๐Ÿ… Pickin' Some Tomatoes w/ @Grow-Pro - Harvest Updates + Photos! ๐ŸsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #gardening โ€ข 7 years ago (edited)

The photo that grabbed you is an heirloom variety "Pineapple". There is much more to see, so please enjoy!

There's nothing quite like homegrown heirloom tomatoes!

Brandon Holsey ยฉ 2017

It is that time again! The 'fruits of my labor' are ripening and it's time to thank Momma Nature for being cooperative this year. It has been a battle with the wind, but there is only so much we can do! My plants that have snapped and broken - are still growing like normal. Some are severely damaged from some severe storms we had recently, but they are still pumping out tomatoes!

It is also Blackberry Season

We picked 2+ lbs. of blackberries the other night

We pick them 2-3 times per week. Organic backyard berries - we love them, neighbors love them, our friends love them, and our friend's chickens love everything that is left! Oh, and about a dozen and a half deer every morning too! Almost forgot..๐Ÿ˜‹

Here is a preview of some gorgeous homegrown 'maters!

We grow 21 different varieties of heirloom tomatoes here. It's our first year at this new property and our first season growing for market. We grade our tomatoes according to these USDA AMS Standards before we sell any of them. Each tomato gets personally inspected by myself and we do not store tomatoes for longer than 3 days. They are picked from the vine according to our customer's specifications and liking - then delivered. Some of our customers prefer overly ripe tomatoes and others prefer a tomato that ripens on the counter for them to marvel at. It can be quite a show!

We've picked a couple hundred pounds so far!

The 'Pineapple' Tomato - BUY PINEAPPLE TOMATO SEEDS HERE $.99

The Pineapple heirloom tomato ripens a uniquely yellow/orange streaked tomato. The color actually carries all the way through the tomato! They are fun to grow and average 1 lb. or more in good conditions. A variety that requires 'industrial strength' support, however. We have had these snap 1/2" Bamboo stakes into 2 & 3 pieces from the weight of these heavyweight plants. We now use rebar (concrete reinforcements) to hold them up!

Hungry for more? I'm getting hungry sorting these photos!

An heirloom called 'Abe Lincoln' - great for tomato sauce & ketchup


Snapped with iPhone this morning. These are some 'ding & dent' specials {image below} - Some people seek out the oddest, most misshapen tomatoes and swear they taste better. We eat all the tomatoes we want; mostly ones that don't make grade, but are good enough for us! We donate LOTS of them, eat LOTS of them, and are selling LOTS of them. It's a beautiful venture, but it comes with its share of problems to solve. Many of you have already skipped right over this once you saw those gorgeous fruits, so I'll just let the eye-candy tell its own story..

Plenty More to Come Very Soon!

Not Bad For A Stay-At-Home-Dad!

I truly appreciate the support of my fellow Steemian-Green-thumbs & all that took the time to view!

This Steemit-Tomato-Farmer THANKS YOU for Your Support!

Please Also Check Out My New Exclusive-for-Steemit Series!

toโ€ข Growing Money In Your Yard Series

Growing Money In Your Yard Series - {Introduction & Synopsis}
Growing Money In Your Yard Series โ€ข {pt1} โ€ข Learn the Laws, Plan & Prepare

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Wow I'm jealous. All that food looks so healthy and delicious. Unfortunately, I live in a small condo in Brooklyn, NY with no backyard, so I am unable to grow my own fruits and vegetables. My girlfriend's parents are from Bethesda, MD, I may have to stop by the next time we go to visit. Thanks for the share. Followed!

ย 7 years agoย (edited)

Thanks for dropping by @pbgreenpoint

Are you in a south-facing condo by any chance? Is there any balcony space? Even a south facing window is all you need - I can get you growing..๐Ÿ˜†

I'm about an hour away from Bethesda. Beautiful area. I could load you up with a tomatoes if you time your visit right! You've gotta out-bid my reservation list though ๐Ÿค‘

Unfortunately, north facing condo with NO balcony. NYC real estate is so overrated. Your money goes nowhere. As for farmed goods, I used to belong to CSA, and it was slightly expensive, but the food was top notch. I have no qualms with paying for quality. I'll let you know the next time I venture to the MD region.

ย 7 years agoย (edited)

Well, it was worth a shot. ๐Ÿ˜Ž CSA's seem to be a growing trend and range wildly in cost from what I've seen. I'd like to be the one renting that space - NYC CSA seems like a lucrative venture.

Quality is worth paying for when it comes to what you eat. I'd rather grow something and take the chance that it might not be good, than buy the same food just to find out. At least I have compost if it isn't any good; my worms are picky eaters.

Feel free to message me here or Steem.chat (same handle) next trip south!

Great post, thanks for sharing! I gave you a vote. I hope you enjoy it.

ย 7 years agoย (edited)

๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ Most Appreciated @completelyanon


Wow, the tomatoes are really looking nice.

ย 7 years agoย (edited)

Thank you @yaanivapeji


ย 7 years agoย (edited)

MmmmHmmmm @liberty-minded

Don't drool on the keyboard ๐Ÿ˜Ž Haha. You'll never guess what's for dinner.. I'll give you 3 guesses & the first 2 don't count.

lol...I'm thinking something red with yellowish-orange streaks maybe?

Dammit. You. Are. GOOD! @liberty-minded ๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ…

Its a fantastic post and photos!!!

Thank You @itzikuna

Hope I did not make you hungry ๐Ÿ˜‹๐Ÿ… & I appreciate your time! Thanks again

Wowwww!!! Yes I certainly AM Hungry now after seeing this holy WOW!!!!! Yum yum yum!! You are a really wonderful Stay-At-Home Dad, just amazingsauce!!!

PS: I love your profile "Honey Do List Expert" HAHAHHAHAHAAA That's just awesome!!!!!

ย 7 years agoย (edited)

๐Ÿ˜† THANK YOU @lyndsaybowes! Happy Wife = Happy Life, right? ๐Ÿ˜‹

It is a tough job, but somebody's gotta do it! I do it for the same reason that you do - you choose to be a vital element in the growth and development of your children. That is something I wouldn't want to be left to a stranger. Not to mention in most areas daycare costs a full-time income - essentially working just to put your kids in daycare. No sense in that. We sacrifice now to get the reward in the long run. In a world that seems more and more like an un-parented society, I think we are doing the right thing.

It isn't easy! Funny, I was just commenting on your post: I Am SO Grateful To Be A Stay-At-Home Mom. Sure We May Be "Poor" Yet We Are Rich In So Many Other Ways... (also resteemed) because I think it is admirable how much effort you put into caring for your homestead and family. It's impressive!! And inspires me greatly!! Thanks again for your support and I wish you success in your endeavors. Best, Brandon

Yes, it's so sad that daycare costs almost a whole income. In Canada, if you don't make enough money, or if you are a single parent, the so-called 'government' will subsidize the daycare. But as soon as 2 incomes are added together there goes the subsidy. And yeah, then there goes the point really of 2 people working, yet so many still do. We're all just trying to get ahead the best we can, yet, I feel we are slipping further and further behind as a society.

It is the work that we put in and the values we share with our children that (hopefully) resonate throughout their lives. What we are doing now for our kids will affect the future generations to come. It's awesome & scary as hell at the same time. Letting the government and school systems raise children is no way to nurture life. Being present and active in our children's lives is our most precious time; it never rewinds. I'll stay poor for a while, but I get to enjoy the time I spend with my two little miracles! Even the toddler-tantrums and constantly growing to-do list isn't all that bad..hahaha ok sometimes it is rough! ๐Ÿ˜ฌ

Tomato/tamato... :P

Haha, I pronounce it "Muh-Knee' @kid4life


lolz okay $$$ :)

mmmMM tomatoes

Nice post man!

ย 7 years agoย (edited)

Haha thanks a lot @gavinthegreat

Take care of that plant of yours and show us the harvest pics! Those stuffed beefsteak tomatoes on your post looks like it needs to be my dinner tomorrow ๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ…

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