stiu unde sunt:


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