My Tiny Garden - Dendrobium Kingianum orchid in bloom.

in #gardening7 years ago (edited)

This is my tiny Dendrobium Kingianum var silcockii orchid. Why tiny? Well.. if you put the whole plant on you hand it would probably fit there. Not very big. But so darn gorgeous!

I got it last year as one plant. The previous owner said it never bloomed for her, so she wanted to sell it. It turned out to be two plants in one pot, yay! Now I keep the in separate pots, give them lots of light and make sure they have enough water in warm months and they just grow beautifully.
Check out those gorgeous little flowers.

dendrobium kingianum var silcockii 1.jpg

Pretty eh? And now imagine a strong honey fragrance...
Yep, they smell like honey.

dendrobium kingianum var silcockii 2.jpg

dendrobium kingianum var silcockii macr.jpg

dendrobium kingianum var silcockii 5.jpg

The flowers do not last too long. About 2-3 weeks, but next year, when the plant grows even bigger its gonna be even better! so worth it :)

All photos taken with Nikon D5500 and Sigma 105mm.

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Thank you :)

nice post!

Thank you :)

Little tiny wonders... :)

Oh yea :)
I need more window sills! ;)

:-) I know what you mean! :-) And me would too! :-)

Hahahaaa... and Suzi needs an assistant for guard duty too! ;)

That will be next :D

Awwww... can't wait! :D

Me too :) Maybe one day..

That is so beautiful and wow never seen an orchid so small that the plant would fit in ones hand how cool is that

Thanks JJ! It is very cool! And she is not the smallest out there. I have even smaller ones. And there really tiny tiny ones too :)

WOW really that is cool

It is :) That's why I like them :D

Beautiful photos of beautiful flowers! And I am so impressed that you got them to bloom.

Thank you! This one wasn't hard to bloom. There are more fussy ones... and of course I did kill some too ;)

Beautiful photo and flower!

The top photo got the extra of looking like a flying creature seen from the front with open mouth and great wings. You see it?

You are lucky that I did not get my hands on this photo, I could have ruined it to make a flying dragon out of it :)

Make a flying dragon Bragi! You have my permission :D

It kinda looks like one... but I know the plant and she is so cute and tiny and innocent, that I would never think of her as dragon.

Thank you :)

I say the same, I think I drop the dragon ide in respect for this beautiful flower :)

I will not tell her ;)

Hehehe! Bragi!

great Job, Ewa....i take it to my wall ;)

Thank you very much Chrissy :)

Oh! How lovely! Honey aroma, I just love it !!! And I also want this !!!!! And I will expect from you more and more photos! It's good that we found each other here. We can get pleasure from the photo of each of us!

It is absolutely lovely little plant :) I knew you will like it!
Now we will tease each other with plants hahaha :D

hahaha :-) this is for us to sleep "calmly"

Really like the glistening leaves. Very nice!

Thanks! They are like glitter decorations :)

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